Wednesday, December 25, 2019
Natural Law The Human Conception Of Justice Or Moral Right
Natural law can be defined broadly as a philosophical belief that the human conception of justice or moral right is common to all humans and derived from nature. However it’s definition has been highly debated across history and therefore different definitions must be used as to not misinterpret the ideas and principles of different strains of thought within natural law (Boucher, 2009, P.19). It is also very important to distinguish how rights are understood in natural law, which is another contested definition. Rights in terms of natural law are generally emphasise doing what is ‘right’ as prescribed by law. This focuses on duties and obligations to the common good, rather than individual universal rights garnered from nature. (MacKinnon in Boucher, 2009, P.11). Rights in natural law are formed on the basis of obligation to obey God’s law, as mere reason of itself cannot create obligation (Boucher, 2009, P.12). The differing perceptions of natural law expl ored here will focus on Sophocles, Aristotle, Stoics, Cicero, Augustine and Aquinas. There will also be brief reference to the overlaps between natural law and natural rights traditions, to show that obligations do not always take priority over rights. Primarily across the natural law tradition, obligations take priority over rights however this becomes less certain with the overlaps between natural law and natural rights, which need to be addressed. For example Mary Wollstonecraft who stressed the importance of virtue; aShow MoreRelatedLegal Positivism Over Natural Law Theory982 Words  | 4 Pagesdiscusses the conceptions of legal normativity, both moral and â€Å"strictly legal†conceptions. According to Spaak, regarding the normative force of legal justification, legal positivists can still embrace the moral idea and not be in conflict with their generally held belief in the â€Å"strictly legal†concept of law. In Torben Spaak’s opinion, there is a rea son to desire legal positivism; he explains this through introducing the concept of jurisprudence. When discussing the nature of law, Spaak statesRead MoreThe Case Of The Speluncean Explorers1544 Words  | 7 PagesExplorers, written by Lon Luvious Fuller, comprises of a robust statutory interpretation discussion between natural law and legal positivism. In the context of natural law, naturalist follows that there is an obligatory connection between morality and the law. To put it simply, there is a moral obligation to ascertain the legal cogency of the law. In this case, Foster J follows a natural law approach as he believes that the conviction of each of the defendants should be set aside on the premise thatRead MoreNatural Law Enforces Human Rights907 Words  | 4 PagesNatural Law enforces human rights. When we look at abortions laws we see between a legal system based on the legal theory of natural law the law that comes from God s nature and inherent right and wrong as He defines it furthermore a legal system based on legal positivism (law is derived from whatever man says is law - no inherent right and wrong). Prior to the turn of the 20th century, legal philosophy from whence laws were derived in the Western world was based upon a natural law theory. ARead MoreUniversal Human Rights And The International Legal System1614 Words  | 7 Pagesclear from a prescriptive theorization of human rights and maintained a descriptive stance in which I have offered the naturalist description on the way in which we come to think of universal human rights and moreover, offered an explanation which confronts the problems of relativism that arises on the subject matter. Now I will attempt to give an account on how all things considered in the first two sections of my paper, we ought to think about universal rights relative to the international legal systemRead MoreThe Theory Of God s Eternal Law1382 Words  | 6 Pagessubsistent being. Since God is a subsistent being, all creatures, including humans, are â€Å"placed by him in existence†and they are therefore naturally oriented towards him. Because of this, â€Å"natural law is therefore defined as a participation in the eternal law,†and it is mediated by human reason and human inclinationsâ€â€which participate in the divine intelligence. These inclinations enable people to participate in God’s eternal law because their nature has an internal movement towards self-fulfillmentRead MoreNeo Liberalism And Its Impact On Society1414 Words  | 6 Pagesadministrative reforms tending in the direction of freedo m or democracy. It also describes neo liberalism as, A modified and revived form of traditional liberalism one based on the belief in free market capitalism and the rights of the individuals. Liberalism Liberalism was an important concept but it also lost some of its importance in order to emerge as a new form. In the today’s world hardly any one speaks for the freedom and democracy which are primary values of liberalismRead MoreThe Distinction Between Natural Law And Legal Positivism Essay1747 Words  | 7 Pagesdeliberate, scrutinize and define the distinction between natural law and legal positivism. I will make distinctions regarding advantages and disadvantages of the definitions of the theories of natural law and legal positivism. By focussing on slavery as an example I will be looking at various theorists and their theories thereby attempting to make sense and find clarity in this regard. Furthermore to understand the aspects of natural law and legal positivism, one has to understand the theories ofRead MoreThe Need For More Justice By John Locke1608 Words  | 7 Pagesspecific conceptions of the human person. Annette Baier, a known â€Å"care ethics†poli tical philosopher, fundamentally aligns herself with notions of care ethics and consent in her piece â€Å"The Need for More Justice,†yet departs from Locke and critiques the social contract tradition when it comes to conceptions of the human person. Locke’s account of political power is dependent on consent.What distinguishes power for Locke is that political power, then, I take to be a right of making laws with penaltiesRead MoreThe Contributions Of John Rawls Essay5959 Words  | 24 Pagestroops visited the remains of Hiroshima, if profound effect on him. Later, he joined the Cornell University in Ithaca, New York, as assistant Professor of Philosophy. In 1962, he was given Professorship at Harvard where he published his ‘Theory of Justice’ in 1971 and was awarded the Phi Beta Kappa Ralph Waldo Emerson prize in 1972. He retired in 1991 but continued teaching political philosophy till 1995. In 1999, a National Humanitarian Medal was awarded to him by President Clinton and in the sameRead MorePolitical Theory: Comparing Locke, Rousseau and Plato Essay3770 Words  | 16 Pagessecure the advantages of civilized socity - men have the right to protect their freedom (killing if necessary) - bound by the laws of nature - contrast with hobbes: everyone has the right over everything, there exist no private property - Liberty to do as he will, but not harm others Purpose of government: - to secure the natural rights of property rights and liberty - we need law enforcers (soverign), we give power to one person and in doing
Tuesday, December 17, 2019
Group Reflection - 839 Words
In the past few weeks, Cristina, Oscar and I worked together on our group presentation – Should HIV positive workers have to tell their employers of their status? Our task for this group assignment was to create a collaborative presentation on a controversial issue. In the process of creating the presentation, there were some problematic situations, which caused a moment of alarm. Also, there was a lack of leadership or guidance within the group, making it harder to have the work done. Last, I believe there were some aspects of the group collaboration that could have gone better. The presentation was not exemplary work, and I know that we could have done better. In the beginning of our research, we started to decide when and where was our†¦show more content†¦At night, I looked at the progress of the rest of the team, seeing only the title and the definition of HIV on the google slides. I started to worry but did not do much progress on the presentation until the next day due to exhaustion. Sunday morning, the same two slides were there, so I continued the presentation as to how I believed it should be done because there were slow responses from the rest of the team. Cristina answered saying that she had a bad signal, making it difficult for her to work on the project and that she will work on it when she gets back to Brownsville, so I understood her situation. We could say that lack of communication was also a problem when creating the presentation. It took me about three hours to complete 6-8 slides of the presentation leaving the rest for Oscar an d Cristina. In addition, the lack of leadership within the group was poor. I realize now that I should have taken initiative from the beginning, so everything could have run smoothly. During class, after we decided how the research was going to be conducted, we started to converse on how the presentation was going to be organized. Oscar suggested that we should inform the audience with information about HIV and present the argument and conclusion respectively. At first, we all agreed, but at the day of the actual creation of the presentation, I thought that the organization was too broad. I took the organization into my own hands and told the rest of the members how the rest ofShow MoreRelatedGroup Reflection : Group Process767 Words  | 4 PagesGroup Reflection Group My concept of what a group consist of is a story that needs to be told and heard from many people with similar issues or problems. The group is a tool to help each member to gain some insight on how they can change or make a difference in their lives for the future. I feel that a group is a place where new relationships can develop and to find self again. Group Process The group process is facilitated by a counselor by the process has to be done by the members. It can be easyRead MoreReflection On Group Processes And Dynamics Essay1519 Words  | 7 PagesA Reflection on Group Processes and Dynamics Working within a group or team is unavoidable for most people. We are involved in sports teams, assignment groups, work teams, social groups and a variety of other groups and teams. Each of these groups share one thing in common, that is each requires us to communicate in some way in order to reach a shared goal or target. Therefore, it is imperative to know and understand how to work and communicate effectively with others to maximise outcomes and productivityRead MoreReflection On Group Therapy Reaction1509 Words  | 7 PagesGroup Therapy Reaction Thus far in the program I have had the opportunity to experience the process of group therapy. Luckily, I have had the opportunity to run group sessions at my practicum site, so I have gained substantial information about the group process. As I have learned in this program, group therapy is a powerful form of therapy that allows group members to complete their therapeutic goals in a group setting. As a therapist, I believe it is essential to experience what group processRead MorePersonal Reflection On Group Work906 Words  | 4 PagesPersonal Reflection â€Å"Group work is a form of voluntary association of members benefiting from cooperative learning that enhances the total output of the activity than when done individually†. Working in a group can be very difficult at times. Different people with different views may not always agree which one another. Throughout the various task I played the communicator. I made sure everyone was on track on what we wanted to do. I also made sure people was okay and happy in the role they was playingRead MoreGroup Counseling Reflection Paper4779 Words  | 20 Pagesin Counseling Reflection CPY 540 Paladino: Advanced Theory and Practice of Group Counseling As I reflect upon my experience as a group leader in this class, I learned that therapeutic factors can be group driven or facilitated by the group leader. Cohesion stood as a vital aspect of an effective group, and I realized that as a group leader I needed not only to facilitate the group but to remain as a vital part of the group to assure cohesion. By subsisting as an effective group leader, I createdRead MoreReflection About Group Presentations1189 Words  | 5 PagesWe all certainly have to do group presentations during our student life. This method of study is vital, as â€Å"it is a successful alternative or addition to the traditional term paper. It can balance the student s educational experiences by providing training in oral communication, interpersonal skills, and analytical thinking.†(King 1990, p.77). Therefore, it is necessary for us to reflect on what we have done and learnt through group presentations. In this essay, I would have a look back at whatRead MoreReflection Of A Social Group1457 Words  | 6 PagesSocial Group Analysis The social group I chosen to observe is my church group, more specifically my children’s Sabbath School class. There are approximately 15 to 20 in the class including the children and parents. The ethnicities in the class are Hispanic, Caucasian, Native Africans, and Asians. In this group, the Caucasians are the minority while the Africans makeup the majority of the class. There is a lot I have learned from observing this group of people. Some characteristics of the classRead MoreGroup Reflection : Van Der Linden1524 Words  | 7 Pages Group Reflection Renae Van Der Linden Roberts Wesleyan College â€Æ' Group Reflection When leading a group, it is important to understand what the overall goal should be, as well as understanding what the group expectations are. Knowing what the group goals and expectations are provides a basic outline of what the group dynamic should be. Additionally, the goals and group expectations should be discussed with the group members, providing them with the opportunity to share their input and possiblyRead MoreReflection Of Group Counseling Process And Mental Health Group Activities829 Words  | 4 PagesA Reflection of Group Counseling Process and Mental Health Group Activities One might say the best teachers are the ones who go over and beyond the call of duty to assist their children. This idea could especially be proven true given the factors that are affecting the social and academic capabilities of the students we teach on a daily basis. One emerging, yet commonly overlooked factor is mental health. Mental health is one of those issues seen to be taboo in schools but is becoming a widespreadRead MoreReflections on Syndicate Group Work2177 Words  | 9 PagesReflections about syndicate group work I always had a different opinion to our group leader, but he always made me give in, even when I was not at all persuaded by his arguments, I can t explain how that happened. This statement made by one of my group members is quite revealing. While she recognizes the dominance of our leader ´, she is perplexed because she fails to understand how she was manipulated. How did he do it? Was it only his dominance or were there perhaps Machiavellic elements
Sunday, December 8, 2019
Thematic Comparisom free essay sample
Comparisons In Stephen Spenders poem â€Å"What I Expected†and â€Å"The Moustache†, a short story by Robert Cormier there is the common theme that life is unpredictable and you can’t always predict what’s going to happen. However the way these two authors convey this theme is very different; Spender uses diction and imagery, while Cormier uses details and symbolism. In â€Å"What I Expected†, Spender uses diction and imagery to express the theme of life’s unpredictability. Spender describes very precisely what he does and doesn’t know. His word choice helps exemplify the theme by using accurate wording to describe the situation. It is very clear that he didn’t know everything that was going to happen in the situation presented. He also uses imagery to paint a clear picture of what’s happening. We know that he expected there to be painful struggles but that he thought he was going to grow from them. We will write a custom essay sample on Thematic Comparisom or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page But we also know that he was weakened by the experience and that time took its toll. He gives us an image in our heads of what his experience was like and how unpredictable it really was. Stephen Spender’s poem â€Å"What I Expected†uses clear imagery and diction to present the theme, however the author of â€Å"The Moustache†, Robert Cormier uses different techniques. Robert Cormier uses details and symbolism to present the theme in his short story â€Å"The Moustache†. Throughout the story Cormier provides us with intricate details about Mike’s life and the life of his grandmother. He develops the character of Mike by telling us what he thinks, how he reacts and his attitude about life, that you can build one on postponement. At the end of the story we can infer that Mike no longer will postpone anything because of what happened with his grandmother and her late husband. He also uses symbolism to explain the theme. At the beginning of the story Mike says that you â€Å"can build a way of life on postponement†after he lies to his mom about planning to shave off his moustache. When he goes to visit his grandmother she thinks that he is her late husband because of the moustache. She asks for his forgiveness and says that she never had the chance to ask for forgiveness. When Mike ealizes that you never know what’s going to happen and you shouldn’t postpone life he goes and shaves his moustache. We can infer that the moustache is a symbol of procrastination and postponement. Symbolism and details are used to express the theme in â€Å"The Moustache†. In these two literary works the two authors, Stephen Spender and Robert Cormier, convey the same theme of unpredictability in life. S pender uses diction and imagery to show the theme in his poem â€Å"What I Expected†. However Cormier uses details and symbolism to exemplify this theme in â€Å"The Moustache†.
Sunday, December 1, 2019
Simon Kimmes Essays (920 words) - Hunting, Mammaliaformes
Simon Kimmes The Benefits of Hunting Hunting is a sport that is loved by some, overlooked by many and opposed by few. In the world today, the popularity of hunting has declined by an astonishing amount, and now more than ever people are opposing hunting. We as a people cannot let that occur; hunting plays a vital role in our nation because it benefits the economy, conservation efforts, and animal populations.Just like any other sport in America there are people who actively participate in hunting. According to the U.S. Fish and Wildlife about four percent of the United States population hunt that amounts to about12.5 million people. ("Hunting statistics and Economies") These 12.5 million hunters support the economy through buying a variety of item like: guns, bows, clothes, vehicles, ammunition, gas, food, hunting dogs and tags. Through purchasing these items, all the hunters in America spent a total of twenty-four point seven billion dollars in two thousand and one. Hunters alone spent six hundred and five million doll ars on their hunting dogs in 2001, which is ninety-two million dollars more than skiers spent on their skiing equipment. On average, a single hunter spends approximately one thousand nine hundred and seventy-six dollars on hunting every year. The money that is spent by hunters supports over half a million jobs. ("Economic Importance of Hunting in America" 1-11)The image of the typical American hunter was once an image of a respectable person, unfortunately, it has now decayed to an image of a group of drunken bums driving around in the forest shooting anything and everything they see. Why in some instances this may be true, it is more of an exception than a rule, in fact many hunters stand for and support conservation efforts. For many, this may seem like an oxymoron, after all hunting is killing and conservation is preserving. "As paradoxical as it may seem, if hunting were to disappear, a large amount of the funding that goes to restore all sorts of wildlife habitat, game and nong ame species alike, would disappear," ("As Hunting Declines, Conservation Efforts Suffer"). Sportsmen and women have historically funded most of the conservation efforts in America. ("Hunter and Conservation"). Organizations such as Ducks Unlimited and Pheasants Forever are two organizations that are devoted to the protection and use of lands for hunter and the public. Ninety percent of both these organizations are supported by hunters ("Pheasants Forever Land Acquisition"). Combined, these two organizations have conserved over twelve point five million acres ("Ducks Unlimited and Hunting"). However, hunters are not the only people who benefit from the land that is conserved by these conservation organizations, "The same open spaces that hunters use and in which wildlife thrive are just as available to the non-hunting public for its enjoyment and recreation." ("Hunter and Conservation").Hunters also help to support animal populations. For many people, this is also an oxymoron, becaus e hunters kill animals and how would this benefit the animal populations? Wild animals aren't something that we can save for the future, as a result if there are too many animals nature usually takes over by starving the animals to death ("Hunter and Conservation"). That is why hunters have certain rules pertaining to what animals can be hunted and the quantity of animals that can be harvested. Through these rules hunters can help the animal populations stay at a reasonable number so there is a plentiful amount of food and optimal living conditions. Because of the food and optimal living conditions animal populations haven't just grown they have exploded! As a result, "Many species of wildlife that are hunted are not only secure today, but even, in many instances, far more numerous than they were before the turn of the last century." ("Hunter and Conservation"). One such species is the white-tailed deer. In 1900 the white-tailed deer population was estimated at less than 500,000 dee r, then because of the rules that hunters had the deer population increased dramatically. Today there are over 36 million white-tailed deer in America and they are now more abundant than they have ever been. Similar events have occurred to other species such as the pronghorn antelope, rocky mountain elk, and wild turkey. ("Economic Importance of Hunting in
Tuesday, November 26, 2019
Why Pay Contest Entry Fees
Why Pay Contest Entry Fees I received this email from a reader this week: I see an entry that might work for me, but then the publication requests $10, $20, and sometimes more to enter the contest. Â Many times I just pass. Why should we pay to present our work? To date, I have paid a few, but generally I balk at anything over $10. My immediate response is this: Would you fund a contest out of your pocket and would you work for free? Some contests do not charge a fee, but they are a tiny minority of the contests out there. Why? Because they have the financial means or the sponsorship to avoid having to ask for fees. However, most contests do not have that luxury. Contests are not cheap to run. I ran a contest for nine years and offered a no entry fee category and an entry fee category. To make a point, I gave the winner of the non-entry fee category a big $50 first prize, then I gave the winner of the entry fee category a big $500 first prize. When considering contests, and wondering why you have to pay an entry fee, consider the costs of the contest provider: 1) The prize money. No entity has bottomless pockets. The money has to come from somewhere, and why not entry fees? 2) The judges. If the contest wants a reputable judge (or two or three), then they have to cough up the money to pay said judge(s). No writer should work for free, to include the writers who serve as contest judges. 3) The advertising. Youve never head about a contest if it was not advertised. FundsforWriters accepted money from contests that want to repeatedly promote their competition. That money has to come from somewhere. 4) The publishing. Many of the contests provide publication. Whether online or in print (especially in print), there are expenses. In my contest experience, the contests that command entry fees usually acquire the best work. The contest I ran was an experiment with the results being as I expected. The quality of writing improved in the entry fee category. When writers had nothing to risk and paid no entry fee, the writing quality sank horrendously. It wasnt even close. That fact alone can justify a contest charging an entry fee. Frankly, if I see a contest that charges no entry fee, I dig into them more, hunting how they afford to fund the competition. And I even wonder why they are not using the income stream provided Pay the entry fee. The contest provider seriously has the right and need to charge. Plus, youll submit a better quality product.
Friday, November 22, 2019
WHITNEY Surname Meaning and Family History
WHITNEY Surname Meaning and Family History The Whitney surname has several possible meanings: Dweller by or on the white island, from the Old English hwit, meaning white, and ea, meaning water, or ige, meaning island.One who came from a place named Whitney (such as parish of Whitney in Herefordshire, England), a place name meaning white island. First mentioned in the Domesday Book as Witenie. Surname Origin: English Alternate Surname Spellings: WITNEY, WHETNEY, WHITTENEY, WHITENEY, WYTNEY, WHITNY Famous People with the WHITNEY Surname Eli Whitney - American inventor; best known for inventing the cotton ginAmos Whitney - American mechanical engineer and inventorAsa Whitney - highly successful dry-goods merchant and transcontinental railroad promoterCarl Whitney - American Negro League baseball playerJohn Whitney - founder of the prominent American Whitney family- notable for their social prominence, wealth, businesses and philanthropy- who left  London, England, to settle in Watertown, Massachusetts in 1635.Mary Watson Whitney - American astronomer Where is the WHITNEY Surname Most Common? The Whitney surname, according to surname distribution information from Forebears, is the 10,104th most common surname in the world. It is most commonly found today in the United States, where it ranks 875th. It is also fairly prevalent in Australia and New Zealand, as well as England- especially in Northamptonshire and Herefordshire. WorldNames PublicProfiler indicates the Whitney surname is found in greatest numbers in the United States, with the greatest numbers living in the states of Maine, New Hampshire, Massachusetts, Washington, Utah and Idaho. Genealogy Resources for the Surname WHITNEY Whitney Family Crest - Its Not What You ThinkContrary to what you may hear, there is no such thing as a Whitney family crest or coat of arms for the Whitney surname. Coats of arms are granted to individuals, not families, and may rightfully be used only by the uninterrupted male line descendants of the person to whom the coat of arms was originally granted. Whitney DNA ProjectMany individuals with the Whitney surname have joined this Y-DNA project to work together to use DNA testing along with traditional genealogy research to help determine Whitney origins and distinguish between various Whitney lines. WHITNEY Family Genealogy ForumThis free message board is focused on descendants of Whitney ancestors around the world. Search the forum for posts about your Whitney ancestors, or join the forum and post your own queries. FamilySearch - WHITNEY GenealogyExplore over 820,000 results from digitized historical records and lineage-linked family trees related to the Whitney surname on this free website hosted by the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. WHITNEY Surname Mailing ListFree mailing list for researchers of the Whitney surname and its variations includes subscription details and a searchable archives of past messages. GeneaNet - Whitney RecordsGeneaNet includes archival records, family trees, and other resources for individuals with the Whitney surname, with a concentration on records and families from France and other European countries. The Whitney Genealogy and Family Tree PageBrowse genealogy records and links to genealogical and historical records for individuals with the Whitney surname from the website of Genealogy Today. Whitney SurnameExplore over 2.7 million digitized records and database entries, including census records, passenger lists, military records, land deeds, probates, wills and other records for the Whitney surname on the subscription-based website, - References: Surname Meanings Origins Cottle, Basil. Penguin Dictionary of Surnames. Baltimore, MD: Penguin Books, 1967. Dorward, David. Scottish Surnames. Collins Celtic (Pocket edition), 1998. Fucilla, Joseph. Our Italian Surnames. Genealogical Publishing Company, 2003. Hanks, Patrick and Flavia Hodges. A Dictionary of Surnames. Oxford University Press, 1989. Hanks, Patrick. Dictionary of American Family Names. Oxford University Press, 2003. Reaney, P.H. A Dictionary of English Surnames. Oxford University Press, 1997. Smith, Elsdon C. American Surnames. Genealogical Publishing Company, 1997. Back to Glossary of Surname Meanings Origins
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Project Management in IT Industry Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words
Project Management in IT Industry - Essay Example An information technology project has four dimensions referred commonly as Four P’s. These four dimensions include people, process, product and project. People are the human beings used in the project activities. They are organized into effective teams, motivated to perform top quality work and coordinated to fulfill effective communication. Process is the methodology used for managing the activities and getting the tasks completed on time to achieve the set goals and objectives. Product is the needs of the customers constituted into tasks and positioned for action by the software team. Project is the IT enabled services or organization that enables success of the product, process and people (Ahmed 2009)There are three factors which are traded in the management of project. The first factor is time, second is cost and the third is performance. A project is successful only if it is completed on time, meets the performance requirements and it is well within the budget. There are three constraints in managing an IT project that impacts the quality; the project scope, time and cost. All the three constraints determine the quality of the project Appendix A gives illustration of trade-off amongst these three constraints to achieve the quality in the form of a triangle.It is not only important to manage project scope, time and cost but also it is essential to manage the project quality, communication and risks. Quality is the attainment of product or service as per defined specifications.... Product is the needs of the customers constituted into tasks and positioned for action by the software team. Project is the IT enabled services or organization that enables success of the product, process and people (Ahmed 2009) There are three factors which are traded in the management of project. The first factor is time, second is cost and the third is performance. A project is successful only if it is completed on time, meets the performance requirements and it is well within the budget. There are three constraints in managing an IT project that impacts the quality; the project scope, time and cost. All the three constraints determine the quality of the project Appendix A gives illustration of trade-off amongst these three constraints to achieve the quality in the form of a triangle (Ahmed 2009) It is not only important to manage project scope, time and cost but also it is essential to manage the project quality, communication and risks. Quality is the attainment of product or se rvice as per defined specifications. Communication is the exchange of messages amongst the project stake-holders. Risks are the uncertainties associated with the project scope, time and cost (Ahmed 2009) Scope Management Project Scope is the area of work bound by cost and time. The success of the project mostly depends on the understanding of the tasks to be included and excluded from the work-load of the project. It is therefore essential that the scope of the project or in simple words the work-load to be done in a project is well defined and properly comprehended (Warner 2010) Defining scope of the project is the first thing in project management. The quality, cost, time, risks and communication depend heavily on the description of project
Tuesday, November 19, 2019
Speech- American Culture Blue Jeans Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Speech- American Culture Blue Jeans - Essay Example Thesis: The nature and origin of blue Jeans in the American culture that began as a material used to make clothes for manual laborers to a fashionable clothing material that is worn by everyone all over America. 3. Once put on by the manual laborers that were mining gold during the California gold rush in 1849, jeans transformed into one of the most fashionable and preferred clothing materials of the 20th century. 6. The popularity of Blue Jeans grew among the youth in the 1950s and 1960s. This was due to the fact that this was a period that marked the beginning of the rock ‘n’ roll era whereby most musicians sang songs of this genre. 8. Another reason that made the 1950s and 1960s be the helm of the popularity of blue jeans was due to the fact that this period was characterized by many riots and protests from youth and college students. 2. I wear blue Jeans almost on a daily basis and therefore in all activities I do for example; going shopping, going for classes, going for parties, going to social gathering and attending other occasions I wear Blue Jeans. In conclusion, Blue Jeans have evolved over time all through the 20th century. Through time, they have come to be part of our culture as with them we remember the gold miners in California in 1850s, the start of Hollywood in 1930s and even our heroes in World War 2 in the 1940s. Blue Jeans are therefore a part of the American culture and
Sunday, November 17, 2019
Peat Soil Essay Example for Free
Peat Soil Essay Peat is generally found in thick layers in limited areas, has low shear strength and high compressive deformation which often results in difficulties when construction work is undertaken on the deposit. Peat represents the extreme form of soft soil. It is an organic soil which consists more than 75% of organic matters. However, the cutoff value of the percentage of organic matter necessary to classify a superficial deposit or soil as peat varies throughout the world, usually depending on the purpose of classification. This cutoff value also serves to differentiate peat from superficial deposits or soils with lesser amounts of organic content. The terms peat and organic soils, used for describing soils with an organic content, were once synonymous but term organic soils is presently used for superficial deposits or soils that contain organic matter. Figure 1 Location of Peat Soil in Malaysia PEAT SOIL SUBSIDENCE Draining of peatland lowers water table causing subsidence Rate of subsidence 20 – 50 cm per year over a period of 5 years after drainage thereafter 5 cm per year. Oxidation acidity: Peatland water is acidic once drained, peatwater causes severe damage to flora fauna habitats in adjacent areas. Compaction or shrinkage of peat soils may cause groundwater containing fertilizer or pesticide residues to flow from agricultural area to adjacent water catchment area.
Thursday, November 14, 2019
Eisenhower Essay -- essays research papers
The Early Years Dwight David Eisenhower was born on October 14, 1890 in Denison, Texas. He was the third of seven sons from David Jacob and Ida Elizabeth Stover Eisenhower. After his birth the family moved to Abilene, Kansas where Dwight graduated from high school in 1909. He was awarded a scholarship to West Point military academy. He was commisioned a Second Lieutenant upon graduation in September of 1915. After being stationed at Fort Sam Houston, Dwight met Mary (Mamie) Geneva Doud, and they were married on July 1, 1916. The couple had two sons, Doud Dwight Eisenhower and John Sheldon Doud Eisenhower. Doud Dwight, nicknamed â€Å"Little Icky†, was born on September 24, 1917. He died three years later ,on January 2nd,1921,of scarlet fever .Their second son was born in Denver on August 3, 1922. He married Barbara Jean Thompson in July of 1947 and they had four children. There are now eight Eisenhower great-grandchildren. Ike Takes Charge: A rise To Power In 1917, the United states joined the Allied fighting in World War I. The prospect of commanding troops abroad excited Dwight, but his superiors did not think he was ready for such a task. It didnt help matters that Dwight was a success in training others for battle. From 1915 to 1918Dwight and Mamie were sent all over the United States. Starting from Ft. Sam Houston, Dwight served in the infantry division at Camp Wilson, and Leon Springs, Texas and Ft. Ogelthorpe, Georgia. He then served with the Tank Corps in Camp Meade, Mar...
Tuesday, November 12, 2019
Help Stop Bullying Essay
An 11 year old Massachusetts boy, Carl Joseph Walker-Hoover, hung himself April 6, 2009 because he was being taunted daily for being gay. The mother begged the school to address the problem, but nothing was ever done about it and now a woman is left son less. That was at least the fourth suicide of a middle-school aged child linked to bullying that year. Most harassment and bullying go unreported. Children are being bullied each and every day, but the question is what should be done to stop it? Each and every day a child is being teased or picked on because of the way they look, act, dress, or because of what they believe in. Children should not have to be tortured just because they are not like everyone else. Children should be able to come to school and enjoy themselves and not worry about being picked on. A child that is being bullied can have many problems such as low self esteem and low self confidence which could lead them to suicide. Also, children that are bullied may start doing poorly in school or maybe even drop out because they do not feel safe at school. Bullying really needs to be stooped because it can leave a child physically, emotionally, and mentally scarred for the rest of their lives. Some schools say that there is very little that they can do about bullying because a lot of bullying starts off of school property. â€Å"Much of today’s bullying originates online, school officials said, with the growing use of social networking websites and cell phones has led to new ways to intimidate and tease. But because cyber bullying usually happens off-campus school administrators have little recourse†(Nissley 2010). I do not agree with the school district when they say that there is little they can do. Even though, it may start online, it continues or become worse at the school. With that being said, they need to try and do more so it can stop all together no matter where it starts. The solution that they think will help stop bullying is if the educate student about it more. Like Nissley (2010) stated, â€Å"In a model that has been mirrored by other school districts across the state, Abington Heights has been working on educating students as early as kindergarten about bullying and their responsibility to report it when they see it (p. 1). I think that it is good to educate the students about bullying and reporting it, but what is that really going to do? As we all know a lot of students will not tell because they will be too afraid. Or if they do tell they will be little done about it and they will continue to get bullied. So, their solution would not be effective at all. â€Å"Safe to learn: Embedding anti-bullying work in schools is the overarching anti-bullying guidance for schools and was launched in 2007†(teacherNet, 2009, p. 2). It seems that everyone thinks that the solution to stop bullying is just to educate students about it. I think that it is good that they are trying to educate students about the issue, but we all know that it is going to take more than that to stop bullying. It does not matter how much information you provide the students with about bullying, it still is not going to do anything. People have been trying to stop bullying by just telling students it is not the right thing to do for years and nothing has changed. As you see, they tried this solution in 2007 and now in 2010 the same problem is still going on. You can make students take classes every day about bullying and there will still be children getting bullied. Principals and administrators need to punish students by making use of more suspensions and require mandatory parent meetings for those who are bullying others. If the bullying continues, it must be dealt with strongly. And, both the child and parent should be held responsible for it. Until people start taking actions of this nature, bullying will forever be a problem. I think that the only way to stop bullying is to actually make a law against it. In Massachusetts, they have passed a bill for anti-bullying. I think that is wonderful because now that the law is involved I am sure bullying will be cut down because the kids would not to have to deal with the harsh consequences. â€Å"The bill would prohibit bullying at schools and clamp down on so-called cyber bullying by prohibiting the use of e-mails, text messages, internet postings, and other electronic means to create hostile school environment†(Gay & Lesbians, 2010, p. 16). I also believe that it is good that they are requiring the school principals to report to the bullying to the police, if they believe criminal charges should be pursued. Maybe now if the students know that they could possibly go to jail they would stop bullying. It is great that somebody has passed a bill and takes this issue seriously because this has been going on for too long and it is time for it to stop. Lately there have been many other cities discussing and making laws about bullying. In New Jersey, they have also passed a bill regarding bullying. â€Å"A law against bullying in schools which advocates call the nation’s toughest because it requires schools to develop anti-harassment programs, was approved Monday in New Jersey†(Mulvihill, 2010, pg. ). I believe that this is what the schools need in order for bullying to stop. It may take a while for the schools to get all the policies and programs in the public schools, but it will be worth it. This law will hopefully prevent any more suicides from happening due to children being bullied. Maybe it should have been stricter laws a long time ago and a lot of bullying could have bee n stopped. The state of New Jersey has already passed the law for anti-bullying shows how it will cut down on a lot of bullying. There was already an anti-bullying law in 2002, but it was not required that schools set up anti-bullying programs. The new bill is claimed to be one of the toughest anti-bullying bill that there is. They are going all out the way to make sure students will not get bullied. They are even making teachers get training to help to bulling. Like Julie Bolcer (2010) stated, ‘’ The measure would required training for most public school employees on how to spot bulling and mandate that all districts from ‘school safety teams’ review complaints, reported The Star – Ledger . Superintendent would have to report incidents of buying to the state board of education, which would grade schools and districts on their efforts to combat it ‘’ (pg. 1). I think that it is to stop bulling because this is a very serious problem. But now that there are such harsh laws against it, I know the rates will go down a lot. Bullying is something that has been around for ages, but no one has ever seemed to find the right solution for it. Many say there is not a lot that can be done to stop bulling because it starts off school property; I totally isagree with that. While you have others that think that just by telling students about will stop it, which we all know will not. I feel that the only way bulling will ever stop is if they give harsh punishments and let the bullies know that is not a joke. Even though, there have been many attempts to stop bulling, I think that they have finally found a solution which is by making a tough anti-bulling law. If a child wants to bully someone then they should deal with the law and suffer the consequences.
Saturday, November 9, 2019
Corporate Finance Homework – Chapter 4
Corporate Finance2 CreditsBU. 231. 620. 62Thursday 6pm – 9pm, 10/18/2012–12/13/2012Fall2, 2012Columbia, Columbia Center, 218| Instructor Shabnam Mousavi Contact Information Phone Number: (410)234-9450 E-mail Address: [email protected] edu Office Hours Monday/Thursday 10am-noon Required Text and Learning Materials (1) Berk, J. and P. DeMarzo. 2007. Corporate Finance. 2nd Edition. Pearson, Addison-Wesley with MyLab access. The ISBN is 0-13-295-040-5. (2) Lecture Notes. The lecture notes will be posted weekly on Blackboard, before class. 3) MyFinanceLab: All homework and quizzes are posted on MyFinanceLab. Instructions available at the end of this syllabus. Course ID: mousavi28617 Blackboard Site A Blackboard course site is set up for this course. Each student is expected to check the site throughout the semester as Blackboard will be the primary venue for outside classroom communications between the instructors and the students. Students can access the course site at h ttps://blackboard. jhu. edu. Support for Blackboard is available at 1-866-669-6138.Course Evaluation As a research and learning community, the Carey Business School is committed to continuous improvement. Therefore each student must complete the course evaluation as part of the continuous improvement process. Information on how to complete the evaluation will be provided near the end of the course. Disability Services Johns Hopkins University and the Carey Business School are committed to making all academic programs, support services, and facilities accessible.To determine eligibility for accommodations, please contact the Carey Disability Services Office at time of admission and allow least four weeks prior to the beginning of the first class meeting. Students should contact Rachel Hall in the Disability Services office by phone at 410-234-9243, by fax at 443-529-1552, or email: carey. [email protected] edu. Important Academic Policies and Services * Honor Code * Statement of D iversity and Inclusion * Tutoring * Carey Writing Center * Inclement Weather PolicyStudents are strongly encouraged to consult the Johns Hopkins Carey Business School Student Handbook and Academic Catalog and the School website http://carey. jhu. edu/syllabus_policies for detailed information regarding the above items. Course Description The goal of this course is to analyze the major decisions of a corporation. The course deals primarily with a firm’s investment and financing decisions and the firm’s interaction with capital markets. Topics include valuation of future cash flows and risk, capital budgeting, capital structure theory, and pay-out theory.Course Overview About 90% of total revenues in the US economy are generated by corporations. Understanding decision-making within a corporation, whether it is about the choice of investment or about how to raise capital to finance a specific investment, is fundamentally important to understand the key players in todayâ⠂¬â„¢s economy. This course provides the tools to understand efficient decision-making within a corporation by employing the notion of absence of arbitrage (i. e. , the Law of One Price), namely the fundamental principle shaping all aspects of modern finance.While my goal cannot be to make you expert managers in eight weeks, you will be able to evaluate important corporate decisions coherently within the framework of the no-arbitrage principle. Student Learning Objectives for This Course All Carey graduates are expected to demonstrate competence on four Learning Goals, operationalized in eight Learning Objectives. These learning goals and objectives are supported by the courses Carey offers. For a complete list of Carey learning goals and objectives, please refer to the website http://carey. jhu. edu/LearningAtCarey/LGO/index. html. The learning objectives for this course are: . You should be able to price future certain (and uncertain) streams of income. 2. You should be able to us e effectively valuation methods when making capital-budgeting decisions. 3. You should recognize the financial and strategic implications of alternative corporate financing decisions in different environments. 4. You should recognize the financial and strategic implications of alternative corporate pay-out decisions in different environments. 5. You should understand agency problems in the context of corporate financing and pay-out decisions and their ethical implications. Attendance PolicyClass attendance is mandatory. Each student should read the assigned materials and give careful thought to background information prior to each class session. Having done so will not only facilitate class discussion, it will also lighten your workload because the lectures are much easier to follow after the readings have been digested. Assignments Course grades will be based on 3 quizzes (Dates on MyFinanceLab), homework assignments, and a final exam. The quizzes will be available on MyFinanceLab. A maximum of one quiz can be missed. If a quiz is missed, additional weight (10%) is put on the final exam. Missing a quiz only means â€Å"not sitting for it. †For example, it does not mean â€Å"discarding an unfavorable grade ex-post. †) Homework assignments will be posted each week on MyFinanceLab. You can work on these in groups but you do not have to do so, if you so choose. After due date no points will be given for a homework. The final exam will be about 3-hour long. It will be closed-book. A two-sided (A4) self made consolidation-sheet will be allowed. Evaluation and Grading Assignment| Learning Outcome| Weight| 3 quizzes| 1-5| 10% each| Assignments| 1-5| 20%| Final exam| 1-5| 50%|Important notes about grading policy: The grade for good performance in a course will be a B+/B. The grade of A- will only be awarded for excellent performance. The grade of A will be reserved for those who demonstrate extraordinarily excellent performance. The grades of D+, D, an d D- are not awarded at the graduate level. Grade appeals will ONLY be considered in the case of a documented clerical error. Tentative Course Calendar *The instructor reserves the right to alter course content and/or adjust the pace to accommodate class progress. REMARK1: no class on 11/22, and 11/29- ThanksgivingREMARK2: Online material including quizzes, activities, and practices are designed on MyFinanceLab; Always check your MyFinanceLab for assignments; You are responsible for completing online requirements and submitting your work before deadlines. Pre-course readings: Chapters 1 and 2 of Berk and DeMarzo. If you cannot read these chapters for the first class, it is important that you do so for the second class. Week| Content| Reading| 1| (1) Valuing cash flows (2) Net present values| Chapters 3 and 4| 2| * Fundamentals of capital budgeting| Chapter 7| | Quiz1: see dates on MyFinanceLab (1) Debt and equity financing (2) Modigliani-Miller| Chapter 14| 4| (1) Debt and taxes (2) The cost of bankruptcy (3) Optimal capital structure: the trade-off theory (4) Agency costs: time-permitting| Chapters 15 and 16| 5| Quiz2: see dates on MyFinanceLab * Information and pay-out policy| Chapter 17| 6| no class| Online quizzes and assignments (on MyFinanceLab/Blackboard, beyond homework) for minimum total of 3 hours distributed through semester| 7| Quiz3: see dates on MyFinanceLab * More on capital budgeting (with leverage and market imperfections) (1) Risk and return (2) Systematic versus idiosyncratic risk (3) Evaluating the cost of capital| Chapter 18 Chapter 10 and Chapter 12| 8| Final Exam, in Class| Comprehensive| â€â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€- Copyright Statement Unless explicitly allowed by the instructor, course materials, class discussions, and examinations are created for and expected to be used by class participants only. The recording and rebroadcasting of su ch material, by any means, is forbidden. Violations are subject to sanctions under the Honor Code. MyLab / Mastering Student Registration Instructions To register for BU. 231. 620. 62. FA12: 1. Go to pearsonmylabandmastering. com. 2. Under Register, click Student. 3. Enter your instructor’s course ID: mousavi28617, and click Continue. 4.Sign in with an existing Pearson account or create an account:  · If you have used a Pearson website (for example, MyITLab, Mastering, MyMathLab, or MyPsychLab), enter your Pearson username and password. Click Sign In.  · If you do not have a Pearson account, click Create. Write down your new Pearson username and password to help you remember them. 5. Select an option to access your instructor’s online course:  · Use the access code that came with your textbook or that you purchased separately from the bookstore.  · Buy access using a credit card or PayPal.  · If available, get 17 days of temporary access. (Look for a link nea r the bottom of the page. ) 6. Click Go To Your Course on the Confirmation page. Under MyLab / Mastering New Design on the left, click BU. 231. 620. 2. FA12 to start your work. Retaking or continuing a course? If you are retaking this course or enrolling in another course with the same book, be sure to use your existing Pearson username and password. You will not need to pay again. To sign in later: 1. Go to pearsonmylabandmastering. com. 2. Click Sign In. 3. Enter your Pearson account username and password. Click Sign In. 4. Under MyLab / Mastering New Design on the left, click BU. 231. 620. 62. FA12 to start your work. Additional Information See Students > Get Started on the website for detailed instructions on registering with an access code, credit card, PayPal, or temporary access.
Thursday, November 7, 2019
american essays
spanish/american essays Our trade has suffered, the capital invested by our citizens in Cuba has been largely lost, and the temper and forbearance of our people have been so sorely tried as to beget a perilous unrest among our own citizens, which has inevitably found its expression from time to time in the National Legislature, so that issues wholly external to our own body politic engross attention and stand in the way of that close devotion to domestic advancement that becomes a self-contained commonwealth whose primal maxim has been the avoidance of all foreign entanglements. All this must needs awaken, and has, indeed, aroused, the utmost concern on the part of this Government, as well during my predecessor's term as in my own Said President William McKinley in his War Message (McKinley's War Message 6). Many people believe in the concept of a just war as defined by the seven principles, others would argue that the concept of a just war remains very subjective, and still others argue, usually for mora l or religious reasons, that war can never be justified. NEED TO PUT LETTER C IN The Spanish-American War was between the United States and Spain in 1898. The virtual annihilation of indigenous peoples within the continental United States by the early 1900's allowed national attention to turn outward. Interest in developing markets in China and plans for a canal through Central America set the stage for a new level of expansionist strategizing. The Caribbean was a region with a strong economic relationship to the U.S., and had long been regarded by many as a natural extension of our republic. By the late 1890's American citizens owned about fifty million dollars' worth of Cuban property, primarily in the sugar, tobacco, and iron industries. By the late nineteenth century the nation was left only a few scattered possessions in the Pacific, Africa, and the West Indies. Much of the empire had gained its independence and a number o...
Tuesday, November 5, 2019
Use Conditional Probability to Calculate Intersections
Use Conditional Probability to Calculate Intersections The conditional probability of an event is the probability that an event A occurs given that another event B has already occurred. This type of probability is calculated by restricting the sample space that we’re working with to only the set B. The formula for conditional probability can be rewritten using some basic algebra. Instead of the formula: P(A | B) P(A ∠© B) /P( B ), we multiply both sides by P( B ) and obtain the equivalent formula: P(A | B) x P( B) P(A ∠© B). We can then use this formula to find the probability that two events occur by using the conditional probability. Use of Formula This version of the formula is most useful when we know the conditional probability of A given B as well as the probability of the event B. If this is the case, then we can calculate the probability of the intersection of A given B by simply multiplying two other probabilities. The probability of the intersection of two events is an important number because it is the probability that both events occur. Examples For our first example, suppose that we know the following values for probabilities: P(A | B) 0.8 and P( B ) 0.5. The probability P(A ∠© B) 0.8 x 0.5 0.4. While the above example shows how the formula works, it may not be the most illuminating as to how useful the above formula is. So we will consider another example. There is a high school with 400 students, of which 120 are male and 280 are female. Of the males, 60% are currently enrolled in a mathematics course. Of the females, 80% are currently enrolled in a mathematics course. What is the probability that a randomly selected student is a female who is enrolled in a mathematics course? Here we let F denote the event â€Å"Selected student is a female†and M the event â€Å"Selected student is enrolled in a mathematics course.†We need to determine the probability of the intersection of these two events, or P(M ∠© F). The above formula shows us that P(M ∠© F) P( M|F ) x P( F ). The probability that a female is selected is P( F ) 280/400 70%. The conditional probability that the student selected is enrolled in a mathematics course, given that a female has been selected is P( M|F ) 80%. We multiply these probabilities together and see that we have an 80% x 70% 56% probability of selecting a female student who is enrolled in a mathematics course. Test for Independence The above formula relating conditional probability and the probability of intersection gives us an easy way to tell if we are dealing with two independent events. Since events A and B are independent if P(A | B) P( A ), it follows from the above formula that events A and B are independent if and only if: P( A ) x P( B ) P(A ∠© B) So if we know that P( A ) 0.5, P( B ) 0.6 and P(A ∠© B) 0.2, without knowing anything else we can determine that these events are not independent. We know this because P( A ) x P( B ) 0.5 x 0.6 0.3. This is not the probability of the intersection of A and B.
Sunday, November 3, 2019
The Competencies That Are Required By Consultants In Order To Ensure Essay
The Competencies That Are Required By Consultants In Order To Ensure an Efficient Consulting Practice - Essay Example This paper illustrates that the work of the management consultant is to help the client organization to recognize the management problems, analyze the problems and provide solutions to the problems. The role of the consultants has become extremely important in contemporary times to deal with critical issues faced by the organizations. The client organization often requires the skill and expertise to deal with the critical issues faced by the organization. Researchers have established that there is a link between organizational performance and organizational characteristic and both of these are influenced by a reverse relationship. It can be argued that the organizational characteristics can also have an influence on the consulting performance. According to the views of Lundberg, the competence of an individual is a set of appropriate behavior which acts as a framework for identifying, evaluating and developing an individual’s behavior. Researchers have found out that competenc e is actually a combination of skills, knowledge, and behavior that helps in improving the performance of an organization. According to Sandberg, people who perform their responsibilities more competently than others can be argued to have the finer set of attributes. Therefore it can be argued that the competence of the management consultant is a crucial factor that influences consulting performance. The existing literature identifies that there are a set of competencies that are important for consultants. There are ten domains of competencies that have been identified namely enterprising, confidence, management, influence, facilitation, consideration, analytics, performance, organizing behavior, resilience and enterprising nature. Each of these domains has a number of characteristics under them like independence, adaptability, planning, quality orientation, problem-solving approach, conceptualizing vision and customer orientation to name a few.
Thursday, October 31, 2019
IDENTITY paper Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
IDENTITY paper - Essay Example The word agency in this context refers that 'agency is directly tied to social structures' in so far as they interact and produce society together. Obviously, Agents have complete knowledge of their society and this mutual information that therein produces structures. The everyday ordinary life of an agent leads is simply a part of reproduction in society. The important thing is here that Levine theory primary refers "Ontologiclal" security in the trust. In contrast, Agency, apart from reproduction of society can also lead to the transformation of society. According to Levine a good way to explain this concept is "reflexive monitoring of actions". Reflexive monitoring looks at the skill to look at actions to estimate their effectiveness in achieving their aims. However, if agents can replicate structure through action, they can also transform it. However, according to Levine "in terms of identity formation and maintenance, two key issues pertain to (a) the relevance of the concepts of structure and agency for understanding identity, and (b) the extent to which identity is conceptualized as having an "inner" versus "outer" origin. The first issue involves assumptions regarding individual causality, or personal responsibility; the sociological equivalent of which lies in the notions of reflexivity and agency. It is quite true that this issue has long been ignored in sociology, but as noted, the issue is currently being discussed by late modernists in terms of the structure-agency debate (i.e., how much individuals exercise control independent of social structure versus how much social structure determines individual behavior". (Levine, 2002, pg, 54+) Structural Influence on Identity (A) Gender Base Structural Influence on Identity The benefits of receiving ample parental support and, conversely, the costs of receiving poor parental support during childhood may be the most powerful within "same-sex parent-child dyads". The important point is to note here is that the daughter-mother relationship is central in most women's lives. Certianly, this relationship between mother and daughter is a key influence in the identity formation and the long-term psychosocial adjustment of daughter. Similarly, the son-father relationship has significant influence on the development psychosocial, morality, behaviour and so on. Furthermore, the relationship between father and son influences everything in a man's life, in what he sees himself and in what way he sees all other people. Thus, the amount of support a child receives within this same-sex dyad would be a important determinant of psychosocial and moral values development an individual's life course. "When taken together, this review suggests that although receiving early parental support may be an important predictor of mental and physical health outcomes in later life, the impact of early parental support can be fully appreciated only by identifying the social structural factors that are most closely associated with receiving poor support in early life and understanding how associations between levels of support received during childhood. However, moral and behavior status vary according to following factors. 1. Does the amount of early parental support reported vary by gender of the parent, gender of the child, or racial or socioeconomic status 2. Is the moral of women and men differentially
Tuesday, October 29, 2019
Intellectual Property Law Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words
Intellectual Property Law - Research Paper Example With mounting pressures by judicial criticism, intellectual property was regulated under common law and the Statute of Monopolies enacted in 1623 rendered illegal all monopolies except those for a defined term of years; this forms the basis of modern patent law (World Intellectual Property Organization, p.1). The exact origin of intellectual property law is still unknown. However, it is a fact that, terms like intellectual property was used during the initial half of seventeenth century in Britain. The history of intellectual property rights in the modern era started in Germany in 1867. North German Confederation is believed to be the first country which formulated intellectual property laws in the modern era. â€Å"The North German Confederation first used the term â€Å"intellectual property†in 1867, providing for legislative protection in its constitution†(Furst). Since then, intellectual laws evolved in different forms at different parts of the world. Different cou ntries have different types of intellectual property laws. ... Copyright is a form of protection provided to the authors of â€Å"original works†and includes such things as literary, dramatic, musical, artistic, and certain other intellectual creations, both published and unpublished. Copyright does not protect ideas. It only protects the specific and original expression of the idea (Pipers) For example, Windows is the operating system developed by Microsoft. It should be noted that plenty of people, including Bill Gates, worked on the development of Windows operating system. This product is protected with the help of copyright laws. It is illegal to use pirated copies of Windows on computers. Even in China, Microsoft succeeded in winning some cases with respect to copyright violation of its products. â€Å"A local court in Shanghai ruled that Dazhong Insurance must pay Microsoft 2.17 million yuan ($317,900) as compensation for using pirated Microsoft software, reported†(Stan) â€Å"Patents are used to protect new pro duct, process, apparatus, and uses providing the invention is not obvious in light of what has been done before†(European Generic medicines Association). It should be noted that new products are developed only because of the huge efforts undertaken by somebody. Once a new product is developed, it is easy for others to copy it. In other words, leaders and followers are in the market. Leaders always generate new ideas and innovate new products whereas followers try to copy those ideas and innovations. In order to avoid such illegal copying, all new products and services developed by somebody can be protected with the help of patent laws. Patent rights are usually given only for a particular period of time. The owner of a patented product should disclose the innovation to the
Sunday, October 27, 2019
Comparison of Oral Drug Administration Strategies
Comparison of Oral Drug Administration Strategies Abstract In this literature assignment the oral route of administration will be discussed and further studied. Particular formulations such as tablets (including chewable as well as buccal tablets), capsules, oral solutions, suspensions and emulsions which can be applied by using this selected route will be compared and any differences or/and similarities between those will be identified. Oral formulations are usually the most convenient for both children and adults and therefore should be the first choice for example pain management etc or generally when required. Speed of absorption (in the oral route it may be slow depending on the preparation and the stomach contents) and duration of effect (slower release compared to other routes for a prolonged effect) are also some of the factors under investigation in this study. According to the advantages and disadvantages of these different formulations it would be useful to identify which is the most preferable formulation by patients followed by specific examples/drugs which are administered orally. Introduction Different drugs require different routes of administration and therefore different dosage forms are produced in order the appropriate absorption to be achieved through the suitable form of the drug. Each substance is absorbed in a different way by the human body. Hence different administration routes are provided and recommended for each substance under which the dose of the drug will be absorbed, delivered and distributed more effectively. The two major classes where through the drug can enter the human body are enteral and parenteral routes. In the enteral route the drug passes directly into the Gastrointestinal tract. Enteral route includes sublingual (under the tongue), oral (swallowing) as well as absorption of the drug through the rectum. On the other hand parenteral routes involve intravascular (the drug is administered into the blood stream), intramuscular (skeletal muscle), subcutaneous (into subcutaneous tissues) and inhalation routes of administration (where the drug is absorbed through the lungs). Parenteral routes, Routes of Drug Administration, RL Copeland, PH.D., Department of Pharmacology Topical preparations include those that result to either mucosal membranes (such as eye drops, nasal) or skin (dermal and transdermal for local and systemic action respectively). The physical characteristics of the drug, its rate of absorption or/and release as well as the possibility of the need of high concentrations at particular sites are some basic key factors that determine the route of administration for each drug. It should be also mentioned that more than one route of administration can be advisable for the substance/drug depending on the patients condition. According to researches it has been proved that the oral route is the most popular route of administration between those that were referred above. This is due to its simplicity, convenience and safety provided. However, there are some disadvantages of the oral route of drug administration involving the long time the drug needs in order to show an effect as well as the interaction of drug substances with enzymes and/or secretions of the gastrointestinal tract. Gastric emptying time as well as the alteration of pH levels into the gastrointestinal tract are factors to investigate in order to achieve maximum absorption of the drug through the oral route. Discussion Tablets Nowadays, one of the most common dosage forms produced by pharmaceutical industries and preferred by the majority of patients is undoubtedly tablets. The category of compressed tablets is the most popular dosage form in use. Tablets are used for either systemic drug delivery or for local drug action as well. They are more preferable than any other dosage form as they are taken orally by patients, which is a convenient and safe way of drug administration and are more stable compared to liquids (physical and chemical stability). Different types of tablets (regarding their shape, size and drug dose) require a different formulation in order to be produced as each category has different properties and alterations may be needed in the choice of excipients each time and in methods used. That means that every tablet is a different situation and as a result different steps should be followed. Tablets have enough advantages in comparison to other dosage forms. First of all they are easier to handle and the preparation procedure offers an accurate dosing of the drug. The possibility of mass production makes production of tablets cheaper and their chemical and physical stability is obviously better compared to liquid dosage forms. Tablets are also compliant with the majority of patients. Disadvantages of tablets are noticed when they are dispensed especially in the elderly and paediatrics where swallowing difficulties are observed. They also belong to the category of slow-acting dosage forms (first-pass effect). Finally their poor bioavailability in combination with the decrease in PH over the time complete the most important disadvantages and create points for improvement. The compressed tablet is the most popular, versatile but most technically difficult dosage form as well. According to European Pharmacopoeia (3rd edition, 1997) tablets are solid preparations each containing a single dose of one or more active ingredients and obtained by compressing uniform volumes of particles. Million tablets are dispensed on a daily basis in the pharmacies all over the UK. Hence pharmacists should be completely aware of how they are made and the steps that follow during the production stage before they reach in the dispensary area of pharmacies. First of all, tablets are called pills by the majority of people. However this name is technically incorrect as tablets are made by compression whereas pills are an ancient solid dose forms prepared by hand into spherical particles about 4 to 6mm in diameter. As it was said above, tablets are made by a process of compression and that is their basic difference compared to pills. There are two main types of press in tablet production: the single -punch press (or eccentric press) and the rotary press (or multistation press). There is one more type, called hydraulic press (used more in research and development work) which requires a more specialized equipment. The first very important factor for investigation in tablet formulation is compressibility. Because the majority of drugs do not have very good compression properties on their own usually require the addition of excipients. Low dose tablets (dose less than 50mg) are used to be prepared by direct compression whereas high dose ones (dose more than 50mg) by using wet granulation technique. Compression properties could be understood better by studying the behaviour of elastic, plastic or fragmenting tablets under compression. Good flow (or alternatively flowability) is the next attribute for investigation. In order to succeed that, tablets require the addition of different excipients (and not only the active drug) such as lubricants, glidants, binders, disintegrants, antiadherents etc. Depending on the drug and the dose of the tablet each time (preparation of low or high dose tablets), different excipients are used. Excipients however, can affect powders properties; hence pharmaceutical industries need to study very well them and their properties in order to avoid any possible errors during the tableting process. 325mg aspirin tablets, by Ragesoss, E. Johnson, 2010 Tablets can be controlled by weight. The whole tablets weight combines the weight of the active drug (drug dose) and the weight of the excipients added after it. Tableting process relies on consistent volumetric filling of the die space set by the bottom punch. Uniformity of tablets can be tested in two ways; weight variation or content uniformity test. Weight variation test occurs for high dose tablets (dose > 50mg) that are uncoated and contain at least 50 % of the active ingredient (drug). On the other hand, content uniformity test is used for coated tablets which contain again the same percentage (at least 50%) of the single active ingredient. In tablet manufacturing, tablets are prepared by powder compression. By that way particles are placed very close to each other and finally a defined size and shape is given. During compression procedure a die and two punches (upper and lower) are used. First of all die is a tool that is used by pharmaceutical industries for cutting or shaping materials by using press. On the other hand, punch is used to describe a hard metal rod which has two different ends; a shaped tip and a blunt butt. The compressive force is applied by the upper punch while the lower one moves at the same time up and down within the tip. The image below describes the whole process from the time that the powder is moved to the die till the tablet is formed. The sequent of events involved in the formation of tablets. Pharmaceutics The science of dosage form design, edited by M.E, Aulton Second edition Coming back to flowability, good flow depends on both active ingredients and the excipients added in the powder mix. The good flow of a powder mix can be ensured by measuring the angle of repose or consolidation index. If flow properties are not very good, then lubricants and glidants are the most appropriate excipients for the improvement of the flow. It should also be noted that only glidants are able to improve a powders flow. Lubricants just decrease the extinction of friction and by that way the flow becomes better. More especially, by the addition of a lubricant the coefficient of friction between the die wall and the tablet during ejection is reduced and by that way the powder has a better flowability. Magnesium stearate is the most commonly used lubricant especially for tablets and functions as an antiadherent. That means that by its addition, it prevents ingredients from picking and sticking to manufacturing equipment during the compression of chemical powders into solid tablets. It is also hydrophobic and reduces the compressibility of many formulations. On the other hand, glidants are added mainly to the dry powders to improve flowability. In general the addition of a glidant or lubricant or both of them can affect the excipients/powders flowability and bulk density. These additions can have great results and turn powders with a very poor flow to powders with a good flow. Apart from lubricants and glidants, formulation of tablets requires the use of other excipients as well. The filler for example which acts as a bulking agent, is used in order to increase the bulk volume of the powder and hence the size of the tablet when the dose of the active ingredient is too low (low dose of a potent drug requires the incorporation of a substance). An ideal filler has to be chemically inert, biocompatible, non-hygroscopic, soluble, compactible, quite tasty and not of very high cost. The filler used most widely is lactose as its properties look enough like the ideal fillers one. The addition of a disintegrant also ensures that the tablet when will be in contact with liquid will break up into small fragments. This promotes quick drug dissolution. During disintegration, the liquid comes in contact with the solid and penetrates the pores of the tablet. Afterwards the tablet breaks slowly into smaller fragments. Two categories of disintegrants exist: those that facilitate water uptake (e.g. surfactants) and that rapture the tablet (e.g. starch). Sticking or picking properties of tablets depend on the addition of antiadherents. Antiadherents reduce adhesion between the powder and the punch faces. Lots of lubricants can be used as antiadherents. Talc or starch have also similar properties. Magnesium stearate which is the most commonly used lubricant (especially for tablets) functions as an antiadherent as well. That means that by its addition, it prevents ingredients from picking and sticking to manufacturing equipment during the compression of chemical powders into solid tablets. It is also hydrophobic and reduces the compressibility of many formulations. Pharmaceutical industries can involve flavouring agents and colourants during tableting procedure too. First of all, a flavouring agent by its addition either gives a more pleasant taste in the tablet or mask an unpleasant one. Flavouring agents cannot be added prior to an operation involving heat as they are usually thermolabile. Usual flavouring agents are essential oils such as anise and cardamom, vanilla or peppermint. Colourant is the last excipient could be added during wet massing method in order to produce high dose tablets. General knowledge of colourants involve tablets identification and patients compliance. Even if colouring procedure finishes during coating stage, the colourant chosen could be added prior to compaction as well. Opacifiers like Titanium oxide and Inorganic materials like Iron oxide are characteristic colourant examples. The choice of the appropriate excipients depends on the type of the tablet as different excipients give different properties. So chewable tablets are not designed to disintegrate since mechanical action is supplied by the patient. Hence there is no need for disintegrants to be contained in to the relevant formulation. Although the drug is immediately released in the mouth, it is swallowed and absorbed from the stomach. Colouring and flavouring is also needed especially in the presence of antacids. Effervescent tablets are dissolved in a glass of water before administration. Plenty of analgesics use this specific type and during this process disinitegration and dissolution are facilitated due to carbon dioxide liberation. Effervescent tablets have a rapid bioavailability and cause less stomach irritation. However extra protection from moisture is required in packaging. Finally extended release tablets have been designed in order to release the drug dose over 12-24 hours until the drug to result to Gastrointestinal tract. They are classified according to the mechanism of drug release (e.g. erosion, dissolution, diffusion etc). Capsules The second most common dosage form administered via the oral route are capsules. Capsules which are solid dosage forms are distinguished into two categories; hard gelatine capsules and soft gels. Soft gelatine shells are consisted of less gelatine compared to hard gelatine ones (43%), 37% of glycerine and 20% of water. On the other hand, in hard gelatine shells no glycerine is added and larger amount of gelatine is obviously used. Although both capsule types are widely used, soft gels have some more advantages due to the accuracy and precision of dose that they offer, the accuracy of fill volume as well as the fact that they are preferred for high dose poorly compressible drugs. Generally speaking both capsule types are from the dosage forms that can be massively produced in a manufacturing scale and achieve appropriate dose in combination with the preferable size, shape and colour. Hard gelatin capsules Soft gelatin capsules Capsules are more stable than liquid dosage forms and as it was mentioned above they contribute to accurate dosing. Such as with tablets, they are quite easy to administer and any unpleasant tastes can be easily masked. Capsules release properties can be managed and further studied and it is also possible light resistant capsules to be produced. Patients compliance is another important issue too. The basic disadvantages are pretty much the same with those of tablets. Capsules as tablets are not indicated for people with swallowing difficulties including the elderly and children. They are also unsuitable for very small children and the use of animal gelatine in their formulation process might be an important religious issue. The aim of developing a capsule formulation is first of all to prepare a capsule with accurate dosage, good bioavailability, stability, elegance and facility in the production stage. In capsule formulation is very important the mixture that will be added into the capsules to have been blended very well and being 100% homogenous. Disintegrants are usually included in capsule formulation in order to help capsules contents to be distributed in the stomach. Aqueous solutions cannot be filled in hard gelatin capsules because water softens the gelatin and destroys the capsules. However, there are some exceptions of a few aqueous solutions (included oils) that can be added in hard gelatin capsules. In general, capsules are consisted of two main parts: the body and the cap. Almost all of the pharmaceutical companies that produce hard gelatin capsules use gelatine produced by ingrained bovine spongiform encephalopathy. This material is a good film former, soluble in water and is able to fluid in GI at normal body temperature without to release any of the ingredients of the capsule. Capsules are available in a variety of sizes and the appropriate size is chosen each time according the fill volume of the ingredients. Capsule sizes In hard gelatine capsules and generally in capsules, there is one extra step compared to tablets; that is the dissolution of the capsule shell. When the capsule will pass through the GI and will be placed in a dissolution medium at approximately 37ÃŽÂ ¿C, the gelatin will start gradually to dissolve. So, firstly the cap and afterwards the body will start to melt, and as a result the dissolution medium will penetrate into the capsule ingredients. Oral Solutions Solutions are from the oldest dosage forms used in pharmaceutical formulations. Their strongest advantage is based on the fast and high absorption of soluble medicinal products. Being from the simplest formulations to prepare concerning both time and cost, solutions are still one of the leading dosage forms due to their application in patients with swallowing difficulties and their easy administration. For example they are administered in geriatrics, in paediatrics as well as in patients in intensive care or patients suffering from psychiatric problems. Solutions are divided in oral solutions (elixirs, linctuses, syrups, mixtures, draughts, spirits and paediatric drops), in external solutions (lotions, liniments, external applications and collodions), in gargles and mouthwashes as well as in enemas and douches. Care pholcodine oral solution BP Focusing on the oral solutions, they contain a liquid which is characterized by its homogeneity and in which one or more active ingredients have been dissolved. Contrary to suspensions, in solutions there is no need for shaking before use. Most times, water is the preferred vehicle due to its multiple properties. Solutions offer immediate absorption of the drug and the drug dose can be also shaped regarding the patients needs. On the other hand, the drug stability is importantly affected in solutions and unpleasant tastes cannot be so easily masked as in other dosage forms (for example in tablets). As with suspensions, solutions do not offer a convenient transport due to possible container breakages. Other disadvantages involve the use of a measuring device in order to administer the appropriate dose to the patient which further requires a relevant technical accuracy. Finally, the fact that some of the drugs are poorly soluble enables the creation of a vehicle which usually consists of water and a variety of other solvents in order the chosen drug to be dissolved. Solubility which is an important factor to investigate in solutions, is directly connected to particle size, stirring, viscosity and temperature. Physical and chemical stability are other factors that need to be taken in consideration while dealing with the formulation of this specific dosage form. Oral Suspensions Generally speaking suspensions cover a wide range of pharmaceutical products involving enemas, ear drops, inhalations etc. Focusing on the suspensions administered via the oral route (mixtures for oral use) at least one of the active ingredients is suspended in a vehicle. According to the British Pharmacopoeia oral suspensions are oral liquids containing one or more active ingredients suspended in a suitable vehicle. Suspended solids may slowly separate on standing but are easily redispersed. Suspensions are an alternative way of drug administration which would not be so convenient for use if taken in other dosage forms (e.g. tablet). They are preferred from patients who experience swallowing difficulties and they are indicated for paediatric or/and geriatric use. Paracetamol oral suspension Some of the advantages of suspensions over other pharmaceutical formulations involve the palatability and stability that can be achieved using insoluble drugs. As it was mentioned above it is easier to swallow suspended insoluble powders and the absorption stage will be really faster that any other solid dosage forms which require dissolution before absorption. On the other hand, shaking is necessary before use and most times the dose is not as accurate as in equivalent solution. The disperse system can be also affected depending on the storage conditions. Finally it is not so easy to transport suspensions and extra caution is needed due to possible container breakages in this specific dosage form. Suspensions are further categorized into diffusible and indiffusible ones. Diffusible suspensions use light insoluble (or very slightly soluble) powders which during shaking require longer time to disperse uniformly (compared to indiffusible suspensions) in order to be made up to an accurate dose. Light Kaolin BP and Magnesium Trisilicate BP are some common diffusible powders which are completely insoluble in the water. Calamine BP and Zinc oxide BP are some of the commonly used indiffusible powders (heavy powders which are not soluble in the vehicle). One of the basic differences between these two categories is that in indiffusible suspensions a suspending agent is added for facilitating the vehicle to be thickened. Oral Emulsions British Pharmacopoeia states that oral emulsions are oral liquids containing one or more active ingredients. They are stabilised oil-in-water dispersions, either or both phases of which may contain dissolved solids. Solids may also be suspended in oral emulsions. When issued for use, oral emulsions should be supplied in wide-mouthed bottles. Q-LAX Oral emulsion Generally speaking the term emulsion is connected to applications with external use, lotions and creams. However pharmaceutically it is used for preparations that are used to be administered via the oral route. Emulsions are dispersions of oil in water or the opposite. Tiny droplets indicate the dispersed phase. Therefore the use of an emulsifying agent is necessary in order to assure that the oil phase is normally dispersed in the presence of water. Oral emulsions are usually oil-in-water whereas those that are intended for external use are usually water-in-oil respectively. As in suspensions, the artificial palatability of unpalatable drugs in emulsions is a strong advantage. It is also quite easy to flavour the aqueous phase and the sensation or/and the taste of the oil is something that can be easily removed. This dosage form has an increased rate of absorption and can combine even two incompatible ingredients (one in oily and another one in the aqueous phase). Passing to the disadvantages, some similarities can be identified between emulsions and solutions. The first one is the use of a measuring device in order to administer the appropriate dose to the patient which requires a relevant technical accuracy. Stability can be affected depending on the storage conditions and as in suspensions (but not in solutions), a good shake of the preparation is required before administration. As it was mentioned twice above, emulsions, suspensions and solutions do not offer a convenient transport due to possible container breakages. Finally in emulsions cracking can be caused due to the microbial contamination of the preparation. Although emulsions are a very helpful and useful dosage form in pharmaceutics, they are widely used more in external preparations than in internal ones (via the oral route). Conclusion Different drugs are administered via different routes of administration. Criteria such as either the speed or the efficiency with which the drugs act are decisive in order to choose the most appropriate route of administration and consequently the dosage form. More specifically, in terms of the oral route of drug administration different dosage forms were analyzed, discussed and their advantages and disadvantages were compared. Of course it is pointless to say that one of these dosage forms which are taken orally (tablets, capsules, oral suspensions, solutions and emulsions) is the best as each one covers specific aspects and purposes and is used under different circumstances. Tablets is the most commonly used dosage form with a very interesting as well as complicated manufacturing background. They are available in different types (e.g. immediate, modified release etc) and they are most preferable by patients. Capsules is another solid dosage form which is also preferred by patients. Tablets and capsules as solid preparations share common advantages. However patients compliance is their strongest one. When tablets or capsules cannot be swallowed then the use of other oral dosage forms such as solutions, suspensions or emulsions is necessary. Swallowing difficulties can be found especially in the elderly, in children or in patients in intensive care or with psychiatric support. Solutions and suspensions are used more widely than emulsions intended for internal use (via the oral route). Basic differences between those focus on palatability and stability of the preparation. To summarise it needs to be mentioned that it is not up to the formulator to decide the route of administration of each drug. This is solely determined by the physical characteristics of the drug itself, absorption and release factors.
Friday, October 25, 2019
The Federal Reserve - Its Time to Put an End to Central Bank Independence :: Economics Monetary Policy Feds Restraint
The Federal Reserve - It's Time to Put an End to Central Bank Independence If "taxation without representation" could rally the colonists against the British Crown in 1776, tight money and ruinous interest rates might be cause for populist revolt in our own day. Federal Reserve monetary policy also has severe social burdens, measured by huge changes in aggregate output, income, and employment. The imperious Fed, much like the English Crown two centuries ago, formulates and carries out its policy directives without democratic input, accountability, or redress. Not only has the Fed's monetary restraint at times deliberately pushed the economy into deep recession, with the attendant loss of millions of jobs, but also its impact on the structure of interest rates and dollar exchange rates powerfully alters the U.S. distribution of national income and wealth. Federal Reserve shifts in policy have generated economic consequences that at least equal in size and scope the impact of major tax legislation that Congress and the White House must belabor in public debate for months. Popularized studies of Federal Reserve performance in recent decades convey the image of the Fed seated in its Greek temple on Constitution Avenue, with Chairmen Volcker and Greenspan elevated to the realm of the gods. From centers of economic power around the nation - Wall Street, Capitol Hill, the White House, and corporate boardrooms - the classical Greek chorus intones its defense of Federal Reserve independence. On the surface, central bank independence seems an eminently reasonable, appealingly simple solution for an agonizingly complex and muddled process of making economic policy in this postindustrial, electronically linked, and computerized global economy. The independent central bank is an institutional concept that complements well the counterrevolution now underway in U.S. budget policy. Washington's fiscal policy is locked into a deficit-cutting mode for the near future, while Congress is determined to retreat from all discretionary spending, regulatory intervention, or measures to improve equity in the distribution of national income and wealth. With the federal fiscal policy on automatic pilot, the Fed's monetary policy could be removed entirely from the inefficiencies and confusion of the democratic process. But this deceptively simple conception poses profound questions for the process of democratic representative government in the United States as it pertains to managing the nation's economy.
Thursday, October 24, 2019
Illuminati Research Paper Essay
Who are the illuminati? Can you rise to fame and gain money by selling your soul to the devil? Some have made a living for themselves in the spotlight without the help of the illuminati while others that joined regret their decision and would rather give up fame forever. There are many theories that will be talked about including excessive details on what illuminati supposedly is and does, background history and establishment, what the illuminati’s goals are, how to become a member, the symbols and puppets they use to spread Illuminati and brainwash people to praise this group including what they represent and how they are integrated into music, athletes, TV shows, even cartoons, and many more with much evidence on this speculation. The Illuminati is a secret society that allegedly controls world affairs and our government. It is widely believed that celebrities are the most common puppets chosen to commercialize the illuminati. Illuminati refers to various organizations claim ing to have unsubstantiated links to the original Illuminati, and often alleged to scheme to control world affairs by masterminding events and planting agents in government and corporations to establish a New World Order and gain further political power and influence. The conspiracy has been illustrated pulling the strings and levers of power, while staying hidden in shadows, in novels, movies, television shows, comics, video games and music videos. Before all the fame and money, however, the Illuminati’s first known existence was in the Bavarian illuminati, until it was ruled out by churches and the Bavarian government. The origin of this group traces back to the 1760s and a man named Adam Weishaupt, who defected from the Catholic Church and organized the Illuminati, financed by the International Bankers. Since then, according to the Illuminati, their top goal has been to achieve a â€Å"one world government†and to subjugate all religions and governments in the process. The Illuminati thus attribute all wars since the French Revolution as having been fomented by them in their pursuit of their goals. Weishaupt wrote out a master plan in the 1770s outlining the Illuminati’s goals, finishing on May 1, 1776. In the 1780s, the Bavarian Government found out about the Illuminati’s subversive activities, forcing the Illuminati to disband and go underground. For the next few decades, the Illuminati operated under various names and guises, still in active pursuit of their ultimate goal. The Illuminati contend that they have achieved control over the world’s economy by controlling the International Bankers in their effort to create a one world. â€Å"Illuminati†claims to have unsubstantiated links to the original Bavarian Illuminati The Illuminati are a sect of the Freemasons. The Freemason adopted their beliefs and teachings from the Knights Templar, originally a religious and military organization during the crusades. By the 1300s, the Templars deemed themselves the â€Å"bankers of Europe,†because of their enormous wealth and the breadth of their organization; they were hoping to â€Å"become wealthy enough to buy the world.†The king of France and the Pope then conducted arrests and investigations of the Knights Templar. The Pope suspected the king’s investigation involved torturous methods and so h eld his own. As a result of these investigations, the Knights Templar was exposed as two-faced and evil. The Knights concealed one doctrine for only their masters – the one that proclaimed Lucifer as their god – and put forth a Christian front for the public. The Pope abolished the order and it fled underground, continuing only among its most trusted members.. When current members of the Freemasons were interviewed, they did not express any knowledge of any higher religious aims of the Orderbuthta it was an international secret fraternity based on good works. However, former members of the Masons explained that the organization was anti-Christ and Luciferically inspired, especially in its higher levels. This means that either current members would not reveal any of their knowledge because of binding oaths of secrecy, or that they were unaware of the Masons’ evil nature because they had not yet reached its highest levels. But how do you now become a member of the modern illumi nati? Members of the illuminati are chosen specifically from people that can influence others to join. You don’t join the illuminati and become a member just because you feel the need. You either are or you are not chosen. If you are in the correct circle with talents or gifts that can be used by the group you may be chosen for particular activities including becoming an illuminati puppet, and as some are called princesses. The cost of joining after chosen costs selling your soul and worshipping the devil. Many celebrities act in the ways of illuminati, hinting that they are member or that they wish to be, but others have taken it a step further to clearly state in interviews that they sold their soul to the devil. Some talk of an alter ego they have that mimics a demon taking over the performer while performing on stage, or write lyrics in songs about joining the illuminati, selling their souls, or regretting joining in the first place. In his song â€Å"Eyes Closedâ€Å", Kanye West sates that he â€Å"I sold my soul to the devil that’s a crappy deal/Least it came with a few toys like a happy meal†. Kanye west announces that he is a illuminati member and acknowledges the fact that he does not think it was the best choice but he is rewarded by it, for example with fame, fans, and money. The illuminati allegedly runs the music industry, so by selling your soul to the devil you can gain instant fame In an interview given to Katy Perry she claimed, â€Å" when I was 15, because id grew up in a household where all I ever did was listen to gospel music and my parents were both traveling minister and so I kind of sang about what was going on in my life at 15 and that’s how I got introduced to the music industry cause I swear I wanted to be, like, the Amy grant of music, but it didn’t work out and so I sold my soul to the devil.†Katy Perry received instant fame by selling her soul to the devil, as she claims, after a failed attempt of singing gospel music on her own. Others have however written songs about regret in the illuminati or made music videos with hidden evidence showing them trying to escape the illuminati but are not able to for they appear trapped. Eminem rose to fame after going through heavy times of poverty. In his song â€Å"Say Goodbye Hollywood†Eminem says â€Å"Sayin’ goodbye, sayin’ goodbye to Hollywood â€Å"I don’t wanna quit, but shit, I feel like this is it/For me to have this much appeal like this is sick/This is not a game, this fame, in real life this is sick/†¦I love my fans/But no one ever puts a grasp on the fact/i’ve sacrificed everything I have/I never dreamt i’d get to the level that i’m at, this is whack/This is more than I ever could of asked/everywhere I go, a hat, a sweater hood, or mask/What about math, how come I wasn’t ever good at that/It’s like the boy in the bubble, who never/could adapt, i’m trapped/If I could go back, I never woulda rapped/I sold my soul to the/devil, i’ll never get it back/I just wanna leave this game with level head intact Imagine goin’ from bein’ a no one to seein’,/ev erything blow up and all you did was just/grow up emceeing/It’s fuckin’ crazy/Cause all I wanted was to give Hailie the life I never had/But instead I forced us to live alienated, so i’m sayin’†¦Ã¢â‚¬ . emienem sold his soul to the devil and apparently regrets it but knows he is trapped, with no way of escaping. His reason for selling his soul is to give Hailey a life without hardship like himself, and he was in need of money to be able to raise her. He wants to leave Hollywood and stay away from fame as much as he can because he is sick of how it all came to him and he feels that he does not deserve this and make a mistake by sacrificing his soul for a fake life. In one line he says that he would never have rapped if he knew about this in the beginning. Unlike he did in this song, in other videos Eminem wears illuminati symbols like the eye of the devil. Many celebrities are constantly pictured flashing signs, either in concerts, music videos, or posing for pictures but what do these signs represent? Signs of the illuminati have become so common that celebrities who are constantly seen posing with them continue this less noticeably. The first symbol is the all Seeing Eye, or the eye of providence, one of the most widely recognized symbols of the Illuminati. The All-Seeing Eye was added to the original design of the Great Seal of the United States in 1776 by Pierre Eugà ¨ne Du Simitià ¨re and remained on the Seal with the addition of an unfinished pyramid when it was finally adopted in 1782. In 1935 the Great Seal was added to the $1 dollar note, the most widely circulated note on the planet, by President and Freemason Franklin D. Roosevelt. It represents the Eye of Lucifer. The Eye can see all and oversees its minions which are represented by the individual bricks of the pyramid. The 13 steps of the pyramid represent the 13 Illuminati Bloodlines which collectively rule over the planet. The year 1776 represent the founding of the Bavarian Illuminati by Adam Weishaupt. The eye is contained inside a triangular pyramid, which celebrities show by making the shape of a triangle with their hands. Some of these people include Kanye West, Jay-z, and Beyonce. All these people are affiliated with Roc-A-Fella records, Rockefeller being one of the thirteen bloodlines of the original illuminati .Another is the el diable used by lifting two fingers that represent the devils ,Lucifer’s, horns. The next symbol is an owl. The owl is the symbol of Minerva, the goddess of wisdom, which relates to the illuminati seeing themselves as the wise rulers of the planet. Nest is the pentagram which symbolizes the practice and promotion of black magic. Another is the famou s six, six, six sign. This one is very commonly flashed with a circle made with the thumb and index finger in a hand and the three fingers pointing upwards forming three sixes .this is the number of the beast and antichrist. One person most famous for this is Miley Cyrus who uses this in countless music videos. The number of the beast is associated with the anti Christ who will eventually want to take control of the illuminati as the new world order is formed. The music industry incorporates this symbol, the others, and additionally more endlessly whether in videos, randomly, or at award shows. Lucifer is pictured as the Baphomet, a ram with his two horns. Beyonce claims in an interview with Marie Claire â€Å"I’ve created an alter ego: things I do when performing I would never do normally. I reveal things about myself that I wouldn’t do in an interview. I have out-of-body experiences [on stage]. If I cut my leg, if I fall, I don’t even feel it. I’m so fearless, I’m not aware of my face or my body,†.She later stated that this would not take over her until she looks at her fans, seconds before she starts to perform on stage. She explains her alter ego like a devi ls spirit that takes over of her when she performs that is not the real her, but as she calls it, Sasha fierce. The illuminati is secretly attempting to steadily take over all of the government to form a new world order no matter what it takes. Whether it be corrupting the music industry, integrating symbols in commercials and cartoons, or having puppets, it is all done. Illuminati puppets are used to brainwash others to worship this civilization of the devil, but you can be awakened, to realize not to fall into this trap, and learn to trust and hold on to your own values and earn the respect and money you deserve while staying true to yourself, and not becoming a fake. Works Cited
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