Tuesday, December 17, 2019
Group Reflection - 839 Words
In the past few weeks, Cristina, Oscar and I worked together on our group presentation – Should HIV positive workers have to tell their employers of their status? Our task for this group assignment was to create a collaborative presentation on a controversial issue. In the process of creating the presentation, there were some problematic situations, which caused a moment of alarm. Also, there was a lack of leadership or guidance within the group, making it harder to have the work done. Last, I believe there were some aspects of the group collaboration that could have gone better. The presentation was not exemplary work, and I know that we could have done better. In the beginning of our research, we started to decide when and where was our†¦show more content†¦At night, I looked at the progress of the rest of the team, seeing only the title and the definition of HIV on the google slides. I started to worry but did not do much progress on the presentation until the next day due to exhaustion. Sunday morning, the same two slides were there, so I continued the presentation as to how I believed it should be done because there were slow responses from the rest of the team. Cristina answered saying that she had a bad signal, making it difficult for her to work on the project and that she will work on it when she gets back to Brownsville, so I understood her situation. We could say that lack of communication was also a problem when creating the presentation. It took me about three hours to complete 6-8 slides of the presentation leaving the rest for Oscar an d Cristina. In addition, the lack of leadership within the group was poor. I realize now that I should have taken initiative from the beginning, so everything could have run smoothly. During class, after we decided how the research was going to be conducted, we started to converse on how the presentation was going to be organized. Oscar suggested that we should inform the audience with information about HIV and present the argument and conclusion respectively. At first, we all agreed, but at the day of the actual creation of the presentation, I thought that the organization was too broad. I took the organization into my own hands and told the rest of the members how the rest ofShow MoreRelatedGroup Reflection : Group Process767 Words  | 4 PagesGroup Reflection Group My concept of what a group consist of is a story that needs to be told and heard from many people with similar issues or problems. The group is a tool to help each member to gain some insight on how they can change or make a difference in their lives for the future. I feel that a group is a place where new relationships can develop and to find self again. 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