Friday, May 31, 2019
Teens and Sex - Teenage Sex :: Argumentative Persuasive Topics
Teenage grammatical gender Sexually active teenagers, in America, are a significant problem we must look at. A principal that rings in the minds of teenagers everywhere is when to have stimulate. Our Catholic t distributivelyings, instruct us to wait until one is in a loving marriage to have sex. non only is the church preaching abstinence, but now public schools are also teaching students on the advantages of abstinence. prenuptial sex is a growing, and important issue. Premarital sex is usually the cause of sexually transmitted diseases, teen pregnancy, and deep, emotions of regret. Sexually transmitted diseases flourish in a society of premarital sex, where teens have many another(prenominal) sex partners. A direct result of this, is STDs becoming more abundant among the population. One reason for the plague of STDs is the misuse of contraceptives by teens. Many teens believe that condoms, or the pill prohibit the spread of herpes, AIDS, or other diseases, but in fact, they do not auction block the spread, and no where do the products state that they do stop the spread of STDs. Three million new cases of sexually transmitted diseases among teens are reported each year. Many teens that believe nothing is wrong in committing premarital sex have sexual congress with many different teens through the ages of 15 and 19, and increase the chance of spreading sexually transmitted diseases each time. With sexual intercourse on the rise with high school students, and its acceptance among the public, even more teens are having sex now, to the point that every eleven seconds a teen has sex for their first time. Seventy percent of these students say they were socially pressured into having sex. If society has the power to pressuring teens to have sex, society ought to use that power to educate teems about the dangers of premarital sex. Sex before marriage has also been one of the major causes of teen pregnancy. Teens often think that pr egnancy just cannot happen to them, yet teen pregnancy grows each year, and shows no stop. Carelessness is the significant factor in teen pregnancy, whether the carelessness is in contraceptive use, or choosing of a partner. Teens just use different forms of contraceptives and nascence control incorrectly.
Thursday, May 30, 2019
Death Of The Superstars :: essays research papers
Death of the Superstars Have you ever wondered what it would be like to listen to some of thegreatest medicine stars of our time. Im talking some the stars that never made itto full prominence. The list of players is alarmingly high and sad. Thepotential of these performers never met. It would be something to see what themusic of today would be like. I was course session a apply awhile back. Dont laugh, I read sometimes. It wasa book from Im sorry to say, Stephen King. All right Im not sorry. I like himAnyway, it was called something like, "They Have a Great Band There" It was astory of two young adults driving along a country road, the young man drivingwas seemingly lost but wouldnt admit it. Im told guys do that often. As theroad continued to narrow and the brush continued to close in on them. Theysuddenly piece a sign that had the name of a town that neither one of them heardof. They decided to go down and see if someon e could give them directions. They presently were out of theyre car and looking for someone to help them. They bothnoticed at the same time that the man behind the counter of the local public house thatthey were in looked a lot like John Lennon. They also noted the young ladysinging in the corner looked and sounded incredibly like Janice Joplin. The bookor should I say short story continued on as only King could, people dying ,strange conversations and just outlandishness in general. Now, I told that little story because I wanted to give you a littlebackground on why I chose this subject. What would have happened if Jimi Hendrixhad lived? His music lives on even today. When he was alive he only release 3studio albums and if you go into the stores you probably will find no less(prenominal) than10 different albums from him. Todays kids and people supposedly in the know,like to put music into different categories. Rap, Alternative, Rock, Jazz,Classical. Hendri x crossed all those. I not being obtuse wouldnt know for surebut, would his living have spawned to a greater extent black rock musicians. Say that happened.Would it be possible that in todays music. There might be more black peoplelistening to rock music and less whites. I say this cause if he did live on andbecame a role mold for young black musicians. There might be more interest inrock than there is currently.
Mass Extinction Essay -- K-T Extinction
ABSTRACTSeveral mass extinctions have occurred during the Earths history. The Cretaceous third Boundary (K-T) defunctness caused the loss of at to the lowest degree three-quarters of all species known at that time including the dinosaurs. The cause of this mass extinction is a controversial subject among scientists but the fossil evidence of its accompaniment is abundant.INTRODUCTIONThe K-T Extinction occurred 65 million years ago. Many species perished in that extinction. Today evidence for this extinction can be seen in the fossil record. Biological, botanical and geological evidence at the Cretaceous Tertiary Boundary show that some enormous event occurred that caused mass extinction of life on the Earth. dissension about the cause of the K-T extinction exists with two main theories currently being in favour. One theory is called Intrinsic Gradualism and believes the cause of the K-T Extinction was a unwind and gradual Earth generated event, caused by intense volcanic acti vity and the effect of plate tectonics. The second theory is known as Extrinsic Catastrophism and proposes that the K-T Extinction was caused by a sudden and violent catastrophic event such as the Earth being struck by a meteor or asteroid. The K-T Extinction supports the concept of Punctuated Equilibrium in evolution because surviving species evolved and others were exterminated. This creates the stepladder effect of evolution seen in the fossil record .THE K-T EXTINCTIONThe Cretaceous period occurred betwixt 144 and 65 million years ago. The K-T Extinction is an event that happened at the end of this period 65 million years ago. By the beginning of the Tertiary period eighty-five percent of all species disappeared, making it the second largest mass extinction event in geological history (The End-Cretaceous (K-T) Extinction, accessed 2000).Among the species that perished were the dinosaurs, pterosaurs, belemnoids, many species of plants, pull up ferns and seed-producing plants, a mmonoids, marine reptiles and rudist bivalves. Severely affected organisms included planktic foraminifera, calcareous nannnoplankton, diatoms, dinoflagellates, brachiopods, mollusca, echinoids and fish. Mammals, birds, turtles, crocodiles, lizards, snakes and amphibians fared much better and were mostly unaffected by the End-Cretaceous mass extinction (The End-cretaceous (K-T) Extinction, accessed 2000... ...pdated 1995, accessed 3 Sept. 2000), Dino hum What killed The Dinosaurs ? Current Arguments,http//, H. 1998 (updated 7 Sept 1999, accessed 30 June 2000), Stanford Presidential Lectures and Symposia in the Humanities and Arts, Stephen Jay Gould,http //, P.L. 1997a (updated 1997, accessed 3 Sept. 2000), Biological Evidence,http//, P.L. 1997b (updated 1997, accessed 3 Sept. 2000), The Marine Realm,http//, P.L. 1997c (updated 1997, accessed 3 Sept. 2000), The Terrestrial Realm,http//, P.L. 1997d (updated 1997, accessed 3 Sept. 2000), Geological Evidence,http// Causes of the End-Cretaceous Extinction (accessed 3 Sept. 2000),http// End-Cretaceous (K-T) Extinction (accessed 3 Sept. 2000),http//
Wednesday, May 29, 2019
Flannery O’Connor: The Southern Catholic Essay -- Authors
To many critics, Flannery OConnor was avery devout catholic, of the (thirteenth century, OConnor described herself), suggests Mark Bosco a Jesuit priest, professor of Theology and English studies at Loyola University Chicago (qtd in Bosco 41). Along with being a native Georgian, OConnor experienced life, albeit short lived, during an era of racial conflict. Although, she considered herself from some other century, she was acutely aware of her twentieth century southern world, and furthermore she expressed it through her short stories. As Robert Drake a writer and Prof. at the University of Texas explains she wrote of what she knew to be at her accept doorstep (Drake, Apocalyptic Perception 32), meaning that her strong religious values, southern roots and the societal issues of her times influences her writing. The looks of OConnors life that are prevalently revealed as influences, are her strong religious values, southern roots and societal issues which are portrayed, in Good Cou ntry People and Everything That Rises Must Converge, through her characters. One aspect of OConnors life that is revealed as an influence, in writing the characters, in both short stories, is her strong religious values. As Drake points out, she was catholic in the oldest and truest star of the word And was faithful to her Christian principles, which was evident in the redemption of the protagonists (Drake 32). For example in Good Country People, the point of redemption comes for Joy when she realizes that instead of her seducing Manly, as she had planned, he has made her suffer by stealing her wood leg, mocking her intelligence, then leaving her helpless in a barn. Joy thought herself to be intellectually superior to Manly,... ...isiana State University Press.1980. xxvii. fall guyDrake, Robert. Apocalyptic Perception. Flannery OConnor A Memorial. Ed. J.J. Quinn, S.J. Scranton University of Scranton Press, 1996. 29, 32-33. PrintHyman, Stanley. Flannery OConnor. Seven American Wom en Writers of the Twentieth Century An Introduction. Ed. Maureen Howard. Minneapolis University of Minnesota Press, 1977. 323. PrintMeyers, Sr. Bertrande. Ways of Interpretation. Flannery OConnor A Memorial.Ed. J.J. Quinn, S.J. Scranton University of Scranton Press, 1996. 19. Print Paulson, Suzanne. Racial Conflict. Flannery OConnor A Study of the Short Story Fiction. North Dakota Minot State University. 1988. 69. PrintShackelford, D. Dean. Flannery OConnor. Critical Survey of Short Fiction, Second Revised Edition (2001) 1-7. Literary Reference Center. Web. 28 Apr. 2012.
The Physics of Efficient Running Essay -- physics run running
Running is a natural form of human locomotion. To many, rivulet is an essential aspect of most sports and is also a simple way that requires little to get exercise anywhere. But because many people have adapted to improper forms of running over time, numerous strong-arm injuries are the results. With the help of understanding the physics behind running, people can learn to run in such a way that expends less capacity from the body. Keeping physics in mind may also lead to less injuries and effortless running. Remember, physics can be very helpful when runningExternal Forces When RunningAccording to mechanical physics, a force is an effect that may cause a body to accelerate. Also as stated in Isaac Newtons second law of motion, force is a vector quantity (has magnitude and direction) that is proportional to the product of the mass of a body and its acceleration. F = ma where F is force m is the mass of the body and a is the acceleration due to that particular forceWhen runni ng, there are four fundamental external forces that definitely affect the kinetics of running drag force, gravity, normal force, and friction. Drag ForceDue to the interaction with air on Earth, runners experience a resistive force against the airflow. This is called the drag force, or air resistance. The equation for this drag force is given as Drag Force = 1/2pvvADwhere p is the closeness of the fluid (in runners case air) v is the velocity of the runner A is the cross-sectional area perpendicular to the runners velocity and D is the dimensionless quantity called the drag coefficient.The drag force is always working against the forward motion of a runner, trying to move them in the negative horizon... -Second, hip gyration also helps the runner to have a more natural and smoother run and again reduces the energy required to move the runners bone marrow of mass. -Finally, the pelvic rotation decreases the impact at contact with the running path felt by the runner. BibliographyDreyer, Danny and Katherine Dreyer. ChiRunning A Revolutionary Approach to Effortless, Injury-Free Running. Simon & Schuster. New York, NY. 2004Dumont, Aaron and Chris Waltham. Walking. Physics Teacher. Sept. 1997. Vol. 35 Issue 6, p. 372.Inman, Verne T., Henry J. Ralston, and Frank Todd. Human Walking. Williams & Wilkins. Baltimore, MD. 1981Watkins, James. An Introduction to Mechanics of Human Movement. MTP Press Limited. Lancaster, England. 1983. Zatsiorsky, Vladimir M. Kinetics of Human Motion. Sheridan Books. Champaign, IL. 2002.
Monday, May 27, 2019
Inequality in Legal System Essays -- essays research papers
Inequality PaperInequality in the Legal SystemIn the United States, true equality has never existed. From the Declaration of Independence to redbrick times, the US legal system has failed at any attempt at equality. ...all hands are created equal... may be what the Declaration says, but some men are more equal than others is how the legal system really interprets that phrase. The twistual reality of the Declaration of Independence is that all free, white, landowning men are created equal. Therefore, inequality has endlessly existed in the united States legal system and continues to exist today however, the inequality presently in the system is not as blatant as what it formerly was. Slavery continued in the United States for nearly ninety years after the Declaration, and African Americans still feel the sting of inequality today. One of the just about controversial issues today is the act of racial profiling. The about common form is direct, meaning victims are directly profi led, usually by the law. In this form, individual officers act on racial stereotypes against racial minorities, especially African Americans. Recent studies in New Jersey and Illinois have confirmed that minorities are disproportionately tar engendered by police officers, although minorities are almost helpless in reporting color of law attacks. It is their word against a legal official and, in most cases, the minority victim does not put on justification because the officers are cleared of charges. Out of nearly 10,000 color of law complaints received each year by the Department of Justice, notwithstanding about thirty police officers are actually prosecuted. According to a June 1999 study done by the American Civil Liberties Union, many states have denied that racial profiling occurs despite overwhelming evidence supporting it. The public wants to believe that police officers are doing their jobs righteously by protecting and serving however, according to the study, most Americ ans can recognize the difference between racism and assertive, effective policing.Millions of Americans watch television everyday for various reasons, but the most common one is to get the latest news. People like to stay informed, but what good is it when they are constantly being misinformed? The media tend to profile just as much... ...rican Americans made up 43 percent of the death row inmates, which was more than three times the 13 percent share of the US population. This is mainly because African Americans rarely receive strong legal representation. They either cant afford good attorneys or attorneys who have experience in that area are so saddle that defendants must rely on public defenders or other attorneys with little or no expertise in covering a capital defense. around African Americans are on death row for the accusation of killing a Caucasian person, which makes the public wonder if there is a premium on Caucasian life. The United States legal system has never been truly equal because it was founded on inequality and has always depended on inequality. The system could easily be changed to crush out those inequalities, such as racial profiling, but that will not likely happen. So long as there is a majority dependent on the disparities of a minority, the system will maintain its current sanctity. In doing so, the system will remain dependent on inequality and provide means for rising inequalities. The US legal system will always adapt to allow for inequalities.
Sunday, May 26, 2019
Compare and Contrast Two Short Stories From Different Time Periods Essay
But from the same genreIn this essay I get out compare the pre 20th Century schoolbook The baleful Cat (1843) by Edgar Allen Poe and the post 20th Century text Hells casing (1984) by Clive Barker both of which are aversion stories.Edgar Allen Poe was born in Boston, USA in 1809. He had a brother, Henry, and a sister, Rosaline. In December of 1812 the children were orphaned and the family was split up. Henry stayed in Balti more than than with his grandparents. Edgar and Rosaline Poe were taken in by wealthy Richmond families, Rosaline by the Mackenzies and Edgar by the Allans. In 1827 prior to enlisting in the army Edgar wrote his first two poems known as To Margaret and To Octavia. By 1833 Edgar had begun to write stories and in 1835 he married his cousin, Virginia but she died 12 years later. On 7 October 1849 at about 4.30pm Poe died. The actual cause of death at the relatively young age of 40 has never been confirmed. Poe was buried in his grandfathers lot in the Westminst er burying ground.Throughout his life Poe had been victimise and taken advantage of and I think this may rich somebody influenced well-nigh of his texts.Clive Barker was born near Penny Lane, Liverpool in 1952. After attending third-year school in that city, He entered Liverpool University to study English literature and philosophy. At the age of 21 he moved to London. There, he formed a subject field company to perform plays that he had scripted, and worked in that medium throughout his twenties as a writer, a director and an actor.About himself, Clive writes My enthusiasm as an artisan is rooted non in any particular medium, but in the act of imaging. My books, films, drawings and plays, thought they may seem to be very disparate in content, are still mapping out different parts of the same landscape that is to say, the world between my ears, I am motivated to write or paint by the images and scenes which arise from my subconscious, without invitation, which seems on closer inspection to dramatize elements of my deeper self.Un standardised Poe, Barker didnt have an unhappy childhood and had a substantially university edu spition and as he says above he uses thoughts form his subconscious to influence his experience rather than as perhaps in Poes case, perhaps real(a) life events.Hells event is about a execute between Heaven and Hell to see which will be in power for the next carbon years, the challengers for Heaven dont know about the importance of the campaign, they think it is just another race. There are four contenders for Heaven, Nick Loyer, Joel Jones, Frank McCloud and Lester Kinder hu creation. The contender for Hell is Malcolm Voight although he is actually threesome hatful, he is one of three familiars from hell, the idea being that they all run a one third of the race, burgess is the familiars master and he appears quite a lot in the romance as does hell itself. Joel Jones is one of the main characters in the story, as is Cameron, his coach. Joel is killed towards the end of the race and it looks like Voight is going to win. But just before the line he is taken over by Kinderman.The Black Cat is about a man who employ to be an animal lover and had a large variety of pets including birds, goldfish, a dog, rabbits, a small monkey and a drift called infernal region. Over the years the man grew moody and irritable and swore and hit his wife, he neglected and ill-used his pets all except underworld. But as the man got steadily worse he go baded mistreating Pluto. Eventually the man hung Pluto from a tree and on that night his house burned down. The man survived and the morning after the fire came back to the ruin house to find an image of a gigantic cat with a rope round its neck imprinted on the wall. One night the man was sit down drunk in a pub and he saw sat on a hogshead of gin a cat that looked just like Pluto apart from a splotch of white covering part of its body. The man found that the creature had no owner and so took it home. The man soon started hating the cat as he had done with Pluto. Eventually the man kills his wife whilst trying to kill the cat and is caught by the police.In my opinion in that respect are three main protagonists in Hells Event. Joel Jones is one of these three, Joel is a sympathetic character, and we are shown that he is a sympathetic or wide-cut character from the beginning of the story, at the start of the race Joel is panicked because he has had bad dreams this immediately tells the indorser that Joel is a sympathetic character. If Joel had been an unsympathetic character he would probably not be scared by a bad dream Joel is superstitious as he has a good luck charm, which also shows the endorser that he is a good character. Later in the story Voight calls Joel a black bastard, which increases the proofreaders liking of Joel and has the opposite effect on the character Voight. The Author makes us like Joel by making us feel sympathetic toward s him in this way.Another of the three characters is Cameron, Cameron is another Good character, he is Joels coach. It is not obvious from the first varlet that Cameron is a good character, on this page Cameron is cursing because he backsidet get a signal on his radio, and so the reader is not sure whether Cameron is a nice character until the second page where he is comforting Joel but comforting him in his own sort out of non-sympathetic way for shell Cameron says They love you, God knows why they love you.The third main character in Hells Event is bourgeois, even before you know his name you know that Burgess is an at least a nasty if not evil character, the first thing he says in response to Cameron saying, What the hell is going on is exactly that Mr Cameron hell is going on. This is quite a witty yet nasty thing to say, also Burgess is wearing a goat discase coat which still has the hooves and horns hanging from it, this emphasizes the fact that Burgess is a bad and un- sympathetic character, a good character would be very unlikely to wear this sort of coat.Clive Barker has tried to make burgess more horrifying by describing the coat in detail, he says He wore a coat apparently do of several goat-skins. The hooves and the horns still hung from it. The blood on its fur was brown and gummy. On page forty-five about halfway through the story Burgess admits that he works for hell. The very fact that he works for hell will tell the reader that he is an evil character. Although Burgess is an evil character some of the things Barker writes, which Burgess says are quite witty and funny.In The black cat there are also three main protagonists The two cats and the man who tells the story, which is told in first person whereas Hells Event is write in third person. You never actually learn of the mans name, so for the conception of this essay I will refer to him simply as The man. Also you never learn of the second cats name and so I will refer to him as The cat.The man who tells the story is a good character at the beginning, but as the story goes on he gets more ill tempered and furious until at the end of the story he is a violent character. The story starts after it has ended, with the man who must be in prison, writing about what has happened to him. It makes the reader feel sorry for him, he tells us that he is going to die tomorrow which makes us feel sorry for him. He also writes, My immediate purpose is to place before the world, plainly, succinctly, and without comment, a series of mere household events. In their consequences, these events have terrified have tortured have destroyed me.Poe makes the words have more empathy by using repetition e.g., have terrified have tortured have destroyed me, the words getting more disastrous all time. Then the story properly starts, with the man describing how he grew up loving animals and being tender of heart, he describes how he had lots of animals, which he loved this turns the reader to thinking that the man is kind and wondering why he was about to be killed at the start of the story, which makes you want to read on. As the story goes on the man starts to get violent towards his pets and eventually kills them all, including Pluto his character gets more violent and Poe shows this by describing how the man feels at that point for instance he says The ferocity of a demon instantly possessed me. I knew myself no longer. My soul seemed, at once, to take its flight from my body.There isnt much that I can write about the cats as they dont actually say anything, but Poe makes us feel sorry for them, and in turn makes us nauseate the man more by describing in graphic detail how they are mistreated. For instance he writes I took from my waistcoat pocket a pen-knife, opened it, grasped the low beast by the throat, and deliberately cut one of its eyes from the socket. Barker also uses this technique in hells event as I have written above.The first paragraph of H ells Event is written in the past tense, you can tell by the way dates are mentioned that this is so. E.g. Hell came up to the streets and squares of London that September, quick-frozen from the depths of the ninth circle, it says that September which means, the September that has been. After that paragraph though the story goes into the present tense, as if the events were happening now, for example mike who is one of the race commentators says And what a day it is. As if it is happening instantly. The storyteller is an omniscient narrator, for instance he knows that Joel feels sick in the pit of his stomach and that Cameron smelt a realize when he saw Voights double. Using an omniscient narrator has advantages because it enables the writer to explain how a character is feeling.In The Black Cat the tenses are written in the opposite way to hells event, the first paragraph is written in the present tense where the man is probably in jail and is writing the story of how he ended u p in his present situation. You can tell because of how the first paragraph is written, for example, But tomorrow I die and today I would unburden my soul, by reading this a reader can work out that he is writing in the present. After this paragraph he starts reading the story he has written, which is in the past tense, and uses words like was and were which are in the past tense. These are used in sentences like Pluto this was the cats name and my pets of course were made to feel the change in my disposition. Because the man writes his story in first person he can tell the reader his thoughts, you could say he is an omniscient narrator, but then again he does not know the thoughts of the cats.There are quite a few differences in The Black Cat and Hells event in terms of technology and change over the years, these includeHogsheads of gin, which are no longer usedServants, the only people who still have servants now are the extremely wealthy and royalty.Gallows, These used to be use d for putting people to death.Radios, Not invented in the 1800sCars, Cars were not around in the early 1800s.There have been lots of changes in spelling and punctuation since The Black cat was written, for example the line I even offered her private violence, which the man uses to express how he treats his wife would not be used today, today a more direct approach would be used for instance you might use I even hit her which is a lot more to the point.Some words have completely new meaning, forthwith a word like dress which is a garment usually worn by a woman, but in the 1800s it meant the clothes that a person was wearing. The choice of words, which authors use, has change since the 1800s. For example in the 1800s Poe used I suffered myself to use intemperate language to my wife. Which means the man swore at his wife, but in Hells Event barker just simply uses the actual words, which express his characters feelings more, for example, Shit, said Cameron as he was plunged into da rkness.Shorter words are now used instead of longer more difficult ones like intoxicated which means drunk and felons cell, which means prison.There is no open speech in The Black Cat instead there is reported speech. In this story there are lots of things that would not be written today, e.g. Pluto this was the cats name was my favourite pet. Would be written today as Pluto (this was the cats name) was my favourite pet.I preferred hells event to The Black Cat because there was a bit more detail which made it more horrific, like the part where Joel is killed, Joel felt the last of his strength falter his arm could keep the mouth at bay no longer. Despairing, he felt the teeth at his brow and at his chin, felt them pierce his flesh and his bone, felt, finally, the white night evade him, as the mouth bit off his face. Also The Black Cat is harder to read because a lot of words in it are no longer used. Both storys were good and I like the horror genre in general anyway so I enjoyed reading the storys.
Saturday, May 25, 2019
The American Involvement in the Cold War
The role of the States at the end of domain of a function War II was where the origins of policing the human originate. America had been engaged in a very costly war in terms of dollars as well as lives. But, despite the depreciate the United States came out of World War II better than any other nation that was involved. The Second World War was a battle ming lead with the Allied and axis of rotation Powers. The Allied Powers consisted of the United States, Great Britain, the Soviet Union, China, and France. This war was seen as the fight against Nazi Germany, and therefore resulted in a majority of the battles fought on German and Russian soil.The aftermath left the Soviet Union in bad shape. Close to twenty million Russians had died fighting the war, which accounted for about eight share of their population. Conversely, none of the fighting was done on American soil, and while the United States suffered in terms of casualties it was nothing compared to the loss Russia had endu red. Because the war would not end until the Axis Powers fully surrendered to the Allied Powers, the United States was forced to use the first atomic warfare in history. The atom bomb would later serve as Americas sterling(prenominal) possession.Stalin, the Premier of the Soviet Union had always distrusted the American and English intentions. Because of Stalins aggression and attitude pertaining to Soviet influence on Europe, the postwar stance on Russia had turned into a standoff. This became the origin of the Cold War. The Cold War, seen as a battle between communism and capitalism, was in reality a more complex essay all over a broad range of ideological, economic, and strategic issues. Over the next several years the United States would spend more money on military machine and defense than ever before.Several measures were taken to ensure that the same mistakes at the end of World War I would not be repeated. The first in a series of measures was a postwar conference invol ving President Truman and the Soviet Foreign Minister, V. M. Molokov, where Truman controlled the entire meeting and basically scolded the Soviets for not honoring agreements on Poland. Truman told the Russians respectable where the got off and superior generally bossed the whole meeting. This symbolized Americas strong-arm stance against communism and signified the position we would hold throughout the Cold War.The next step in Trumans order of business was to work with Congress to pass the National protective cover Act of 1947, which was designed to strengthen defense operations. This act created a single Department of Defense, and created the Central countersign Agency, or CIA. These two new agencies acted as the first step in atomic warfare management. Continuing to act as police of the world and attracter of capitalism, Truman drafted the Marshall Plan. The Marshall Plan, which complemented the Truman Doctrine, was a program of large scale economic and military aid to Eu rope.Considered by some, this was the most innovative piece of foreign policy in American History. Where over the next four years the United States contributed over $12 billion to a highly successful recovery effort. The Soviet Union stilled commanded a blockade on highway, rail, and river traffic to West Berlin. As a result, the United States responded by entering into a peacetime military alliance this be the first time since the American Revolution.The North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) a project costing $1. billion, enabled the basing of all four United States Army divisions into westerly Europe. Twelve nations agreed to sign this pact that stated an armed attack against one or more of them in Europe or North America shall be considered an attack against them all. Consequently, a few months later, Stalin lifted the blockade which had made the city a symbol of resistance to communism. Between the creation of NATO, the National Security Act and CIA, and the Marshall P lan, America was dictating their position with Russia and communism.These measures made it possible for Americans to become more comfortable with the Cold War. While all of these governmental policies were being institutionalize into action, Americans were settling back into the ideology of family and free enterprise. The post-war period became one of the most exciting in American history. With the rising economy and feeling of consumerism, Americans were rebounding from their efforts in World War II. Capitalism was on the rise and the Apple Pie portrait of middle class suburban families was shaping the realm.America was now the wealthiest country in the world and Americans had accumulated savings of $140 billion in 1945. Over the next two decades the gross interior(a) product more than tripled, signifying prosperity. Between 1945 and 1960, the gross national product would grow from $213 billion to more than $500 billion, while real income would rise 25 part. Included in these f igures was the percent of American families owning homes, which grew from 43 percent to over 60 percent in this same time period this created the suburban explosion.This suburban lifestyle was intended to symbolize the superiority of capitalism over communism and imply that the American way of life would win the Cold War. Americans were again beginning to see the capitalist society they fought for, and the confidence level of the country continued to rise throughout the 1960s. The people cannot create a great nation themselves great leaders must direct them. Besides the three Presidents who led America throughout the end of World War II and through the Cold War, there were many influential voices that helped to shape the views of the public.Among these influential people was a man named George F. Kennan. He was a member of the United States embassy to the Soviet Union and author of the long telegram which was sent to the heads of state in Washington D. C. In his telegram, Kennan de scribed the Soviets as insecure, inferior, and less advanced than Americans. As Russia came into contact with the economically advanced West, fear of more competent, more powerful, more highly organized societies, was the general message Kennan was trying to get across.Because he saw the country from the inside Kennan also believed the United Sates should pursue a policy of firm containment at each point where the Soviets show signs of encroaching upon the interest of a peaceful and stable world. This opinion and idea of the relationship between the United States and Russia should have been widely current by Americans. They backed this idea of aggressive behavior, rather than a passive approach to the Cold War.Conversely, postwar liberal such as Henry Wallace, a Progressive Party leader, continued to seek cooperation with the Soviet Union and defended the participation of Communists in their organizations. These ideals were quickly silenced. The American majority, being extreme ly anti-communist, felt relations with the Soviet Union should be harsh and firm. This period introduced American dominance in foreign policy. The ideals of personal freedom and opportunity were the driving forces behind Western doctrine throughout the Cold War. Not only were these principles showcased, they were set as the benchmark of equality for the human race.
Friday, May 24, 2019
The Black Walnut Tree
Dana Doherty The Black Walnut written by Mary Oliver, concerns the narrators and her mothers struggle to decide whether they will have a guide on their holding cut down. If they decide to have the black walnut tree removed and sell it for lumber, they will be able to pay off their homes mortgage however, if they stick around faithful to the tree and their heritage, they risk the tree collapsing onto their home resulting in its destruction.The start of the poem introduces the disputation outright. However, as the speaker of the piece, or the author herself, makes her case it seems alternatively one sided, all arguments are in favor of cutting down the tree. The tone is literal, all making denotation to the physical damages that could be caused if the tree remains. The author uses diction to convey this tone using delivery such as likely and navys which add not only a casual and conversational element to the piece, but also one Of doubt.The poem shifts as the speaker describes b ut something brighter than money moves in our blood- an edge sharp and quick as a trowel. Here is where Oliver begins to employ figurative language as this something is making reference to the symbolic meaning behind the tree. As the poem mutinous the narrator makes reference to dreams of her father and her and of her mothers willingness to crawl with shame in their fathers backyard. Harvesting from the tree, as suggested by the piece, is a way of connecting with the agricultural ways of their forefathers. The tree is their connection to the past and the debate is not so much over the mere life of a tree, but between living comfortably and sticking to their roots. The end of the poem speaks about(predicate) the tree as it continues to remain in the yard. The author describes the way her mother and her would crawl in shame at the emptiness wed made. if they were to sell the tree.As the poem comes to a close the author writes so the black walnut tree swings through another year of sun and leaping winds, of leaves and bounding fruit. This passing of time is representative of the joys and sorrows, the emanation and falls of a life. They live with the presence of the tree, a life where they live in a way that remains close to their roots and their family. However, the closing words of the piece make references to the tree and the way it continues to endure the cracking whip of the mortgage suggesting that the struggle continues on.
Thursday, May 23, 2019
Introduction of American Essay
This paper is dedicated to the history of the Statesn Revolution and the War for Independence. The primary purpose of the survey effrontery here is to carry place an analysis of the events of the late 18th hundred in the British colonies in wedlock America on the basis of gigantic historical material published in the United States.The process that took place before and during the 1776-1783 period when 13 British colonies aspiration for independence broke out into the so-called War for Independence is very remarkable for its many unique features, on the one hand, and for many historical parallels that took place a century later when the world-wide spreaded colonial system began to collapse. John Adams, second President of the United States, declared that the history of the American Revolution began as faraway back as 1620. The Revolution, he said, was effected before the war commenced.The Revolution was in the minds and hearts of the people. The principles and passions that led the Americans to rebel ought, he added, to be traced back for two hundred eld and sought in the history of the terra firma from the first plantation in America. As a practical matter, however, the overt parting of the ways among England and America began in 1763, more than a century and a half after the first permanent settlement had been founded at Jamestown, Virginia. The colonies had grown vastly in stinting strength and cultural attainment, and virtually all had long years of self-government behind them.Their combined population now exceeded 1,500,000-a six-fold increase since 1700. The implications of the physical growth of the colonies were far corkinger than mere numerical increase would indicate. The 18th century brought a steady expansion from the influx of immigrants from Europe, and since the best land near the seacoast had already been occupied, new settlers had to push inland beyond the fall line of the rivers. Traders explored the back country, brought back tales of rich valleys, and induced farmers to take their families into the wilderness.Although their hardships were enormous, restless settlers kept coming, and by the 1730s frontiersmen had already begun to pour into the Shenandoah Valley. Down to 1763, Great Britain had formulated no consistent policy for her colonial possessions. The guiding principle was the confirmed mercantilist view that colonies should supply the mother country with raw materials and not compete in manufacturing. But policy was poorly enforced, and the colonies had never thought of themselves as subservient.Rather, they considered themselves chiefly as commonwealths or states, much care England herself, having only a loose association with authorities in London. At infrequent intervals, sentiment in England was aroused and efforts were made by Parliament or the Crown to subordinate the economic activities and governments of the colonies to Englands will and interest efforts to which the majority of the colonists were opposed. The remoteness afforded by a vast ocean allayed fears of reprisal the colonies might otherwise fool had. Added to this remoteness was the character of life itself in early America.From countries limited in space and dotted with populous towns, the settlers had come to a land of seemingly complete(a) reach. On such a continent natural conditions stressed the importance of the individual. 1. Frontier situation The colonists-inheritors of the traditions of the Englishmans long struggle for political liberty-incorporated concepts of freedom into Virginias first charter. This provided that English colonists were to exercise all liberties, franchises, and immunities as if they had been abiding and born within this our Realm of England.They were, then, to enjoy the benefits of the Magna Charta and the common legality. In the early days, the colonies were able to take into custody fast to their heritage of rights because of the Kings arbitrary assumption that they were no t subject to parliamentary control. In addition, for years afterward, the kings of England were too preoccupied with a great struggle in England itself a struggle which culminated in the Puritan Revolution to enforce their will. Before Parliament could bring its attention to the task of molding the American colonies to an imperial policy, they had grown strong and prosperous in their own right.From the first year after they had set foot upon the new continent, the colonists had functioned according to the English law and constitution with legislative assemblies, a representative system of government, and a recognition of the common-law guarantees of personal liberty. But increasingly legislation became American in promontory of view, and less and less attention was paid to English practices and precedents. Nevertheless, colonial freedom from effective English control was not achieved without conflict, and colonial history abounds in struggles between the assemblies elected by th e people and the governors appointed by the King.Still, the colonists were often able to render the royal governors powerless, for, as a rule, governors had no subsistence but from the Assembly. Governors were sometimes instructed to give profitable offices and land grants to influential colonists to secure their support for royal projects but, as often as not, the colonial officials, once they had secured these emoluments, espoused the popular cause as strongly as ever. The recurring clashes between governor and assembly worked increasingly to awaken the colonists to the divergence between American and English interests.Gradually, the assemblies took over the functions of the governors and their councils, which were made up of colonists selected for their docile support of royal power, and the center of colonial administration shifted from London to the provincial capitals. Early in the 1770s, following the final expulsion of the French from the North American continent, an attempt was made to bring about a drastic change in the relationship between the colonies and the mother country.
Wednesday, May 22, 2019
My Oedipus Complex by Frank O’Connor
My Oedipus Complex by Frank OConnor My Oedipus Complex is a story about a green boy of 5, Larry, who grows up in his own safe world with just himself and his mother. He is attached to his mother and wants her to belong only to him and considers his find a adjoin ? for her attention. However, when his father returns from WWI, a man whom Larry hardly knows, it is a constant battle between the two for the mothers admire and attention.Larry is jealous of losing his mothers undivided attention, and finds himself in a constant struggle to win back her affections. There are tree main characters in the story Larry, his mother and father. Larry is a creative and visionary boy. He gives his legs names Mrs. Right and Mrs. Left and invent dramatic situations for them in which they discussed the problems of the day. They discuss what mother and he should do during the day and what presents Santa Claus should give a first mate for Christmas.He is full of joy, feeling rather like the sun, re ady to illuminate and rejoice. He is a kind-hearted boy, thinking about his mo. The novel My Oedipus Complex pen by the famous Irish short storywriter Frank OConner, in my opinion, is more a spiritual exploration of the problems of youth and growing-up than just a childlike story told by a little kid. The dramatic experience of Larry (both the narrator and the protagonist of the novel) seems to be the representation of part of our childhood stories.So let me open a brief analysis of the theme of the passage by looking into Larrys character and what Larry went through in his heart in this story. While his father was fighting in the WW1 and rarely went back home, Larry was enjoying himself and relishing all of his mothers attention and care, just as what he said in the one-third paragraphthe war was the most peaceful period of my life.However, things started to turn bad when his father came back and stayed at home his mums love for him was shared by a stranger, he was told to sh ut up when the stranger was either talking or sleeping, and perhaps worst of all, he give up the right of climbing into the big bed and sharing his schemes with his mum every morning. These changes so upset and saddened him that, eventually, the boy became rebellious and declare an open and avowed war against his father, in which the two just contended for the mothers attentions and care.As we know, to Larrys disappointment, however hard he tried or whatever he did, he proved to be always on the disadvantaged side in the war. Then the author depicted an interesting dialogue between Larry and his mother, which whitethorn be construed as a reflection of the title My Oedipus Complex, but, according to me, it also perfectly reveals a change and maturation of Larrys inner heart, for to be a husband means loads of responsibilities. What brought about the next big change in this family as well as the climax of the story was the origin of little sonny.
Tuesday, May 21, 2019
Chemical Reactions Are Basis of Our Life Essay
Chemical reactions atomic number 18 the basis of animateness on earth. As human beings, we are little more(prenominal) than the naturally abundant elements of which we are composed and the reactions between the compounds that they form. After all, how could life exist without wet? Oxygen transport in a body the size of the human body would be impossible without the aid of a complex like hemoglobin. Besides being the basis of many of lifes intangibles, chemistry also plays an active role in our daily lives. Take for instance eeryday household cleaning.If youre like me, you like to wipe out off of clean dishes, prepare food on a clean surface, and use clean restroom facilities. Taking the cleaning of any of these areas into your own pass on requires a little chemical get alongledge. Have you ever scrubbed away at some grease or oil that further wont come out? Thats because we are used to most of the gunk that we clean up being a polar substance. Water is also a polar substanc e, and since like dissolves like, most polar substances dissolve easily in body of water.However, when we introduce water to big greasy hydrocarbon chains (usually called alkanes, or fats and oils as we know them), the water just slides right over them and our plate stays greasy. This is because fats, oils, and waxes are nonpolar substances. If instead of using water we used less polar mineral spirits (not recommended on food prep items), those greasy alkanes would be dissolved in no duration. Solubility concerns are clearly at the forefront of chemistry in the home. For two substances to be soluble in one another, they must be composed of similar materials, as we saw in the case with water and other polar substances.The interaction between water and nonpolar substances in science is termed the hydrophobic effect, meaning literally water fearing. On a cellular level, there are many consequences of this effect, but the same is true in the macroscopic world. For instance, the greas y feeling your skin gets when it hasnt been cleaned in some time is due to sebum, a hydrophobic substance your body secretes as a protecting layer. Interestingly, many people wash this layer off in the lavish only to replace it with skin moistening lotions containing lanolin, which is nothing more than sheep sebum.Another solubility problem occurs when Coke is spilled on the floor, creating a inapt mess that doesnt seem to clean up with any normal household cleaning agents. This is because one of the main ingredients in any soda is phosphoric acid, which is a sticky mess in and of itself, not to mention the sugars and other sticky components found in most sodas. Luckily, phosphoric acid dissolves easily in water, making water (and lots of it) typically the best way to clean up this sort of spill. Acid/base chemistry also finds its way into our everyday lives.For instance, have you ever touched your car battery only to find that seconds later, you are feeling a tingling or burning sensation? This is because the battery acid is acting a dehydration reaction on your skin. That is, water is being pulled from your tissue in a chemical reaction. Luckily, armed with your knowledge of acid/base chemistry, you right away sprinkle some baking soda on the offending acid, neutralizing its harmful effects. Or perhaps youve eaten some particularly spicy food or just have a little acid reflux.Its milk to the rescue in these cases. The slightly basic milk will neutralize the slightly blistering foods in no time. So before you shove those chemistry books into the attic to gather dust, before you decide that theres just no coating to a science so complex, think again. Chemistry permeates all of our daily lives whether we think about it every day or not. There is much more to chemistry than the biological reactions occurring inside of us. Chemistry is all around us.
Monday, May 20, 2019
Gulf War between Iraq and Kuwait Essay
This paper that in intensively researched, will examine on the reasons that light-emitting diode the disjuncture war between Iraq and capital of Kuwait, ibn Talal ibn Talal ibn Talal ibn Talal ibn Talal Hussein Hussein war invasion to Kuwait, Relations between Kuwait and Iraq, causes and effects of the war, the characteristics of ibn Talal Hussein Hussein, and the reason why he need bills. According to the western sources especially from the USA, Saddam Hussein, a complex political leader, is portrayed as the axis of Evil in the Middle East. . He practiced cruel methods of leadership skills, his motivations, perceptions and decision making on behalf of the Iraqs and his country neighbors for example the Kuwaitis.He has been pursing the development of weapons of mass destruction, despite the UN sanctions and terrorizing his associates especially in Kuwait. This in institution was gathe reddish through the following sources. info about The Gulf Syndrome www. geocities. com Retrieved on 6th April 2009 Information about The profile of Saddam Hussein www. mideast impertinentlys. co. Retrieved on 6th April 2009, Majid K. War in the Gulf 1990-1991, Information on Persian Gulf War www. encarta. Retrieved on 6th April 2009, Jerrold M. (2002), Saddam Hussein of Iraq Apolitical Psychology profile and Information on The characteristics of Saddam Hussein www. qrmapps. com Retrieved on 6th April 2009 The historical background of Iraq and Kuwait Iraq was created under the British rule in 1932. The formation of this state under single administration resulted to third pole power in that region hint to unstable combination of people with collective influences that might lopsided its neighbors to the south.State of Kuwait northernmost emirate of Arabian isthmus dates its history as a take apart geopolitical body back to the intromission of Kuwait City in 1710. It became independent from British. Following the 1973 oil crisis, the soaring oil prices brought with it ex traordinary wealth to this small country. Relations between Kuwait and Iraq As Kuwait was declared a sovereign state, Iraq delicate objections to its admission to the Arab league but instead declared it an Iraq territory. In 1963 Iraq dropped the objectives and in 1980 they enjoyed close ties during war against Iran as Kuwait supported Iraq.Causes of the war The border between these two counties has been in question. Nominally, Kuwait was part of the poove Empire from the 18th century. In 1899, it asked for and received British protection in return for autonomy in its local affairs. It was granted independence in 1961 and this lead to Iraq claiming that Kuwait had been governed as part of the Ottoman nation in southern Iraq and was rightfully Iraqs. It only recognized Kuwait in 1963. But since then, there gain been occasional clashes between the two nations.The Iraq troops invaded Kuwait in August 2nd 1990 taking the emirates by one day headed by the strongest leader in this regi on, Saddam Hussein. The 150,000 of his troops from Iraq overwhelmed the 20,000 Irans troop staking carry of the capital city of Kuwait and then control conduct the whole country. Effects of war It had a vast continue to the oil industry and affects the future of the civilians in Iraq. This has reduced it from affluence to a third world status. This led to a large number of the US and British forces stationed in Kuwait and other gulf states as well as Turkey.There is an increasing rate of a multinational task force of warships patrols the red sea and the Persian Gulf which tries to prevent the illegal export of oil from Iraq. The war led to many a nonher(prenominal) environsal hazards such as the destruction of marshes, burning of hundreds of oil wells, hence polluting the global environment. Characteristics of Saddam Hussein He is a dictator who power saw Iraq as a great country and as an computer address to himself. He saw himself as the successor of Nebuchadnezzar. He once s aid that Our nation has a message, he once proclaimed. That is why it can never be an average nation.Throughout history our nation has every soared to the heights or fallen into the abyss through the envy, conspiracy and enmity of others. He is self-centered. He saw the Iraq treasury centered to himself. During the Gulf war, the Kuwaitis investigated on Iraqs assets by Kroll Associates, a New York firm and the notice that he had $2. 4 controlled deposits which spread among 50 banks which were controlled by Husseins family. He use to crease five percent of the Iraqs annual oil income and did business with other external firms in irrelevant territory.He is an exalted self concept. Saddam is Iraq and Iraq is Saddam. He made sure that he reinforced a cult of himself allover Iraq. This can be proved by his images everywhere in Iraq. His soma is linked to hundreds of public works projects. For example the Saddam housing companies and also the Saddam Line in Iraq. He named part of Kuw ait to himself the moment he took over Kuwait. When he appears in public, he has created an environment where people cheer, clap, and even kiss his hand when he appears in a public gathering.He killed whoever who did not show enthusiasm to the great leader. He killed by imprisoning them, helicopter crashes, tortured to death, sealing their bodies to the coffins. He used a secret police unit to achieve his ordeals. He used his Messianic to achieve his rivalry of political power. He is malevolent. He has cold canning behind his every action. His mercilessness was found to be unnameable leading to cruelty, for fun, leadership style of Vlad the Impaler. He was stupid because the boasts were proved to be hollow. His lies were proven false chop-chopHis is also portrayed as the madman of the Middle East and his name means the one who confronts. He is a paranoid in decision making His achievements were the transformation of the country where he built new roads, improved housing standard s food was brought to the peoples tables, cut illiteracy by 11% match to the official estimates. The cultural aspects of Muslims were relaxed allowing women equal pay for equal work. Reasons as to why he needed money The oil money allowed him to accumulate the largest and best equipped military machine in the Arab world.Most of them were Soviet, french and from other nations. Most of them were first rated. He had an annual budget of $12. 9 billion which was an average f $721 per Iraq citizen ye the average annual per citizen was $1950. He therefore equipped his army to distress the regional balances by ruthless mass killings, He was the veteran in army in the region. According to Jordanian newspaper ad-Dustour, Saddam awakened the desire in every Arab soul for a glorious Arab stand, Saddam Hussein was a ruthless dictator who was used to terrorizing his neighbors and gassed his own subjects.He normally followed his mafia rules which were not well soundless by many in the world inc luding the United States of America. He grew up as a poser and a hired gun, yet he has a soaring popularity in the Arab world. The differences between a undemocratic and Authoritarian leader A totalitarian political power is in the hands of a fewer groups while the authoritarianism refers political power is in the hands of one person. Hence Saddam Hussein can be equated to both an authoritarian leader and a totalitarian according to the definitions and his leadership skills. reservoirInformation about The Gulf Syndrome www. geocities. com Retrieved on 6th April 2009 Information about The profile of Saddam Hussein www. mideastnews. co. Retrieved on 6th April 2009 Majid K. War in the Gulf 1990-1991. New York McMillan. Information on Persian Gulf War www. encarta. msn. com Retrieved on 6th April 2009 Jerrold M. (2002), Saddam Hussein of Iraq Apolitical Psychology profile New York Pearsons Education. Information on The characteristics of Saddam Hussein www. qrmapps. com Retrieved on 6th April 2009
Sunday, May 19, 2019
Orbital Engine Company
CASE STUDY Orbital Engine Company CONTENT (1)Executive SummaryP. 3 (2)Introduction of concern BackgroundP. 4 (3)OECs objectiveP. 4 (4) Key issues HighlightsP. 5 4. 1Two Wise DecisionP. 5 4. 2Large Car executes Appeared not install to adopt OCP EnginesP. 5-6 4. 3 Marketing Lessons Can be Learned P. 6 4. 3. 1Marketing Mix and 4P sP. 6 4. 3. 2OECs Porter Five Forces P. 6 4. 3. 3Licensing and conjugation VentureP. 7 (5) ConclusionP. 7 (6)ReferencesP. 8 (1)Executive Summary In this double-dyed(a) economic environment the management of time, in the meaning of the ability to pioneer the food securities persistence with new harvest-festivals or services, becomes crucial.OEC was in the favourable position of being able to provide customer with solutions that incorporate the latest resign of engine room however, OEC was s downcast reactions to shifts in customer needs and technological advancements which did not allow OEC to realize economies of speed, level off though customers ar e willing to honour fast reactions with higher prices. Furthermore, being the first on the market with an innovative product creates a temporary monopoly and brand recognition.In this market situation the pioneering bon ton is relatively free to set adequate prices in order to recover the usually considerable cost for enquiry and reading. Once other companies come up with similar products prices drop immediately, due to the increase competition. In this situation, it becomes a great deal more difficult to repay investments in research and development. Finally, being innovate creates a positive see to it among customers and, thus, strengthens the competitive position of OEC in the marketplace. During the process, OEC had experienced the changes and made nearly wise decisions.OEC is a say-so company which has a lot of opportunities to diversify its products in cope with the market change through licensing, joint fortuity and product diversification. According to Porters model, increased bargaining effect of suppliers would lead to increased cost for major input factors, exerting heavy pressure on the critical achiever factor costs. This also heighten bargaining power of customers requires companies to consider customer needs to a larger extent. Basically, the same effect derives from the increased rivalry of existing competitors within the same industry.The severe competitive situation is even enhanced as the higher probability of new entrants increases the demand for low costs, flexibility, and economies of time. Finally, the market implies an increased threat of substitutes. Thus, OEC needs to make better their cost and quality position in order to stay competitive. (2)Introduction of business background Orbital is an world(prenominal) developer of innovative technical solutions for a cleaner world. Orbitals innovative design and its product development and operational improvement services are attracted to the worlds automobile makers and end us ers of locomotives.Orbitals headquarter is based in Perth, Western Australia, and is treatd on the Australian Stock Exchange (OEC). OEC is a pioneer for engine innovation that it keeps on trying to improve the product in cope with the market change and need. With its uncovering of fuel injection and electronic combustion process (OCP) for two-stroke design, it benefits to both vehicles and engines becomes cheaper in price and lighter in weight, which leading to a big saving on the fuel consumption with lower emission levels.This write up provides a discussion of the consequences of OECs marketing strategies and its activities that I think what OEC is do their wise decisions on, why has OEC failed to start away its engine adopted by any major Car manufacturer at the time of the case, in spite of the engine having many apparent benefits, and what marketing lessons can be learned from the fact that some of OECs engine room has been adopted by the makers of marine outboard motors in the US. At each point, I will give my recommendation and suggestion on the marketing point of views to help the company making decision. 3)OECs objective OECs aboriginal objective was to take the major car manufacturers in the US to adopt their new engine. (3) Key issues Highlights 3. 1Two Wise Decision (261) OEC had made at two wise decisions to get the major car manufacturers to adopt their new engine in the US. First of all, OEC developed a price policy for its intellectual property at the early stage that it built up a serial of licence options for car manufacturers, such as General Motors, Ford, Fiat, Jaguar and Volkswagen to evaluate the technology and needs forrader converting into their final licence agreement.Kotler et al (2007, pp. 318, 590) mentioned that, A method of entering a external market in which the company enters into an agreement with a licensee in the foreign market, offering the right to use a manufacturing process, trademark, patent, trade secret or o ther item of value for a fee or royalty more than and more for-profit and not-for-profit organisations are licensing their names to generate additional revenues and brand recognition. This brand recognition of licensing became one of the key profit generators for OEC.Secondly, OEC made another wise decision on joint venture with Brunswick Corporation, the parent of mercury Marine in January 1995, became METEOR. This joint venture helped to develop, manufacture, market and sell Orbtals SEFIS to the global market for low emission two stroke engines, which was threatened by the US anti-pollution regulations (ULEV). Kotler et al (2007, p. 591) advocated that, The most common nisus of manufacturing-based entry into overseas markets for Australian solids is that of joint venturing. The local partner could provide access to the distribution meshwork due to their knowledge with the local marketing environment while OEC brought in their joint venture technology and production know-how. Since the first step of joint venture, there were numerous of other joint ventures happening which helped OEC to rouse the two stroke engine to the market in cope with the US emission standard. 3. 2Large Car Manufactures Appeared not ready to adopt OCP EnginesAfter discussing about the wise decisions, there were also obstacles for OEC to push their OCP engines into the large car manufactures. The core reason why OEC had failed to have its engine adopted by major car manufacturers was because OEC worn out(p) too much focus on R&D than really focusing on analyzing its product was able to be adopted or pushed to the market. The marketing mix was unclear and OEC was failed to identify car manufacturers concerns and their potential interest of products.This lack of knowledge of customers needs and wants was leading to the failure. The market need was four strokes and OEC focused on two strokes. Kotler et al. (2007, p. 239) stated that, In order to design effective marketing mix strateg ies, the marketer must understand what factors within the organisation influence the purchase (or non-purchase) response of potential customers. OEC should first create a need-satisfying market offering and then found out the real-value for their customers. In addition, Manley (1994, p. 66) asserted that, Learning is a oddly critical for Orbital in the sense that the company was operating in a turbulent and intricate environment as reflected in emission legislation reviews begin undertaken internationally the number of actors in the global car industry and structural changes in the industry caused by the changing nature of international competition. In response, the companys innovation process exhibits organisational flexibility, anticipatory capabilities and responsiveness to change. Because of the above, OEC was not able to sell its technology to those large car manufacturers at that moment. . 3Marketing Lessons Can be Learned From this case study, there are some(prenominal) marketing lessons can be learned, such as marketing mix and 4Ps, Porter Five Forces, Licensing, and Joint Venture. 3. 3. 1Marketing Mix and 4Ps OEC had spent a lot of time and money on R&D on OCP and which neglected to understand what the customers need and want which is difficult to position the company to the targeted segmentation and its market. Because of that, OEC almost risked themselves into bankruptcy before 1989 if they could not gain the financial support from BHP and Australia Government.It is essential to under customers wants and need and then market the right product, right place, right promotion and right price. 3. 3. 2OECs Porter Five Forces According to this concept, the colour of competition in an industry is rooted in its underlying economic construction (Porter Strategy 1998, pp. 3). This structure is expressed by five basic competitive forces which determine the ultimate profit potential of the single industry. The five competitive forces are threat of new entrants, threat of substitutes, bargaining power of buyers, bargaining power of suppliers, and intensity of rivalry.As of June 1994, OEC already had acquired 854 patents and its applications, but it sat on it without further development which missed out a lot of business opportunities as a pioneer in the market. Kotler et al. (2007, p. 101) asserted that, The implication is that the firm should influence the balance of forces through strategic moves, thereby strengthening the firms position. Alternatively, the strategists might bump the firm so that its capabilities factors underlying the forces and respond to them, thus exploiting change by choosing a strategy allow to the new competitive balance before competitors recognise it. 3. 3. 3Licensing and Joint Venture Through OECs success in licensing and joint venture, it gave the company a business breakthrough to position themselves in a safe market place. Most of its earnings from OEC is from licensing, development and supply ag reements. In addition, investing and expanding the business in foreign countries, there are various laws and regulations that investors should pay highly attentions, and thus, cooperating with a joint venture company topically would be the most fast and easier way to explore the market especially OEC has its technology know-how. 6) Conclusion To conclude, in this report, I have shown the effect of OECs marketing strategies on both wise and failure decision. These effects mainly consist of substantial alteration of the competitive environment in the form of unclear industry boundaries, increased rivalry, and a reduced relevance of traditional success factors. With the strategic marketing concept, it enables OEC to compete successfully in this altered economic environment. 7)References Kotler, P. , Brown L. , Adam S. , Burton S, Armstrong G. , (2007), Marketing 7th Edn, Pearson Education, Australia. Manley, K. J. , 1994, Factors Leading to Offshore Manufacture of Australian Invention s The case of The Orbital Combustion Process Engine, Murdoch University, Western Australia. Porter, M. E. Competitive Advantage. Creating and Sustaining Superior Performance, second Ed. , New York et al The Free Press 1998.
Bad Impact Tv for Children Essay
TV is a common fixture in our e reallyday lives. Its almost as if the TV is a part of the family. We turn it on in the morning so that we can catch the latest headlines. We croak it on all day so we can have some background noise or comfort. We reach for the remote control, unthinkingly and habitually, whenever we walk in the door. Most households have a TV solidification on for many hours of the day, regardless of whether anyone is watching it or non. So what happens when we hold out p bents and continue to leave the TV on all day musical composition our issue children be present?Because we turn the set on and choose programs designed for us, does it even matter? It certainly seems logical that if children arent watching the programs, then they would not be harmed by it. However, background TV does affect children, but not in the ways we dexterity fear. Preschoolers who embolden while CSI is on in the background are not going to imitate the content. Infants who are fed by a parent who is tuned into the evening news are not going to become frightened by an upsetting news story.The effects of background TV on young children are more subtle, but profoundly important. Background TV disrupts childrens play. In one study, 12- to 36-month-old kids who played with toys, while their parents were in the same room and watching adult-directed programs, played for a shorter period of time than when the TV was off. In addition, children used a less sophisticated form of play when background TV was present compared to when it was not. It seems that the TV program, even though it was mostly incomprehensible and probably boring to the children, was captivating enough to repeatedly move in the childrens attention. This may not seem especially concerning. However, play is very important to childrens development.During play, children warp and experiment with objects, they learn about cause and effect, and they exercise their creativity and imagination. Play also helps childrens accessible development, as it requires children to consider other peoples viewpoints and to practice negotiation and conflict-resolution strategies. When play sessions are very short or repeatedly interrupted, children are not able to experience the cognitive and social benefits of play as much. Background TV is also detrimental to parent-child interaction. Not surprisingly, adults talk less to their children when the TV is on. It is intemperate for adults to tune out TV and focus on their children, especially when TV content is interesting to them.In another study, researchers found that when background TV was on, parents were less likely to interact with their infants and toddlers compared to when it was off. This is an important effect since effectual parent-child communication is critical to childrens development. It is understandable why researchers have become increasingly interested in the effects of background TV on children. One report revealed that about one t hird of families with young children leave the TV set on all or most of the time. Weve allowed TV to occupy a significant position in family life. TV, even when simply on in the background, still has a high-and-mighty voice. Maybe its time that we give this family member a lengthy time-out.
Saturday, May 18, 2019
African-Americans Fighting for Equality Essay
African-the Statesns progress to been flake for qualifiedity and freedom each since they were taken from Africa as slaves. They were stolen from their families and separated only to be servants to former(a)s as they were belittled, beaten, assign down and treated as nonhing. Many things have changed over the centuries, tho African-Americans still fight frequent for different types of acknowledge ments and jibeity. They have fought hard over the centuries to end sequestration, discrimination, and isolation to attain equality and civil rights. with the complaisant Rights Movement African Americans played important roles American history with courage, strength, and struggling to live equal in America. We have learned about important people and events throughout history, but the fight against discrimination, segregation and isolation have not always been focused on. This paper will highlight how some of the comfortably cognize and enigmatical people contributed towards the Civil Rights Movement, in which continues to be fought in present time.Racial segregation was a system derived from the efforts of white Americans to keep African Americans in a subordinate status by denying them equal access to public facilities and ensuring that portentouss lived apart from whites (Lawson, 2009). Slaves lived in quarters far away from the master houses on the plantations, the only ones that lived in the house were the special chosen. By the time the Supreme Court ruled in Dred Scott v. Sanford (1857) that African Americans were not U. S. citizens, northern whites had excluded blacks from seats on public transportation and barred their entry, except as servants, from near hotels and restaurants.When allowed into auditoriums and theaters, blacks occupied separate sections they as well as attended segregated schools. Most churches, overly, were segregated. (Lawson, 2009). Rosa Parks was noteworthy for her courage to stand for her right to sit where ever she wa nted on a stack, but she was not the first or only one to make this choice. There was a fifteen year senescent girl that was arrested nine months earlier, but she was not attributed to the act because of her status of being a foul rima oris tomboy and getting pregnant right after the incident (Young, 2000).Also when Rosa Parks was approached by the bus driver to move there were other African- American people sitting next to her, but because she spoke up first history gives her credit and was noticed by Dr. Martin Luther King. It needs to be known that many people were courageous in their act to fight for equal rights. Basically Parks was at the right place at the right time, Parks arrest sparked a chain reaction that started the bus boycott that launched the civil rights movement that transformed the apartheid of Americas southern states from a local affectedness to an international scandal.It was her individual courage that triggered the collective display of defiance that turn ed a previously unknown 26-year-old preacher, Martin Luther King, into a household name (Younge, 2000). Dr. Martin Luther King name goes down in history as the to the highest degree well known activists through the years. He was known as a non violent activist, in which he adapted the philosophy from Gandhi, which was respected not only by the black race but alike by all other races. Kings speech I Have a hallucination became what African-Americans live by for centuries to come.Also there was the, We Shall Overcome speech on marvellous 23, 1963. Kings words at the capital that day were a defining moment of the Civil Rights movement (Bowles, 2011). King fought for civil rights until the day he was killed. There was a protest at Fisk University in Nashville in which three students was disgusted at the fact blacks could not sit at the dejeuner counters to eat. C. T. Vivian, Diane Nash and Bernard Lafayette protested with others in Nashville on April 19, 1960. Nash confronted Mayor Ben West. In what she calls a divine inspiration, she asked the mayor to end racial segregation.He appealed to all not to discriminate. She asked him if he meant that to include luncheon counters. He sidestepped. She said, Mayor, do you recommend that the lunch counters be desegregated? West said, Yes, and the battle was won. Within days, integration began (Weier, 2001). While civil rights activists were fighting on the home(a) front, African American men and women honorably performed their duties in two world wars. They bravely entered a military that was at odds about their presence and the appropriate roles for blacks.While more than 400,000 African American soldiers were sledding through basic training, receiving their assignments or facing the enemys bullets in World contend I, riots against black citizens were escalating in the United States. By the time the Second World War ended, over one million black forces returned home to the U. S. equivalent of apartheid. Yet, wi th the knowledge of conditions at home, black soldiers still distinguished themselves in battles for freedoms, which they were otiose to enjoy (Blakely, 1999).Discrimination was popular in the 1900s and African-Americans stood up to be treated as equal Americans as the whites, particularly in the World War II. While willing to fight for their country, some also made a stand against discrimination while they served. For example, on April 12, 1945, the U. S. Army took 101 African American officers into custody because they directly refused an order from a superior officer. This was a serious charge because, if convicted, they would face the shoemakers last penalty (Bowles, 2011). They wanted to get acknowledged for their bravery and accomplishments in the war just the white soldiers.America waited decades for the African American soldiers of the World War II to get the proper acknowledgements they deserve, which was too little too late. These men were willing to die for the country they were not eligible for many of the honors for their service. Though many merit it, no African American could receive the Medal of Honor, the highest military award for bravery. Bill Clinton corrected this computer error 50 years later, bestowing the medal on seven men, but just one, Vernon Baker, was still alive (Bowles, 2011).These men were known as the Tuskegee Airmen and most of them died before receiving their honors. There were numerous movements and people, even African-American women whom had a mountain in battling for equality. They had to fight not only for equality from racism, but also dealing with being judged by their gender. The Womens Service Section (WSS) investigated federally controlled railroad stations and yards at the end of World War I. Few women worked in car cleaning before the war, and railroad management preferred to block women workers, especially African Americans, from gaining any kind of foothold in railroad work.African American women were the single largest assemblage of railroad car cleaners during this period but they were routinely denied adequate facilities, including toilets, locker rooms, and dining facilities throughout the railroad system. By raising the issues of facilities, workers rights, and public health, these women shaped federal policy and widened the agenda of the WSS to include a direct attack on segregated workplaces Muhammad, (2011). Black women wanted to have the same rights as others for sack to school with safety and security. In Brown v Board of Education (1954) the Supreme Court transposed its ruling in Plessy v. Ferguson.They held that school segregation was inherently unconstitutional because it violated the equal protection clause of the 14th Amendment. This case marked the end of legal segregation in the US. There were other significant African-American movements that changed history. Starting in the 1960s, blacks in Akron began to push for an end to discrimination using mixed tactics, m uch(prenominal) as political action, workshops, and employment drives. Opie Evans edited the Akronite and began pushing for changes in his magazine. Protests widened to include sit-ins and other demonstrations (McClain, 1996). African-Americans much(prenominal) as Martin Luther King Jr .and Malcolm X have become icons of the 1950s and 1960s, but the organizational skills and grassroots activism of women such as Ella Baker , Septima Clark , Rosa Parks and Fannie Lou Hamer propelled the movement forward to many successes and inspired a modern generation of activists. African-Americans have come a long way fighting for equality and freedom every since the slavery time. They won their freedom and more equality than the ever had along with ending segregation. Many things have changed over the centuries, but African-Americans still fight everyday for different types of acknowledgements.They have fought hard to end segregation, most of discrimination, and isolation to attain equality and civil rights. References Blakely, Gloria. (1999). The 20th Century in CP Time 1900-1949 We are a People. Sentinel,p. A8. Retrieved July 16, 2012, from ProQuest Newsstand. (Document ID 490544881). http//proquest. umi. com/pqdweb? did=490544881&sid=2&Fmt=3&clientId=74379&RQT=309&VName=PQD Bowles, M. D. (2011). American History 1865- Present, End of Isolation, San Diego, CA Bridgepoint Education, Inc. Retrieved on June 11, 2012 from https//content. ashford. edu/books/AUHIS204. 11. 2/sections/sec3.7 Lawson, S. F. (2009). Segregation. emancipations Story, TeacherServe. National Humanities Center. Retrieved on July 16, 2012 from http//nationalhumanitiescenter. org/tserve/freedom/1865-1917/essays/segregation. htm Mcclain, S. R. , (1996). The Contributions of Blacks in Akron 1825-1895, A Doctoral Dissertation, Retrieved on july 17, 2012 from http//www. ci. akron. oh. us/blackhist/timeline/index. htm Muhammad, R. (2011). SEPARATE AND UNSANITARY African American Women Railroad Car Clean ers and the Womens Service Section, 1918-1920. ledger of Womens History, 23(2), 87-111,230.Retrieved July 16, 2012, from Research Library. (Document ID 2377762701). http//proquest. umi. com/pqdweb? did=2377762701&sid=3&Fmt=3&clientId=74379&RQT=309&VName=PQD Weier, A. (2001). She Socked Segregation Civil Rights Leaders Still Inspires Students, Madison detonating device Times. Madison, WI, Retrieved July 27, 2012 from ProQuest. http//search. proquest. com/docview/395202519? accountid=32521 Younge, G. (2000). She Would Not Be Moved. The Guardian. London, UK. , Retrieved July 28, 2012 from ProQuest. http//search. proquest. com/docview/245609939? accountid=32521.
Friday, May 17, 2019
Hasbro in Brazil
With 41. 9% of Hasbro sales revenue being generated internationally, it is essential that they work to save positive relationships with countries throughout the world. The international arena is becoming increasingly important to their revenues. Brazil is one of some(prenominal) international markets that Hasbro has expanded into over the last 5 10 years. Not only are they tape transport products to Brazil, but in around 2007 they also opened an office in Brazil.Even with this being the case, Brazil has taken governmental measures to promote and strengthen the national traditional toys and games industry and stimulate further local production. In 2010, Brazil approved the reduction of import taxes from 20% to 2% on components to produce traditional toys and games much(prenominal) as electronic mechanisms and later the government accessiond import taxes on manufactured products from 20% to 35% to inhibit further imports, mainly from China (Toys and Games in Brazil, 2011). In a bid to remain warlike and increase market share, septette large domestic companies considered the possibility of merging to form the largest toys and game maker in Brazil. While the project is still under consideration despite the challenges involved merging seven companies, three other companies, Baby Brink, Rosita and Acalanto, merged in April 2010 to create the group BBRA (Toys and Games in Brazil, 2011). With measures such(prenominal) as these in place, it causes a disfavor to companies such as Hasbro.It requires them has to work twice as overweight to gain acceptance in a country that is promoting growth for their national companies. Hasbro identified one luck for the locals of Brazil to view them in a light other than one of an outsider. In 2011, Hasbro partnered with Operation smile Create Smiles to provide free medical treatment and toys and games for children born with cleft palate. The medical mission in Brazil was made possible because of Hasbro. Our patients and fam ilies in Brazil are incredibly warm and vibrant, and yet the gag and smiles of these children were hidden behind their clefts.Today, their futures are full of hope and opportunity, and they will always remember that Hasbro helped make that take place, said Dr. Bill Magee, Co-Founder and Executive Chairman of Operation Smile (Kraft, Jessica, 2011). By taking steps to increase their social responsibility in Brazil, Hasbro is promoting themselves in a way that will allow them to gain an change magnitude acceptance rating and hopefully, not only make 100 childrens smiles brighter but also their idler line.
Thursday, May 16, 2019
Organisational Behaviour of Nestle Company Essay
Organisational Behaviour of Nestle Company - Essay ExampleThe steering of day-to-day activities is handled by executive board members. This report aims at giving a detailed analytic thinking and tidings of how the organization is managed and specific bothy, to how it manages teams and how it practises closes. This is to evaluate whether the company wariness practices are in line with management opening as pertains to team bestow and decision do. As such, the report will discuss theory on useful teams and decision making in organizations, examine how the company actually conducts those practices, establish the gap between theory and practice and finally, make recommendations on best practice. I have not worked for the company before but I have researched and obtained enough data to guide the analysis from the company website and other sources such as reason employees. BUILDING AND MANAGING EFFECTIVE TEAMS IN THE WORKPLACE EXPECTED Rosenhauer (2005 p. 36) defines a team as people who work together in close proximity with each other and who interact with other teams in the workplace. A team is organise to carry out a specific goal. A team can be working(a) or cross-functional depending on the organization structure and also on the management principles. A functional team comprises of members of same section or who carry out similar functions while cross-functional teams are formed by employees from different functions. Whatever the type of the team, its effectiveness is very crucial in ensuring organizational success. An effective team has several(a) defining characteristics. First, it must have clear purpose or expectations (Heathfield, 2012). While construction the team, management should explain to the team what is... This essay aims at giving a detailed analysis and discussion of how the organization is managed and specifically, to how it manages teams and how it makes decisions. This is to evaluate whether the company management practices are in line with management theory as pertains to teamwork and decision making. As such, the essay also aims to discuss theory on effective teams and decision making in organizations, examine how the company actually conducts those practices, establish the gap between theory and practice and finally, make recommendations on best practice. The researcher have not worked for the company before, but he has researched and obtained enough information to guide the analysis from the company website and other sources such as former employees. At Nestle Company, some of the tasks are performed by various departments such as research and development, management, human resources and production. As such, each department works as a team in order to achieve the overall objective of the organization. sound teamwork and sound decision making are key to organization success. Nestle has been successful in various areas but still more needs to be done if it needs to be recognized as a world leader in Nut rition, Health and Wellness and be trusted by all its stakeholders. Nestle has a culture of shared values which guides all its actions but sometimes it may clog success. Nestle needs to engage employees by involving them in decision making and also train the management on team management and decision making skills.
Wednesday, May 15, 2019
Web 2.0 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
vane 2.0 - Essay ExampleAnother advantage is low hail of communication across the world. A study disadvantage is over dependence on the internet which is not available all the time. It advise withal lead to loss of crucial data incase the computer crashes (University of Phoenix, 2011).Key impact of web 2.0 on business is that it is a marketing tool that is cheaper compared to convectional ways of marketing thus low operational cost and increase in revenue. It provides a platform where the organization interacts with their clients, prospects, service providers and suppliers. Based on the increased utilise of web 2.0, firms are able to create strong connection with various stakeholders regardless of their destinations. In this way, companies can regularly update all the parties concerned on the progress of their investment. As a result, the technology has light-emitting diode to expansion of companies globally as well as enhancement of stakeholders trust and loyalty towards their companies.University of Phoenix. (2011). Wireless substructure Can our current system handle bandwidth demands? Retrieved from
Tuesday, May 14, 2019
Marketing 3 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Marketing 3 - Essay fount, the product characteristics such as country of ownership and manufacturer of the parts, country of assembly and design, and the impact of spot name will be analyzed and discussed.Hyundai has a reputation of having cheap and unreliable anchor in 1998. (Bingham, 2001) As part of the Hyundais success in U.S. securities industry ten years after, the follow has started to pack its image of offering cheap cars. For this reason, the company has recently changed its company slogan from Value for the Money to hold about it. (Kwok, 2007)Among Hyundais product line includes Tucson, Veracruz, and Santa Fe a small SUV and 4-door cars like Accent, Azera, Elantra, Genesis, Sonata, and Tiburon including the large-size SUV called Mohaves. (Hyundai, 2008d Jin, 2008) Aiming to penetrate the market of luxury cars, Hyundai recently introduced a new sedan called the Genesis a rear-wheel drive with V8 engine. (Buss, 2008)vehicles by fortify its partnership with its deal ers and investing millions of dollars in the improvements of its developmental facilities. Aiming to increase its target consumers confidence on Hyundai cars, the company offered a 5-year / 60,000 mile warranty and a 10-year / 100,000 mile limited powertrain warranty. (Bingham, 2008b)Aside from using the traditional promotion coming like the American car showrooms and other promotional activities such as sponsoring the several sports activities worldwide (Jin, 2008) and Drivers treasured ad campaign (BusinessWeek, 2007), Hyundai has invested on electronic promotion by signing a contract with CCG.XM back in 2000 (Busines Wire, 2000).Hyundai professionally manufacture its own original equipment parts which are designed for safety and resale value. (Hyundai, 2008c) For this reason, the company could easily provide a manufacturer warranty to ensure the quality and customers satisfaction over Hyundai cars.Hyundai automobiles in America are assembled in U.S. assembly plants
Monday, May 13, 2019
Demonstrates your understanding of communication theories by applying Essay
Demonstrates your understanding of communication theories by applying the theories we have studied - Essay good example agree to Vygotsky, this zone refers to an area of exploration for which the learner is cognitively prepared but need attention and social fundamental interaction to fully develop. Vygotsky therefore believes that a teacher or a more go through peer has the ability to provide t he student with what is termed as scaffolding, which helps the student to develop abstruse skills. This paper provides an insightful analysis of Vygotskys sociocultural theory and its relevance in young tiddlerren is idea and talking, as well as sociocultural influence in youths participation in gambling behavior. accord to Vygotskys sociocultural theory, the most appropriate strategies for supporting the intellectual knowledge and skills of learners as well as enhancing intentional learning include collaborative leaning, modeling, discourse, and scaffolding. As mentioned earlier, his mo st prominent contribution is the concept of govern of Proximal Development. In his own words, the Zone of Proximal Development refers to the distance between a childs actual developmental level as dictated by independent problem solving, and the higher(prenominal) level of potential development as determined by problem solving under large(p) guidance or with support from more capable peers.In his journal article, Young Children Thinking and talk of the town Using sociocultrual theory for multilayered analysis, Robbins (2012) applies the ideas and concepts of Vygotskys sociocultural theory in describing the thinking and communication of young children. According to Robbins(2012), Vygotskys sociocultural theory provides an rich information base upon which we can understand how the biological telegraph wire of development and cultural line contribute towards the overall development of childrens thinking. He believes that the lower dress mental processes with which children are bor n with are transformed into higher mental process through interaction with others as well as the mediation of various
Sunday, May 12, 2019
Marketing research proposal Mercedes-Benz( how can MB attract costumer
Marketing Mercedes-Benz( how abide MB attract costumer from age 27-37 in USA) - Research Proposal ExampleTherefore, the main cephalalgia of the company is to attract potential automobile users in the USA from the age group 27-37 years and pass judgment their expectation on cars in the near future.Moving to the higher car market segment and selling bounteousness cars can result to be the best marketing strategies for the automobile companies. Though companies are arduous to enter a new market by creating a niche for itself or diversifying their existing vehicle line, technologies and effective strategies in selling high end cars at higher price range requires effective marketing approaches than those positioned as affordable vehicles. The marketing strategies applied for premium automobiles, needs to focus on the forest it is providing, luxury, its safety, premium maintenance service and extending these features to meet the preferences of the customers (Dvir and Strasser 831). The marketing and advertising strategies planned mustiness not pop off any ambiguity on the premium value of the car. To achieve that, firstly the vehicle and the brand must be of high- tincture themselves. The propagation of the product features and attributes must be in such a mood done the audio and visual medium that it will allow its buyers to gain a high sense of antecedency and exclusiveness as if they are special. The communications strategies must be implemented in a way that make their customer realize that they are investing on high worth, top-quality product. Promotions on premium magazines, television channels and shows attracting HNI audiences, radio ads should be the main target (Saridakis and Baltas 5-10).The vehicle brand should position itself as the car with style, comfort and luxury. Self-indulgence must be the key factor of the marketing strategy. The attributes of the car, from its premium quality seat material, color, texture, interior and exterior design ing, the ambience, experience of
Saturday, May 11, 2019
Sustainable development for Iraqi oil and gas in the light of Dissertation
sustainable victimization for Iraqi oil and attackoline in the light of international law with exceptional abduce to Kurdistan region - Dissertation ExampleChapter two describes the process of the evolution of the concept of sustainable development from the 1972 crowd on the Human Environment in Stockholm, where the first United Nations Environmental Program (UNEP) has been created, to the todays more comprehensive and profound understanding of sustainable development as a specific tender to prioritize improvements in the well-being of the very worst-off now and in the future (Paul 2008 p.579). Nowadays strong sustainability development of non-renewable resources, which oil and gas resources are relating to, implies that such resources should be recognised as a specific influence of natural capital, and should not be exhausted for short-term benefits only (Ayres et al. 1998 p.4). In addition, chapter two gives an overview of the philosophical and hypothetic dimensions of the sustainable development. This overview, made on the basis of the existing academic and professional literature, provides useful information regarding the research in hand and helps to define the ways and concepts of reaching sustainable development in the oil and gas industry through different perspectives. ... l extent, they help to realise a process of shift from a policy of the development of environment without regard to possible negative consequences, to a political culture, which takes into consideration either current and future needs and interests of governments, communities and individuals. Chapter three views these principles in relation to the sustainable development of petroleum resources, in particular. It is emphasised that sustainable use of petroleum resources requires taking into account the criticality of these resources, the availability of technologies that intend to downplay depletion and the likelihood of another(prenominal) resources or technologies that can substitute for petroleum resources (WCED 1987 The Concept of Sustainable Development, Para.12). In other words, the principles of sustainable development are considered in this chapter so that they should be used to prevent resource-use activities and projects by actors from in spite of appearance and outside the State (Bottriell & French 2005 p.5). Chapter four Strategic issues of the sustainable development of Iraqi oil and gas explores the constitutional and legal strategies for the sustainable development of Iraqi oil and gas industry. The general assumption key the investigation within this chapter is that the national strategies should address the concept of sustainable development, complying with the international environmental law, on the unrivalled hand, and dealing with specific issues related to national and regional environmental legislations, on the other hand (Boer et al. 1998 p.1-3 Bosselmann 2008 p.145-148). Besides, at the national level, it is considered tha t the concept of sustainable development should be addressed both from the perspective of regulations related to particular environmental
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