Tuesday, August 25, 2020
Recycling Computers :: Recycle Reuse Reduce
Reusing Computers (this paper incorporates study and results) So as to stay aware of innovation, PCs must be supplanted like clockwork. A great many people basically discard their old PCs and other electrical parts since they are uninformed of the ecological issue emerging regularly from the imprudent removal of hardware. So as to forestall the obliteration of the earth individuals must be taught in two zones; what is in the PC itself that makes it unsafe to nature, and what are the means in discarding innovation appropriately. The initial phase in anticipation is through instruction. The reason for this report is to instruct the purchaser on this significance of this issue and what steps they can take actually to help forestall the issue later on. Today, there is in excess of 2,000,000 tons of electronic waste expending space in the United States’ landfills. A great many people be that as it may, don't consider this to be an issue. What most shoppers don't know is that PCs and electrical parts contain poisonous materials, for example, lead, calcium, and mercury that are draining into our nations landfills. For instance, a PC screen itself may contain as much as eight pounds of lead. At the point when twenty understudies were overviewed on poisons found inside a PC, it was seen that the greater part knew there were poisons inside. In any case, thirty-three percent didn't have a clue. When asked what explicit poisons can be found inside, most of the understudies were right with their reactions of each of the three poisons. Did you realize that there are perilous materials in PCs? No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes Indeed Indeed Indeed Indeed Indeed Indeed Which ones explicitly? Mercury Calcium Lead All Three Mercury Lead All Three Mercury All Three Mercury All Three Each of the Three Each of the Three The more significant issue that must be tended to is if individuals know about the way that they can really reuse their own old PCs. Most of individuals are ignorant of the way that PCs are in truth recyclable completely. Most old PCs wind up gathering dust essentially on the grounds that they are obsolete and better innovation is accessible. At the point when twenty understudies were overviewed on whether they realized PCs were recyclable, 70% addressed that they didn't think PCs had the option to be reused. The accompanying graph shows the outcomes. Is it accurate to say that you were mindful that PCs are recyclable? No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No No No No No No There are different associations that are set up carefully to assist individuals with finding electronic reusing data and pick the best technique for removal that is proper to their particular needs.
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Essay on How Love Is Represented in Romeo and Juliet free essay sample
Looking at noughts and crosses by Malorie Blackman to Romeo and Juliet Noughts and Crosses is suggestive of Shakespeares Romeo and Juliet. Noughts amp; Crosses is a cutting edge story set in an elective reality where you are either a Cross with brown complexion or a nothing with white skin. It is a book about race, force and truth. In this book Sephy (Persephone) is a cross and Callum her closest companion and prospective darling Callum is a nothing here and there the book is fundamentally the same as Romeo and Juliet. For instance Sephy (Persephone) has a cozy relationship with her mother’s secretary Sarah. This connections with Romeo and Juliet on the grounds that Juliet had a nearby bond with her medical caretaker and here and there Sarah resembles an attendant to her. One scene that truly accentuates this is when Callum sneaks into Sephy’s room and they rest together. We will compose a custom article test on Article on How Love Is Represented in Romeo and Juliet or on the other hand any comparable subject explicitly for you Don't WasteYour Time Recruit WRITER Just 13.90/page Toward the beginning of the day Sarah covers for her by kicking Callum’s mentors under the bed and out of her mother’s sight. She for the most part recognized what she was doing in light of the fact that she said â€Å"get Callum dressed and out of here†. In Romeo and Juliet the medical caretaker covers for Juliet when a similar situation happens in the play. Juliets relationship with the medical attendant is extremely warm. The medical attendant thinks about Juliet when she is wiped out, who sits on her bed and holds her hand when Juliet is apprehensive, who encourages her get dressed for parties. Sarah albeit perhaps not exactly as close as Juliet and her medical attendant has a fundamentally the same as relationship with Sephy in Noughts and Crosses. Another model is the means by which noughts and crosses are seen as such adversaries. In understanding to Romeo and Juliet with the Capulet’s and Montages a similar contention happens. Being enamored with somebody from the opposite side is viewed as unfeasible. Also is intriguing that the two books/plays and the two arrangements of principle characters decide to conflict with this and as a result wind up addressing an unforgiving cost for their errors. In more detail this implies Callum was in the long run hung for his adoration for Sephy and in light of the fact that the courts were persuaded he had assaulted her. In Romeo and Juliet the two of them wind up biting the dust. Romeo drinks toxic substance and Juliet wounds herself with a blade. Another model is the manner by which Juliet adores her mom in an obedient little girl way however they don't have a warm, cozy relationship. She regards her mom, and needs to satisfy her moms desires. This resembles Sephy’s relationship with her mom. Since her mom is a furious alcoholic she respected her as a mother yet never truly felt that sincerely associated with her. Another model is Lord Capulets reaction to Juliets insubordination is so viciously brutal that I started to consider him to be somewhat of a despot. We see the physical hostility most unmistakably in the large, angry scene with Juliet about whether or not she will wed Paris. When Juliet cannot, Capulet shouts, Out you stuff, you fat face My fingers tingle when Juliet stands up, which recommends that hes inclined to physical brutality. He likewise lashes out against the medical caretaker and his significant other. This conduct towards Juliet is like Sephy’s father when she is resolute that she needs to keep her infant. She expresses that his prompt response was to smack her over the face. This shows he is a disappointed savage individual since he didn't figure out how to get what he needed to get. Which was to spare his notoriety for being head administrator). He at that point kept on mishandling her with words by considering her a â€Å"blanker’s slut†. Blanker is an awful word for nothing thus infers that he no longer favors her as his caring little girl yet a disregarded kid that takes steps to destroy his profession. In the two stories the dad is requesting a desire from their little girls and the two of them don't comply. This makes these accounts fundamentally the same as in view of the associations with the guardians which are both so disengaged and stressed.
Sunday, August 9, 2020
Turkeys and babies
Turkeys and babies Its late Saturday night, Sunday morning by Boston time, and Im hunched over on the airport floor. My eyes are glazed with the exhausting combination of spending quality time with my family/staying up late talking to people about Life, capital L/eating way too many yams, and Ive almost entirely tuned out my surroundings when a thirty-something-ish man steps over me. The cry of the small child in his arms yanks me unpleasantly back to Earth like Floo powder. The babies are after me, I think, as my heart plummets from my chest onto San Francisco Internationals questionably-colored carpet. I dont know what it is about me and public transportation and babies. Though I dont visit home particularly frequently, going to school 3,000 miles away means Im racking up more frequent flyer miles ever before, and so Ive pretty much experienced the pinnacle of bad flights zero leg room, back row seating with the constant smell of bathroom wafting overhead for six hours, the guy in front of me reclining into my spleen, the guy on my right bathed in eu dblah-blah-YOURE ON AN ENCLOSED AIRCRAFT, BUDDY pretty much seen, done, and smelled it all. But my limit comes at babies. I love kids, I really do. Really really really really, really really do. I babysit, and I go all girly and goo-goo-eyed at infants with their little-itty-bitty fingers and toes and their tiny shoes BUT. However. There comes a point when you have not slept all night becaue you thought youd get better rest on the plane, when youre all tucked in under the ambiguously sanitary travel blanket, and youve changed into your footsie pajamas (okay, I dont have footsie pajamas, but if I did I would definitely wear them), and your iPods on your sleeping playlist and youre JUST ON THE BRINK OF DRIFTING OFF when the kid starts to scream and you think, Im gonna go Sparta on that kid and kick him into a well.* (Why yes! I did watch 300 over Thanksgiving. My family actually watched it three times, in three different languages. Nothing says epic like ESTA ES SPARTAAA!) I suppose you can be thankful for this particular kid, though, because 1) there is only one of them, unlike the time when there were not one, not two, but FOUR crying in harmony on my first flight of sophomore year and 2) it is keeping me up to write this blog entry. Thanks, baby. And so my Thanksgiving break can not only be described as epic, but also too short, and hairy. Perhaps a more proper term would be beard-y, as it seems that about half of my male friends have grown beards since I came back from school. (What? Its No-Shave-November. -Nick) I mostly ate a lot of food, and caught up with high school friends, family friends, randomly met but now current friends, in which we discussed the current states of our lives and how they compared to the previous states of our lives, and then ate a lot more food. Sophomore year seems about as good a time as any for a midlife crisis, and from all those aforementioned discussions of Life, capital L, it seems to be happening/has happened to just about everyone I know. Keri dropped her double major; my hardcore physics friend at Claremont recently discovered he really enjoyed molecular biology and took a 180 into a bio major. I myself unofficially re-declared myself undeclared at some point in the middle of the semester (which just means I thought to myself, hmm, I dislike my current major); shortly before I came home for Thanksgiving I officially changed my major; then over the three days at home I began reconsidering a different path. Even more than that, most of us are dealing with this weird thing about sort of, kind of being adults now (which Im particularly terrible at; I forgot to change my Brita filter before I left for California and just drank half a cup of moldy water. Hopefully all those yams arent going to come back up). But I wont give you the dissatisfaction of telling you what major Ive settled on for now, since itll probably change by tomorrow and well be back to square one. :) The thing that keeps coming back to me, though, is that I keep feeling like that everything important that Ive been screwing up lately is going to make some monumental difference upon where I end up in life, but when I look closer most of whats become important to me has all been the result of chance and momentary mistakes. Maybe its just a function of me being happy wherever I end up. Then, though, I have to remind myself that I certainly havent ended up anywhere, and these decisions and apparent slip ups are all part of the journey. A journey filled with screaming babies, no less. IN ANY CASE. There are three weeks until I finish my finals and say goodbye to my first semester as a sophomore, and the sunrise falling gracefully on crimson New England trees below means its probably time to get my shoes back on. Three weeks filled with neuroscience readings, problem set grading, lots and lots and lots of hours of dance practice, and a couple long shifts on the ambulance before I get to fly back home; three weeks in which hopefully, just maybe, Ill start to figure a little more of this out. *I know that now Im going to get all sorts of hate mail from Young Mother Travelers of America, so I apologize. I really dont mean to be insensitive to mothers and their travel needs. Maybe youre the kind of mother that never, EVER travels with her kid and have to make an emergency flight from San Francisco to Boston because Dora the Explorer is coming to town, or something, but if thats true Ive been present at least six or seven of these emergencies, and its starting to get a little old because a lot of them are red-eyes and I am sometimes selfish at four in the morning. Alrighty? I know Ill probably hate myself for saying this when I have a kid later on, and have to make all sorts of emergency flights to large metropolitan areas with many college kids, but for now, can all the babies please just STAY IN ONE PLACE??
Saturday, May 23, 2020
Analysis Of F. Scott Fitzgerald - 953 Words
F. Scott Fitzgerald was an American author who was known for his novels that generally take place during the Jazz Age after World War I. His use of similes add deeper imagery and to emphasize certain descriptions that are necessary to understand in his distinctive writing style. Fitzgerald incorporated a lot of his own personal life into his works; his struggles with alcoholism, mental disorders and marital problems are generally thrown into almost all his novels. Many of his stories can be read for their symbolic qualities. Therefore, F. Scott Fitzgerald was popular for using uncommon and intricate descriptions to help the reader better grasp what is going on in the story. When F. Scott Fitzgerald was twenty-three, he published his first novel This Side of Paradise which tells the life of Amory Blaine from his childhood to his young adulthood who travels out to New England to attend a boarding school and, later on, Princeton. â€Å"This type of novel is known in the literary world as a Bildungsroman which is a novel of personal and moral formation. Fitzgerald demonstrates his unique voice and style and even includes poetry and theater within the work†(Quiklit). At the beginning of the story, Amory acts like a selfish and spoiled child. But as he gets older, he becomes aware of his over inflated ego and begins to ponder on how he could become a better person. He tries religion but it doesn t really satisfy him and his intimate relationship with Rosalind made Amory feelShow MoreRelatedAnalysis Of F. Scott Fitzgerald2297 Words  | 10 Pageswere being made, which gave society newfound optimism. However, due to bad investments made by stockhold ers, the stock market crashed in 1929, sending America spiraling into a crippling depression for the next decade (â€Å"A Changing Society†96). F. Scott Fitzgerald was the most notable author of the decade, and he was largely self-created. He spent the majority of his life devoted to writing, whether as a pastime, an occupation, or a way to prove his worthiness to the love of his life. His life was ultimatelyRead MoreAnalysis Of F. Scott Fitzgerald3472 Words  | 14 PagesAlthough F. Scott Fitzgerald was not a muckraker, his fictional writing had similar goals to those of muckrakersâ€â€Fitzgerald fleshed out the issues that society was ignoring and conforming to. He is known as a mouthpiece of the Lost Generation, the generation or group of people that grappled with World War I and the devastating emotional aftermath that it left the world with. Fitzgerald’s writing tackles topics from difficult relationships to the journey of self-discovery. In particular, Fit zgerald madeRead MoreAnalysis Of F. Scott Fitzgerald2104 Words  | 9 Pagesthis assignment. Money, Power, and Glory For many years girls have been taught to find true love and get married and be happy. Happiness, something that can be so undetermined, is what one spends ones entire life searching for. F. Scott Fitzgerald, a poetic and romantic writer, shows his definition of happiness through every story he has written. Fitzgerald’s background starts as a hopeless romantic, winning over the heart of his wife by rewriting a novel he had previously started onRead MoreAn Analysis Of The Of The Night By F. Scott Fitzgerald Essay1488 Words  | 6 PagesIt s been a few days since Aaron and I almost had sex and I regret it. Not the almost sex, but the fact that we didn t have sex. However, I was also glad because unlike Hades, Aryan didn t force me to have sex. Not that Aryan is anything like Hades. Hades is a fucking monster and compared to him, Aryan is an angel sent from Heaven. I also remember when Aryan indirectly confessed his love for me but I think it was mostly the lust talking. I mean, we only know each other for a couple of weeks nowRead MoreAnalysis Of Merlin By F. Scott Fitzgerald913 Words  | 4 PagesMerlin, I never read this email, because I knew it was more of your lies and a total waste of time. Nevertheless, you deserve a response. Let’s see who starts problems. 1. I discussed something with you over email and then next day the professor talked to me terrified. Who told anything to the professor? Consequently, who is twisting things and creating trouble? How did she find out I had talked to you? Who approach her? 2. From my first email â€Å"she told me you had told her that he had fever inRead MoreAnalysis Of The Book The Of By F. Scott Fitzgerald1712 Words  | 7 PagesWaknuk is the hometown of David, Petra and Rosalind; the three had to flee their home by night when they got news of Sally and Katherine being captured. David and Petra left home and travelled down a path to the riverbank, where they met up with Rosalind. For their travel they utilized two great horses owned by Rosalind’s father to go on their journey for safety. David, Petra and Rosalind travelled in a southwesterly direction until they came to a stop in the early morning. The three started theirRead MoreLiterary Analysis Of The Great Gatsby By F. Scott Fitzgerald2128 Words  | 9 PagesLiterary Analysis of The Great Gatsby by F. Scott Fitzgerald The Great Gatsby is an incredible novel written in 1925 by F. Scott Fitzgerald, a prolific American author, and published by Scribner’s. Nevertheless, during its first release, the book sold poorly and received mixed reviews. In fact, Fitzgerald died in 1940 considering himself and his works a failure. However, the onset of the Second World War revived the novel, which later became an essential component of high school curricula and differentRead MoreAnalysis Of The Book Salvation By F. Scott Fitzgerald1057 Words  | 5 PagesNow there aren’t many things in life that are free. It seems as if everything comes with a price. And we are justifiably skeptical of anything that advertises itself as absolutely free. So it may be difficult for us to comprehend that something as significant as God’s grace comes so freely. Is has no dollar amount, no price tag on it. Paul says that salvation is given by grace, not as a result of our own works. We can t earn salvation. That seems easy to understand theologically, but we don t usuallyRead MoreAnalysis Of F. E. D. Scott Fitzgerald1005 Words  | 5 PagesCHAPTER FOUR F. E. A. R FALSE, EMOTIONS, APPEARING, REAL Now, that your eyes have begun to open about the relationship. Fear now begins to shadow you. Especially with having no one to talk with, because of his manipulation tactics. Distancing yourself from all of your family and friends. Once again convincing yourself that he was the one. Giving him full control over your life, trying to please his every want and need. Not considering yourself, as long as he was giving you the attention that heRead MoreAnalysis Of The Night Of The Flies By F. Scott Fitzgerald989 Words  | 4 PagesHeavy in the air was the scent of cherries and bourbon, the smell of a man more desperate of atmosphere and above all most desperate of a scene. A man whose breath heavily weighed the air around him searching for the laughter of all wealthy men gathered to assume his drunkedness and take heart to the fact that he so presently was just as they were; drunk and bored. Fairly as it must be said it is in wealth when one possesses the ability to have so much tha t no matter what they seek it shall never
Tuesday, May 12, 2020
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Nature Free Essays
Humans have long considered themselves the top of the food chain and tried to mold nature to their whims, but in recent years, nature has exerted itself and proved repeatedly that Mother Nature can still defeat man. The sad truth is that man had begun to believe that he could subjugate nature to his whims. Wild animals were domesticated and sent to zoos, the wind was harnessed to power the human cities and forests were turned into asphalt jungles. We will write a custom essay sample on Nature or any similar topic only for you Order Now Then, in 2005, actually beginning in December, 2004, nature attacked with a fury to make sure that mankind knew exactly who was in charge. The tsunami in Southeast Asia was the warning shot across the bow. Mother Nature followed up with the most devastating Atlantic storm season in history. By the time Katrina devastated the Gulf Coast, named storms had threatened the southern United States almost a dozen times and when Rita tore through Houston just weeks later, the country and most of mankind stood in fear of nature’s vengeance. Suddenly, we knew once again who was in charge. Personally, I have also felt more connected to nature then I believe most people do. I long to watch the squirrels and birds play in m backyard and smell the night jasmine when it blooms in the summer. There is nothing like watching the first crocus of the spring peak through the snow and the lilacs herald the arrival of the warm weather. My yard comes alive in the spring and Mother Nature reminds me that I am dependent on her splendor and good nature to feed me and clothe me. Like most people I would like to believe that we have risen above the challenge of living in a cave and acting as hunter/gatherers. But the reality is for all our manipulation of glass and steel, we are still subject to nature’s whims. A Kansas town can be wiped off the map by the angry night winds. A city of a million people can be decimated and washed into the Gulf. With no warning, flood waters can pour through a Dallas suburb and steal children away to their deaths. Nature plays an important role in our lives and the more we try to pretend it doesn’t, the more that nature sneaks up and whacks us with a wakeup call to respect her. More than a century ago, Chief Joseph proclaimed that what we do the beasts of the earth, we soon to do ourselves. Unfortunately, most of society has yet to learn the lesson and understand that we cannot control the forces of nature. Instead, they proclaim that we are in control of the planet and that we effect what the climate is doing. It seems ridiculous to assume that we can control the climate when we cannot even protect ourselves from hurricanes and tornadoes. We can have a negative effect on the world around us and do need to start taking care of nature instead of fighting against it, but we need to begin by setting aside our arrogance and restoring ourselves to our natural role as protector of the Earth.  How to cite Nature, Essay examples
Saturday, May 2, 2020
The Liar by Tobias Wolff free essay sample
â€Å"The Liar†by Tobias Wolff, an adolescent boy named James constantly spews out lies. He deliberately lies out of habit to prepare himself for an impending death that might not even occur. Furthermore, it’s his way of confronting his father’s death. The cause of James’ habit or – according to his mother – illness is that it’s his approach to prepare himself for another death in his family. The lie that was written in the letter was about his mother suffering with an unknown illness. â€Å"I said that she had been coughing up blood and the doctors weren’t sure what was wrong with her. †The second lie on the bus was also about an unfortunate event where his parents â€Å".. were killed when the communists attacked. †His lies always have a significant role to do with his mother either being killed or her being on the verge of death. â€Å"’Why is it always so sad? ’ asked Mother. We will write a custom essay sample on The Liar by Tobias Wolff or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Why all the disease? ’†The death of his father was unmistakably an ample moment of his teenage life, he had no way of expecting that outcome. He may not know it but lying is also his way of coping. Unlike with his mother, James was very close to his father. The understood each other and James showed this with a joke: â€Å"’There’s a bear outside,’ said Tom intently. †Without his father’s usual creativeness around anymore it’s as if he’s taken it upon himself to replace him. It’s not like his mother would joke around with him. â€Å"We all loved puns except Mother, who didn’t get them. †In a way it is beneficial for him as it is a way to grieve his father’s death but his mother is right about one thing. It is that he is â€Å"cheating himself†. Rather than mourning it like normal people, he did not shed one tear at his father’s funeral, instead it was directed to his habit of lying. He may not realize it but in the end, he really is just fooling himself.
Monday, March 23, 2020
Scarlet Letter Chapter 8 Essay Example
Scarlet Letter Chapter 8 Paper Jeremiah Young Period-2nd 11/6/12 Chapter 8 At the beginning of chapter 8, Hawthorne brings back the main characters from the first scaffold scene; Hester, Pearl, Dimmesdale, and Chillingworth; as well as representatives of the Church and the State. Also, that underneath the surface action, Hawthorne offers several strong hints concerning the difficult relationships of his characters. In Hesters pleading to Dimmesdale for help, in Pearls solemnly caressing his hand, and in the ministers kiss give you solid hints that Dimmesdale is Pearls father. Hester calls on her inner strength in her attempt to keep Pearl. She argues that the scarlet letter is a badge of shame to teach pearl a lesson and help her benefit from Hesters sin. However, Pearls refusal to answer the question causes the decision of the Church and the State to go against her. Now Hesters only appeal is to Dimmesdale, the man whose reputation she could crush. Pearl once again reveals her wild and passionate nature. In saying that her mother plucked her from the wild roses that grew by the prison door, she goes against both the Church and State. While such an answer seems intelligent for a small child, the reader must remember that Hawthorne uses character symbolism to present meaning. We will write a custom essay sample on Scarlet Letter Chapter 8 specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on Scarlet Letter Chapter 8 specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on Scarlet Letter Chapter 8 specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer Pearls action brings back Hesters audacity on the scaffold when she refuses to name the father of her child. The dual nature of Pearls existence as both happiness and torture is restated in Hesters plea, and this point is taken up by Dimmesdale. The ministers weakened condition and his obvious nervousness suggest how terribly he has been suffering with his latent guilt. Nevertheless, Dimmesdale adds to Hesters plea when he states that Pearl is a child of its fathers guilt and its mothers shame but still she has come from the hand of God. As such, she should be considered a blessing. The minister argues that Pearl will keep Hester from the powers of evil. And so she is allowed to keep her daughter. Those powers of evil can be seen in both the strange conversation with Mistress Hibbins and also in the change in Chillingworth. As if to prove that Hester will be kept from evil by Pearl, Hawthorne adds the scene with Mistress Hibbins. While Mr. Wilson says of Pearl, that little baggage has witchcraft in her, Hester says she would willingly have gone with the Black Man except for Pearl. These evil powers are also suggested by the fourth main character, Chillingworth. The change noted by Hester in Chillingworths physical appearance, now more ugly and dark and misshapen, is a hint that in Chillingworths desire for revenge, evil is winning the battle within him and is reflected in his outward appearance. That Chillingworth is Dimmesdales personal physician and supposedly his friend gives him the opportunity to apply psychological pressure on the minister. Chillingworths comment on Dimmesdales strange earnestness and his statement that he could make a shrewd guess at the father suggest that he may already have decided on Dimmesdales guilt.
Friday, March 6, 2020
Labor issues surrounding the Department of education
Labor issues surrounding the Department of education Introduction The education department is facing serious labor issues with teachers being mistreated and many saying that teachers are paid way below their qualification. This paper will thus discuss recent labor issues surrounding the department of education and their teachers, specifically those in Seattle, Wisconsin and Pennsylvania.Advertising We will write a custom research paper sample on Labor issues surrounding the Department of education specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More It will discuss whether any progress has been made to resolve the issues. The paper will finally discuss the importance these particular cases may have for future cases, particularly for the current situation in New York between the department of education and its employees. Discussion Recent labor issues surrounding the department of education and their teachers in Seattle In Seattle, teaching salaries vary depending on the academic level of the instructor, lo cality, and working experience. Teachers in the state, therefore, get different earnings for their work and this leads to discontentment with those salaries. Teachers at the bottom of the pay scale earn around $47,100 to $51,180 with their counterparts earning around $75,190 to $80,970. These high disparities have led to severe labor issues in the nation department of education (Amarachuku, 2011). The issue of teacher recruitment and retention is another labor issue in Seattle. The capability of teachers to enter and stick to the profession depends on the features of the school as well as the district in which the school is located. Some schools lack the policies required for efficient recruitment and retention of teachers and this has posed a serious labor issue in the state (Amarachuku, 2011). Mistreatment of teachers by principals is another labor issue facing the department of education in Seattle. Head teachers mistreat instructors in terms of ignoring their needs, isolating th em, holding back resources, overloading and even criticizing them (Amarachuku, 2011). Several actions have been taken to resolve the above issues in the state. For instance, school reform organizations in Seattle require that head teachers and instructors work together in a collaborative manner. School principals need to trust their teachers as well as the schools they lead.Advertising Looking for research paper on education? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More This acts as a foundation for a friendly, honest and philosophical professional dialogue in the school organization and this makes it to develop as a powerful community of students who are responsible and competent. The educational department also requires that all teachers confront all types of administrative mistreatment that undermine them as instructors. Recent labor issues surrounding the department of education and their teachers in Wisconsin Teachers in Wis consin on February 26, 2011 protested the planned budget repairs by Governor Scott Walker. The Governor announced that the 2011-2013 budget would include more than $800 million cuts in school funding. This posed a great threat not only to the salaries of teachers, but also to the learning of students across the region. Many people were watching the outcome of the planned actions and it was seen that the outcome would influence negotiations between many state governments in the country and organized labor. Thousands of people working in the education sector were and are facing a lot of difficulties including pay cuts and layoffs. While commenting on the planned actions a special-ed teacher, Jim Kammer, said: â€Å"I knew going into education that some people didn’t like educators, and that’s okay, but this is just disrespectful. Both my husband and I are special-ed teachers, and we went into teaching hoping that we could afford a house and have a solid income to suppor t a family. Now we wonder if we’ll be able to keep our home. It’s not what we wanted for our family.†(Clark, 2011) This crisis caused many teachers to lose a lot of teaching time as schools across the Wisconsin district shutdown with some closing for three days during the first week of protests. The governor was opposed to increasing taxes and argued that the only way to tackle the budget deficit was by union-busting. Teachers across the region argue that the budget deficit is not unique to the region as many other states are facing the same predicaments in their 2012- 2013 budgets. According to Kevin Cunningham, an associate lecturer in the university of Wisconsin, the bill posed a great threat to future teachers; he says, I am trying to remain optimistic, but the bottom line is, is what we ask these future teachers to do worth it? No one goes into teaching expecting to make a lot of money, but people go in expecting to be treated as professionals who are capab le of making decisions about their classrooms, and this bill would strip that from them.†(Clark, 2011)Advertising We will write a custom research paper sample on Labor issues surrounding the Department of education specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More They argue that although Wisconsin falls in the middle compared to the other states, the worst hit states have not resulted to taking such draconian actions of cutting funding into the education system. The impact of this actions was seen in early March as many schools across Wisconsin began sending preliminary layoff notices to their teaching staff. By March 15, nine Wisconsin districts had given notices to schools to lay off teachers. The Walker’s planned budget repair bill was seen as one that would nullify union contracts held by teachers and this was going to affect many of those who stood to lose their employment without compensation (Clark, 2011). Although the region an d the country as a whole is experiencing large budget deficits, the way to tackle this problem should not be primarily based on reducing funding to schools and laying off teachers. The region should adopt the various ways that other regions in the country are adopting in response to the crisis without necessarily threatening the future of education. Recent labor issues surrounding the department of education and their teachers in Pennsylvania The major problem that is facing the department of education and teachers in Pennsylvania concerning work is that teacher wearing religious symbols in their classes are discriminated. There has been a law in the state of Pennsylvania since 1895 that punishes teachers who wear religious symbols in their classrooms (Andren, 2011). Under the law, any teacher found wearing them could be suspended for one year and if there is a repeat the teacher may be permanently disqualified. The school board members are also criminally liable if they fail to enf orce the law in their schools. This law has come under criticism from many people and Pennsylvanian teachers are fighting it terming as a violation of the first amendment. Teachers in the region have faulted the department of education for enforcing this law and currently there are two members of the Pennsylvanian legislature who are pushing a bill to repeal the law (Andren, 2011). In 2003 a teacher, Brenda Nicole, successfully won a case against her dismissal after she wore a cross necklace in class (KERR, 2011). In April of that year, Brenda was suspended without pay for one year and this led to her suing the school and the education department for wrongful dismissal.Advertising Looking for research paper on education? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More After winning the case, she was re-instated to her former position and she now continues to serve in her former position as a teacher. This discrimination against teachers has in the past threatened to bring learning to a standstill in the region and, therefore, there is need to have the law repealed or struck down by courts as being unconstitutional (Andren, 2011). The law that discriminates teachers who wear religious symbols in the classrooms should be scrapped as it contravenes the first amendment. Teachers should be allowed to dress the way they want, as long as they are decent and follow the dressing code of schools (KERR, 2011). Importance of these particular cases for future cases particularly; how it could affect the current situation in New York between the department of education and its employees The current situation in the New York’s education sector comprises of about 780 employees losing their jobs as a result of layoffs. The layoffs are the result of budget c uts to academic institutions, and since this has taken place in the last four years, then school principals in the state are now forced into making tough verdicts concerning what and whom to survive without. In the last few years, school aides in New York have been protected from layoffs by federal funds though 5% of them have currently lost their jobs. Financial cuts in the State have cost 2186 instructors their full time working in the city schools. Teachers have been protected from layoffs mostly because of the Bloomberg agreement, which provides them with small allowances in exchange for security of their jobs. New York’s district committee is held responsible for the layoffs. The Department of education statistics shows that the layoffs have caused a large number of teachers to retire leading to several vacancies in the education department. The above cases in Seattle, Wisconsin and Pennsylvania help future cases, for example the cases of teacher layoffs in New York, to be solved. It is surprising that New York also recruits young teachers while laying off excess old teachers. The above cases have helped solve the current situation in New York. In this state, the effect of leadership on student success has become evident with principle makers placing more pressure on head teachers. Rewards and punishments affecting school heads have become increasingly common in the state with the New York law threatening to fire school heads as a probable consequence in poor performing academic institutions. In New York, a small portion of a principal’s pay is determined by the professional standards associated with learner outcomes. These trends signify an increasing acceptance that head teachers play a crucial role in influencing students achievements and should be accountable for it. As a result of the above cases, the role of the school head has swelled to encompass a staggering range of professional duties and competencies. Principals in New York are e xpected to be instructive visionaries, educational and syllabus leaders, evaluation experts, disciplinarians, society builders and guardians of contractual and official mandates. Principals in New York are expected to pay attention to the contradictory wants of students, parents, tutors and federal agencies. The demands of the teaching profession in New York have thus changed so that conventional methods of preparing principals are no longer sufficient to satisfy the leadership challenges in public institutions. References Andren, K. (2011, June). Legislation would allow Pennsylvania teachers to wear religious insignias. Web. Amarachuku, E. C. (2011, June). Finding plan b: critical remedy construction for school districts operating under education equity consent decrees post Seattle and Louisville. Web. Clark, M. (2011, March). Wisconsin Teachers, Students Face Uncertain Future. Web. KERR, C. (2011, September). Teachers’ Religious Garb as an Instrument for Globalization in Ed ucation. Web.
Tuesday, February 18, 2020
TLMT312 WEEK 6 FORUM Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
TLMT312 WEEK 6 FORUM - Assignment Example Reliability based trust is a necessity in cooperative partnerships. However, reliability based trust is not a satisfactory state. A perfect example is in relation to a partner that often portends to discipline and constantly adheres to his or her word is undeniably reliable. However, the same cannot be said of his or her character. On the other hand, character based trust is founded on the philosophy, leadership and culture of an organization (Bowersox, Closs, & Cooper, 2007). In essence, it originated from the awareness that partners in a supply chain are concerned about their individual welfare. Character based trust is important in collaborative relationships because no partner is able to perform any action without due consideration on the emergent impacts on other partners (Bowersox, Closs, & Cooper, 2007). Furthermore, the gradual development of character based trust translates to minimal vulnerability from actions among partners. When trust is inculcated among partners they are able to safeguard the interests of all partners. Character based trust developed when the partners have an awareness that all their actions are equitable and fair among all
Monday, February 3, 2020
Persuasive Research PaperFinal Version Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Persuasive Research PaperFinal Version - Essay Example Brides must strive to live within their means and avoid situations that may lead to excessive borrowing. Many brides want to ensure that they organize for a wedding that can not be compared to any other. Many brides find the situation after the wedding stressful since most brides realize that there is no more happiness after the wedding day (Amie, 2012). Some brides may feel that their efforts were not worth it, and they should not have invested that heavily. In some cases, grooms get affected by the post-wedding blues. However, brides are more affected since they have a more emotional investment in the marriage than the grooms. Brides need to balance their expectations in order to avoid a lot of stress when things do not work according to their expectations (Laurie, 2014). For a majority of couples, wedding preparations are a primary concern for the bride (Theresa, 2014). Most women will want their bodies to slim for them to fit in their wedding gowns. Many brides become depressed when they attempt to lose their weight without success. Brides need to be advised that they do not need to change the size of their bodies in order to fit in the wedding gowns but appreciate the way they were created. Amie, M. G. (2012, July 26). Why women suffer from postnuptial blues. Psychology Today, 1. Retrieved from http://www.psychologytoday.com/blog/between-you-and-me/201207/wedding- bell-blues-dealing-post-wedding-depression Juliana, B. (2013, August 14). Why wedding planning is more stressful than it should be. Psychology Today. Retrieved from https://www.psychologytoday.com/blog/in-love-and-war/201308/you-are-not-bridezilla Theresa, E. D. (2014). Pre-wedding weight loss is not all that its cracked up. Psychology Today, 1. Retrieved from
Sunday, January 26, 2020
Strategic Human Resource Management In Globalization And Internationalization Business Essay
Strategic Human Resource Management In Globalization And Internationalization Business Essay In the world of global competition, rapid technological development, the importance of human resource holds the key for the development of the overall organization. Strategic human resource management is a modern approach which links human resources with strategic objectives and goals to improve business performance and develop organizational culture (HR book) to promote innovation, flexibility and competitive advantage with the aim of implementing the complex strategies for the realization of the goals. Basically, it deals with policy formulation, and overall goal setting with the major concern being positioning of the organization in its environment through its HR activities such as recruiting, selecting, training, and rewarding personnel (Boxall, 1992). The main focus is on human resource programs with long-term objectives and increase employee productivity by focusing on business obstacles that occur outside of human resources. It is considered to be the key to enhance business p erformance. In the world of globalization and internationalization, older solutions and recipes that worked in local context do not work. As a result, Human Resource Management professional faces issues of human resource flow, employee participation, reward system and high commitment work system. Cross cultural (Armstrong, 1992) issues plays a major role. There are various issues associates with the strategic HRM in the global context such as increased competition, may not be local or even national but through free market ideology (Armstrong, 1992), speedy technological change, internationalization of market integration, cross cultural issues, shifting of economic gravity from developed to developing countries, and frequent change of ownership and resultant corporate climates. HR professionals can play a vital role for the execution of the strategy in the organization. Before implementing strategies in the organization, understanding of the implication in various organizational components in long-term is very important. Non-HR components such as Finance, Sales, Marketing and Operations department are core of any organization. Understanding these components and having a good relation for the formulation of the strategy is essential. Organizations are not free from politics and internal rivalries which is a hindrance for the implementation of the strategy. In those cases, they should build a good relationship with them and other top line executives. Gauzing the HR in terms of business results to achieve the targeted goal, being confident and optimistic for the business change and always branching out for the support of any kind will help in implementation of the strategy. Organizations can evolve around the following areas for the best implementation and total profitability of the organization: Focusing in areas such as competencies and guidance around the acquisition, deployment and development of human capabilities through performance management, clear understanding of roles and responsibilities of each employees, and implementation of control mechanism in those areas with effective reward system helps increase profitability of the organization. Managing the projecting in an effective manner making sure that when implementing new people systems they are implemented correctly and aligned with other business systems side by side. Facilitating the transfer of certain core competencies and skill sets to everyone in a management. http://www.atyaasaa.com/newsletter/2011/feb2011.pdf The desire for work -life balance in the work place is unhidden truth. Finding ways to provide what employees seek will help employers to recruit, engage, and retain talent across the organization. Particularly, with added flexibility and recognizing the knowledge and talent as significant to the organization will encourage those employees to remain in the workforce longer and pass along their experience and knowledge to the younger counterparts. However, perception (OB Book) of employees is always one challenge to organizations. They take it as an earned freedom to excel and always expect for better environment. HR manger should possess mentoring capability to balance those views in the organization. As an efficient manager, it is always imperative to create a culture where different generations of employees are not only valued but are truly desired by the organization to enhance the profitability of the organization. http://www.diversityjournal.com/corporate/generations/changing-perceptions-multi-generational-workforce/ Implementation of SHRM in an organization is challenging. Strategic human resource management takes on the main modern challenges which are faced by human resource management. Employee participation, performance management, employee reward system, high commitment work systems and human resource flow because of globalization are heightened issues for the challenge. Because of the change in technologies, globalization of market integration, cross cultural issues, increased competition which may not necessarily be local, introduction of new concepts of general management, constant change in ownership, resultant corporate climates, HR managers and top management faces issues in implementation of strategy. Strategic human resource management is vital for every organization: Large organization and Small Organization too.. In small organization, the process may be simple as the manager or the owner himself must be taking time to observe employees, along with assisting, assessing and giving regular reviews. However, in Large Organizations, they require a whole department to be in charge of those activities for the development of employees. The quality of staff members can be improved by meeting their needs in such a way that it may benefit the organization. Investing in employees and providing them with tools which they require to flourish and prosper in the company proves to be a good investment in the long run for any organization. Purcell and Boxall argue that, Strategic HRM is concerned with explaining how human resource management influences the performance of an organization. They also point out that, Strategy is not the same as strategic plans. Strategic planning defines how things need to be done and it usually takes place in larger organizations in the form of a formal process. However, it is also true that strategy exists in all organizations regardless of their size; though it may not necessarily be written down or expressed. SHRM defines how the organization behaves and tries to cope with its business environment. Because strategic human resource management is based on human resource management principles it always incorporates the concepts of strategy; which proves that human resource management is actually a coherent approach to the management of workforce So, strategic human resource management is designed to assist organizations to meet the needs of their employees in the best way they can so that company goals can be promoted. We can also say that SHRM is actually managing people proactively because it requires planning ways for an organization to meet the needs of its employees, thinking ahead, and also helping the employees to meet the needs of the organization. This process changes the outlook and affects the way things are done at a business site, in other words it helps to integrate modern ideas and models into the traditional human resource practices to come up with better solutions which not only benefit the employees but the organization. This is mainly a process where everything is improved, from the hiring of employees, to the training, assessment and discipline techniques used by the HRM department. http://www.mba-tutorials.com/human-resource-management/487-shrm-strategic-human-resource-management.html A crucial aspect concerning SHRM is the concepts of fit and flexibility. The degree of fit determines the human resource systems integration with organization strategy. It is the role of HR Managers to ensure this fit in between Human Resource System with the Organization Strategy Conclusion As global business competition shifts from efficiency to innovation and from enlargement of scale to creation of value, management needs to be oriented towards the strategic use of human resources. Strategic human resources management practices enhance employee productivity and the ability of agencies to achieve their mission. Integrating the use of personnel practices into the strategic planning process enables an organization to better achieve its goals and objectives. Combining human resource practices, all with a focus on the achievement of organizational goals and objectives, can have a substantial affect on the ultimate success of the organization. To manage future operations effectively, it is essential that companies produce business leaders and innovators through SHRM Approach.
Saturday, January 18, 2020
Writing Paragraphs
Should boys and girls be in separate classes? 2. Should the government place a tax on Junk food and fatty foods? 3. Should students' textbooks be replaced by notebook computers? 4. Pretend you woke up one day and there were no rules. People could suddenly do whatever they wanted! Would this be a positive or negative outcome? Answers (jot notes): 1. No because†¦ A. When they're out of college, and they have a job, it's not going to be separated by gender.They need to learn how to communicate with the opposite gender. B. It will Increase more Judgment between genders. . For Example when you were a child you thought the opposite gender has some type of diseases except you will think that through most of your school years and this may cause a lot of misunderstanding between men and women. C. I believe If a child has been going to school with the opposite gender this child will grow up not know how to respond when they do come into contact with the opposite gender. . The opposite gen ders might start to think that they are better or smarter than the other gender which could cause conflicts between each other In the future. 2. No because†¦ A. People would still buy, I. Example Even though government has raised prices on tobacco and cigarettes people are still buying them b. Government shouldn't tell people what to eat. Let the people do what they want. C. Everyone shouldn't have to suffer due to some people being overweight. 3. No because†¦ A.If all the student's assignments, and textbooks, and other data is on the computer and the computer is lost, stolen, or all of its data somehow gets erased then the student's marks will suffer drastically. B. People may use computers inappropriately, and since the devices are very distracting students may not listen to the teacher. . A lot of people get headaches when stare at a computer screen for a long time and using computers the whole day is a long time. D. This could lead to a generation of people who rely on computers, and they may not be able to function without computers. . Negative because†¦ A. People will no longer be able to differentiate between bad and good b. People may decide to start doing bad things. 1 OFF to the teachers, they probably wouldn't finish their work and that may cause them to suffer in the future. C. Crime rates may also possibly increase as people would know hat if they were to do something bad there would be no punishment as there are no rules. Answers (paragraph form): 1. I don't think that boys and girls should be placed in separate classes. This may cause increased Judgment about the other gender.For example when you were a child you thought the opposite gender has some type of diseases except you will think that through most of your school years and this may cause a lot of misunderstanding between men and women. I believe if a child has been going to school with the opposite gender this child will grow up not know how to respond hen they do come into contact with the opposite gender. The opposite genders might start to think that they are better or smarter than the other gender which could cause conflicts between each other in the future.Also, when they are out of college, and they have a Job, it's not going to be separated by gender. They need to learn how to communicate with the opposite gender. These are the reasons why I think that boys and girls shouldn't be separated into different classes. 2. The government should not place a tax on Junk food and fatty foods. First of all, the government should not be telling people what to eat. Just let the people eat and do what they desire. I think that people would still buy the Junk and fatty food if their price was increased.For example when the prices of tobacco and cigarettes are raised, people don't stop smoking, they still continue to smoke and the same thing would probably happen with Junk food. And last of all, why should everyone be punished and have to pay more even if they are not overweight or obese. For example if you were innocent, but you the police thought you were the person who committed the crime and they punished you, would that be fair? No that wouldn't be, o are being punished for something you didn't do.It's the same thing with Junk food, why would the people who are not obese and overweight have to pay more for junk and fatty foods. This is why I believe the government should not place a tax on junk food and fatty foods. 3. I believe that student textbooks should not be replaced by note book computers. First of all, students may use these devices inappropriately during school time, and since the devices are distracting they may not pay attention to the teacher. For example many students who claim to be using their phones, or ablest for an assignment are actually playing games or testing, not doing the work they are given.Also, these devices aren't very trustworthy, and they could easily malfunction or be stolen, and it would cost a lot f or them to be replaced. For example if all of a student's work was on the computer, and the computer broke, got stolen, or malfunctioned then the student's marks may decrease drastically, and it wouldn't even be there fault. They would be getting punished for something that was not in their control. A lot of people tend to get headaches when staring at computer screens ND of the day, and this would be shown in their academic progress.This could also produce a generation of drone-like people who would not be able to function without computers, and people will no longer know how to do anything manually, like writing a sentence on a piece of paper with a pen. I think textbooks should not be replaced with notebook computers. 4. I think having no rules would have a negative outcome. First of all, people would not be able to differentiate between bad and good. These could lead to conflicts in the future. People may start to do bad things.For example if dents came to school one day and the y had no rules, like listening to the teachers, they probably wouldn't finish their work and that may cause them to suffer in the future. Crime rates may also possibly increase as people would know that if they were to do something bad there would be no punishment as there are no rules. For example if you were really greedy, and you wanted to be rich, then you would probably rob a bank, if there were no rules, because you would know there would be no punishment or consequences. This is why having no rules would have a negative outcome.
Friday, January 10, 2020
Does Internet Help Spread Democracy Essay
How invention of the Internet changed the world? How it contributes to the spread of democracy? Does it have any impact on it? These questions are under debate till nowadays. In this paper, I will try to express my viewpoint on this dispute. To begin with, let briefly look at the Egyptian revolution which was held in 2011. It was the first revolution where social media and Internet played the crucial role. †After 30 years of living in a â€Å"fake democratic system†under Hosni Mubarak, the Egyptian people had had enough†(Pritamkabe, 2011). After fake election in 2010, people, especially young generation, decided to make a protest in order to create a real democratic system. â€Å"There was no freedom of assembly in Egypt, and protests or political activism was banned†(Pritamkabe, 2011), but social media helped people to band together . Using Twitter and Facebook, people were discussing and organizing protests against the government. Government was not happy about this and later it shut down access to the Internet for 5 days. It made situation even worse and people started to show their disappointment on the streets. A lot of videos were posted on the Youtube and the whole world could be aware about the following circumstances. All in all, the new elections were held and citizens had an opportunity to elect the new president. From this revolution, we can see how much power Internet has nowadays and that this type of media can provide actual and not fake information for other countries. One of the key elements of democracy is the good governance that means that government should focus on public interest and act in behalf of its citizens. Everybody would agree that due to the Internet, it is easier to access information you need. It enables governments, political parties and other political organizations to interface with citizens and present their ideas that lead to an increase in political participation and stimulate democracy. In addition, it allows you as the citizen to meet and exchange the views all the parties concerned. Moreover, Internet and other media help people to be aware what is going on around the world and to be up-to-date about global events. It makes people more educated and helps to make rational decisions. The other element of democracy is a freedom of opinion, speech, press and mass media. Internet is a place, where all these things became possible. Due to the Internet, people can speak their mind, share their own opinions and the most importantly – they would be heard. Now people have an opportunity to come together online and discuss on worldwide problems, provide advices and try to find solutions. Here even long distance does not play a role and it is a huge advantage of the Internet. Government accountability, and have checks and balances in a constitutional system, are crucial elements required for the functioning of a real democracy†(Pritamkabe, 2011). In order to build a good relationship between state government and its citizens, there must be transparency of governmental actions. As the result, it builds trustworthy relationship between people and government that leads to better political participation and fair elections, better observation of election results and reduction of corruption. In fact, Internet and e-governance helps to create it. Certainly, Internet has its negative side. It can be used to promote violence in the world, such as terrorist attacks. For instance, â€Å"terrorist groups like Al Qaeda have been using internet for spreading extremist and anti-American view†(Pritamkabe, 2011). There are still a lot of gang-related videos in such sites as a Youtube, which promote violent actions and incorporates more and more people. Moreover, from the Egypt example, we can see that government have a power to turn off Internet connection with respect to its own interests. It seems to be a violation of democratic system, there freedom of speech, press and mass media have to exist. To conclude, even that Internet have a negative effects on the spread of democracy, generally its positive factors overweight the negative side. I estimate that Internet possibilities, such as we know them today, are not available in non-democratic states. The development of the Internet is a result of joint actions among governments, commercials companies and individuals. It is the result of free movements of ideas and international cooperation on a global scale. In fact, these actions are heavily restricted in non-democratic countries. In authoritarian countries, Internet is used as a tool for the democratic opposition. It is used by the people who are fighting for human rights, free elections and political freedom. Therefore, Internet is a tool for spreading democracy and rooting out authoritarian rule.
Thursday, January 2, 2020
The U.S. Census reported that 1.6 million individuals...
The U.S. Census reported that 1.6 million individuals under the age of 18 were arrested in 2010, a substantial increase from previous years (OJJDP, 2012; US Census Bureau, 2012). Of those individuals detained, over nine percent were convicted as juveniles and entered into a juvenile detention facility (Risler, 2009). Approximately 500,000 children are currently in the foster care system, while almost 300,000 have medical problems, have neurological impairs, and developmental delays (Earls, 2013). In addition, they were all exposed to some degree of critical abuse or neglect, leaving almost 80 percent of those children with serious emotional difficulties (Earls, 2013). As a result of various complications, emotional disturbances, and†¦show more content†¦There is a financial burden on each county, where it costs approximately each province $125,000 a year for each juvenile detained, and the state $226 million (Heller de Leon Teji, 2012). The state of California in itself c ontributes $25 billion each year to prevent, combat juvenile crimes, and delinquency (California Legislative Analyst’s Office, 2007). Each state correctional facility cost more than $180,000 due to the increased staff ratios and plans required to maintain the correctional facilities (California Legislative Analyst’s Office, 2007). According to the state, there were about 186,000 juvenile arrests made in 2010, including 52,000 juvenile felony arrests (LAO, 2012). In 2010, California had the 10th highest rate of juvenile incarceration in the nation (CDFCA, 2012). The Los Angeles Juvenile Justice System annually averages over 60,000 arrests of juveniles between the ages of 10-17. In Los Angeles, the overall population of this age range is 3 million (Comprehensive Multi-Agency Juvenile Justice Plan, 2001). The concept of realignment was brought to local counties, through implementation of the state, while also introducing rehabilitative services for adults in 2011. The purpose was to â€Å"close the revolving door of low-level inmates entering in and out of California’s prisons (CDCR, 2014). In October 2011, California responded toShow MoreRelatedHuman Resources Management150900 Words  | 604 Pageswhen Donald Borwhat, Jr., took over as Senior Vice President of Human Resources, he and his staff began by restructuring and decentralizing the HR entity so that each functional area of the company has an HR manager assigned to it. The HR managers were expected to be key contributors to their areas by becoming knowledgeable about the business issues faced by their business functional units. Today, HR managers participate in developing business strategies and ensure that human resource dimensionsRead MoreLogical Reasoning189930 Words  | 760 PagesSacramento, CA 95819 USA ii iii Preface Copyright  © 2011-14 by Bradley H. Dowden This book Logical Reasoning by Bradley H. Dowden is licensed under a Creative Commons AttributionNonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License. That is, you are free to share, copy, distribute, store, and transmit all or any part of the work under the following conditions: (1) Attribution You must attribute the work in the manner specified by the author, namely by citing his name, the book title, and the
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