Tuesday, November 26, 2019
Why Pay Contest Entry Fees
Why Pay Contest Entry Fees I received this email from a reader this week: I see an entry that might work for me, but then the publication requests $10, $20, and sometimes more to enter the contest. Â Many times I just pass. Why should we pay to present our work? To date, I have paid a few, but generally I balk at anything over $10. My immediate response is this: Would you fund a contest out of your pocket and would you work for free? Some contests do not charge a fee, but they are a tiny minority of the contests out there. Why? Because they have the financial means or the sponsorship to avoid having to ask for fees. However, most contests do not have that luxury. Contests are not cheap to run. I ran a contest for nine years and offered a no entry fee category and an entry fee category. To make a point, I gave the winner of the non-entry fee category a big $50 first prize, then I gave the winner of the entry fee category a big $500 first prize. When considering contests, and wondering why you have to pay an entry fee, consider the costs of the contest provider: 1) The prize money. No entity has bottomless pockets. The money has to come from somewhere, and why not entry fees? 2) The judges. If the contest wants a reputable judge (or two or three), then they have to cough up the money to pay said judge(s). No writer should work for free, to include the writers who serve as contest judges. 3) The advertising. Youve never head about a contest if it was not advertised. FundsforWriters accepted money from contests that want to repeatedly promote their competition. That money has to come from somewhere. 4) The publishing. Many of the contests provide publication. Whether online or in print (especially in print), there are expenses. In my contest experience, the contests that command entry fees usually acquire the best work. The contest I ran was an experiment with the results being as I expected. The quality of writing improved in the entry fee category. When writers had nothing to risk and paid no entry fee, the writing quality sank horrendously. It wasnt even close. That fact alone can justify a contest charging an entry fee. Frankly, if I see a contest that charges no entry fee, I dig into them more, hunting how they afford to fund the competition. And I even wonder why they are not using the income stream provided Pay the entry fee. The contest provider seriously has the right and need to charge. Plus, youll submit a better quality product.
Friday, November 22, 2019
WHITNEY Surname Meaning and Family History
WHITNEY Surname Meaning and Family History The Whitney surname has several possible meanings: Dweller by or on the white island, from the Old English hwit, meaning white, and ea, meaning water, or ige, meaning island.One who came from a place named Whitney (such as parish of Whitney in Herefordshire, England), a place name meaning white island. First mentioned in the Domesday Book as Witenie. Surname Origin: English Alternate Surname Spellings: WITNEY, WHETNEY, WHITTENEY, WHITENEY, WYTNEY, WHITNY Famous People with the WHITNEY Surname Eli Whitney - American inventor; best known for inventing the cotton ginAmos Whitney - American mechanical engineer and inventorAsa Whitney - highly successful dry-goods merchant and transcontinental railroad promoterCarl Whitney - American Negro League baseball playerJohn Whitney - founder of the prominent American Whitney family- notable for their social prominence, wealth, businesses and philanthropy- who left  London, England, to settle in Watertown, Massachusetts in 1635.Mary Watson Whitney - American astronomer Where is the WHITNEY Surname Most Common? The Whitney surname, according to surname distribution information from Forebears, is the 10,104th most common surname in the world. It is most commonly found today in the United States, where it ranks 875th. It is also fairly prevalent in Australia and New Zealand, as well as England- especially in Northamptonshire and Herefordshire. WorldNames PublicProfiler indicates the Whitney surname is found in greatest numbers in the United States, with the greatest numbers living in the states of Maine, New Hampshire, Massachusetts, Washington, Utah and Idaho. Genealogy Resources for the Surname WHITNEY Whitney Family Crest - Its Not What You ThinkContrary to what you may hear, there is no such thing as a Whitney family crest or coat of arms for the Whitney surname. Coats of arms are granted to individuals, not families, and may rightfully be used only by the uninterrupted male line descendants of the person to whom the coat of arms was originally granted. Whitney DNA ProjectMany individuals with the Whitney surname have joined this Y-DNA project to work together to use DNA testing along with traditional genealogy research to help determine Whitney origins and distinguish between various Whitney lines. WHITNEY Family Genealogy ForumThis free message board is focused on descendants of Whitney ancestors around the world. Search the forum for posts about your Whitney ancestors, or join the forum and post your own queries. FamilySearch - WHITNEY GenealogyExplore over 820,000 results from digitized historical records and lineage-linked family trees related to the Whitney surname on this free website hosted by the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. WHITNEY Surname Mailing ListFree mailing list for researchers of the Whitney surname and its variations includes subscription details and a searchable archives of past messages. GeneaNet - Whitney RecordsGeneaNet includes archival records, family trees, and other resources for individuals with the Whitney surname, with a concentration on records and families from France and other European countries. The Whitney Genealogy and Family Tree PageBrowse genealogy records and links to genealogical and historical records for individuals with the Whitney surname from the website of Genealogy Today. Ancestry.com: Whitney SurnameExplore over 2.7 million digitized records and database entries, including census records, passenger lists, military records, land deeds, probates, wills and other records for the Whitney surname on the subscription-based website, Ancestry.com - References: Surname Meanings Origins Cottle, Basil. Penguin Dictionary of Surnames. Baltimore, MD: Penguin Books, 1967. Dorward, David. Scottish Surnames. Collins Celtic (Pocket edition), 1998. Fucilla, Joseph. Our Italian Surnames. Genealogical Publishing Company, 2003. Hanks, Patrick and Flavia Hodges. A Dictionary of Surnames. Oxford University Press, 1989. Hanks, Patrick. Dictionary of American Family Names. Oxford University Press, 2003. Reaney, P.H. A Dictionary of English Surnames. Oxford University Press, 1997. Smith, Elsdon C. American Surnames. Genealogical Publishing Company, 1997. Back to Glossary of Surname Meanings Origins
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Project Management in IT Industry Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words
Project Management in IT Industry - Essay Example An information technology project has four dimensions referred commonly as Four P’s. These four dimensions include people, process, product and project. People are the human beings used in the project activities. They are organized into effective teams, motivated to perform top quality work and coordinated to fulfill effective communication. Process is the methodology used for managing the activities and getting the tasks completed on time to achieve the set goals and objectives. Product is the needs of the customers constituted into tasks and positioned for action by the software team. Project is the IT enabled services or organization that enables success of the product, process and people (Ahmed 2009)There are three factors which are traded in the management of project. The first factor is time, second is cost and the third is performance. A project is successful only if it is completed on time, meets the performance requirements and it is well within the budget. There are three constraints in managing an IT project that impacts the quality; the project scope, time and cost. All the three constraints determine the quality of the project Appendix A gives illustration of trade-off amongst these three constraints to achieve the quality in the form of a triangle.It is not only important to manage project scope, time and cost but also it is essential to manage the project quality, communication and risks. Quality is the attainment of product or service as per defined specifications.... Product is the needs of the customers constituted into tasks and positioned for action by the software team. Project is the IT enabled services or organization that enables success of the product, process and people (Ahmed 2009) There are three factors which are traded in the management of project. The first factor is time, second is cost and the third is performance. A project is successful only if it is completed on time, meets the performance requirements and it is well within the budget. There are three constraints in managing an IT project that impacts the quality; the project scope, time and cost. All the three constraints determine the quality of the project Appendix A gives illustration of trade-off amongst these three constraints to achieve the quality in the form of a triangle (Ahmed 2009) It is not only important to manage project scope, time and cost but also it is essential to manage the project quality, communication and risks. Quality is the attainment of product or se rvice as per defined specifications. Communication is the exchange of messages amongst the project stake-holders. Risks are the uncertainties associated with the project scope, time and cost (Ahmed 2009) Scope Management Project Scope is the area of work bound by cost and time. The success of the project mostly depends on the understanding of the tasks to be included and excluded from the work-load of the project. It is therefore essential that the scope of the project or in simple words the work-load to be done in a project is well defined and properly comprehended (Warner 2010) Defining scope of the project is the first thing in project management. The quality, cost, time, risks and communication depend heavily on the description of project
Tuesday, November 19, 2019
Speech- American Culture Blue Jeans Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Speech- American Culture Blue Jeans - Essay Example Thesis: The nature and origin of blue Jeans in the American culture that began as a material used to make clothes for manual laborers to a fashionable clothing material that is worn by everyone all over America. 3. Once put on by the manual laborers that were mining gold during the California gold rush in 1849, jeans transformed into one of the most fashionable and preferred clothing materials of the 20th century. 6. The popularity of Blue Jeans grew among the youth in the 1950s and 1960s. This was due to the fact that this was a period that marked the beginning of the rock ‘n’ roll era whereby most musicians sang songs of this genre. 8. Another reason that made the 1950s and 1960s be the helm of the popularity of blue jeans was due to the fact that this period was characterized by many riots and protests from youth and college students. 2. I wear blue Jeans almost on a daily basis and therefore in all activities I do for example; going shopping, going for classes, going for parties, going to social gathering and attending other occasions I wear Blue Jeans. In conclusion, Blue Jeans have evolved over time all through the 20th century. Through time, they have come to be part of our culture as with them we remember the gold miners in California in 1850s, the start of Hollywood in 1930s and even our heroes in World War 2 in the 1940s. Blue Jeans are therefore a part of the American culture and
Sunday, November 17, 2019
Peat Soil Essay Example for Free
Peat Soil Essay Peat is generally found in thick layers in limited areas, has low shear strength and high compressive deformation which often results in difficulties when construction work is undertaken on the deposit. Peat represents the extreme form of soft soil. It is an organic soil which consists more than 75% of organic matters. However, the cutoff value of the percentage of organic matter necessary to classify a superficial deposit or soil as peat varies throughout the world, usually depending on the purpose of classification. This cutoff value also serves to differentiate peat from superficial deposits or soils with lesser amounts of organic content. The terms peat and organic soils, used for describing soils with an organic content, were once synonymous but term organic soils is presently used for superficial deposits or soils that contain organic matter. Figure 1 Location of Peat Soil in Malaysia PEAT SOIL SUBSIDENCE Draining of peatland lowers water table causing subsidence Rate of subsidence 20 – 50 cm per year over a period of 5 years after drainage thereafter 5 cm per year. Oxidation acidity: Peatland water is acidic once drained, peatwater causes severe damage to flora fauna habitats in adjacent areas. Compaction or shrinkage of peat soils may cause groundwater containing fertilizer or pesticide residues to flow from agricultural area to adjacent water catchment area.
Thursday, November 14, 2019
Eisenhower Essay -- essays research papers
The Early Years Dwight David Eisenhower was born on October 14, 1890 in Denison, Texas. He was the third of seven sons from David Jacob and Ida Elizabeth Stover Eisenhower. After his birth the family moved to Abilene, Kansas where Dwight graduated from high school in 1909. He was awarded a scholarship to West Point military academy. He was commisioned a Second Lieutenant upon graduation in September of 1915. After being stationed at Fort Sam Houston, Dwight met Mary (Mamie) Geneva Doud, and they were married on July 1, 1916. The couple had two sons, Doud Dwight Eisenhower and John Sheldon Doud Eisenhower. Doud Dwight, nicknamed â€Å"Little Icky†, was born on September 24, 1917. He died three years later ,on January 2nd,1921,of scarlet fever .Their second son was born in Denver on August 3, 1922. He married Barbara Jean Thompson in July of 1947 and they had four children. There are now eight Eisenhower great-grandchildren. Ike Takes Charge: A rise To Power In 1917, the United states joined the Allied fighting in World War I. The prospect of commanding troops abroad excited Dwight, but his superiors did not think he was ready for such a task. It didnt help matters that Dwight was a success in training others for battle. From 1915 to 1918Dwight and Mamie were sent all over the United States. Starting from Ft. Sam Houston, Dwight served in the infantry division at Camp Wilson, and Leon Springs, Texas and Ft. Ogelthorpe, Georgia. He then served with the Tank Corps in Camp Meade, Mar...
Tuesday, November 12, 2019
Help Stop Bullying Essay
An 11 year old Massachusetts boy, Carl Joseph Walker-Hoover, hung himself April 6, 2009 because he was being taunted daily for being gay. The mother begged the school to address the problem, but nothing was ever done about it and now a woman is left son less. That was at least the fourth suicide of a middle-school aged child linked to bullying that year. Most harassment and bullying go unreported. Children are being bullied each and every day, but the question is what should be done to stop it? Each and every day a child is being teased or picked on because of the way they look, act, dress, or because of what they believe in. Children should not have to be tortured just because they are not like everyone else. Children should be able to come to school and enjoy themselves and not worry about being picked on. A child that is being bullied can have many problems such as low self esteem and low self confidence which could lead them to suicide. Also, children that are bullied may start doing poorly in school or maybe even drop out because they do not feel safe at school. Bullying really needs to be stooped because it can leave a child physically, emotionally, and mentally scarred for the rest of their lives. Some schools say that there is very little that they can do about bullying because a lot of bullying starts off of school property. â€Å"Much of today’s bullying originates online, school officials said, with the growing use of social networking websites and cell phones has led to new ways to intimidate and tease. But because cyber bullying usually happens off-campus school administrators have little recourse†(Nissley 2010). I do not agree with the school district when they say that there is little they can do. Even though, it may start online, it continues or become worse at the school. With that being said, they need to try and do more so it can stop all together no matter where it starts. The solution that they think will help stop bullying is if the educate student about it more. Like Nissley (2010) stated, â€Å"In a model that has been mirrored by other school districts across the state, Abington Heights has been working on educating students as early as kindergarten about bullying and their responsibility to report it when they see it (p. 1). I think that it is good to educate the students about bullying and reporting it, but what is that really going to do? As we all know a lot of students will not tell because they will be too afraid. Or if they do tell they will be little done about it and they will continue to get bullied. So, their solution would not be effective at all. â€Å"Safe to learn: Embedding anti-bullying work in schools is the overarching anti-bullying guidance for schools and was launched in 2007†(teacherNet, 2009, p. 2). It seems that everyone thinks that the solution to stop bullying is just to educate students about it. I think that it is good that they are trying to educate students about the issue, but we all know that it is going to take more than that to stop bullying. It does not matter how much information you provide the students with about bullying, it still is not going to do anything. People have been trying to stop bullying by just telling students it is not the right thing to do for years and nothing has changed. As you see, they tried this solution in 2007 and now in 2010 the same problem is still going on. You can make students take classes every day about bullying and there will still be children getting bullied. Principals and administrators need to punish students by making use of more suspensions and require mandatory parent meetings for those who are bullying others. If the bullying continues, it must be dealt with strongly. And, both the child and parent should be held responsible for it. Until people start taking actions of this nature, bullying will forever be a problem. I think that the only way to stop bullying is to actually make a law against it. In Massachusetts, they have passed a bill for anti-bullying. I think that is wonderful because now that the law is involved I am sure bullying will be cut down because the kids would not to have to deal with the harsh consequences. â€Å"The bill would prohibit bullying at schools and clamp down on so-called cyber bullying by prohibiting the use of e-mails, text messages, internet postings, and other electronic means to create hostile school environment†(Gay & Lesbians, 2010, p. 16). I also believe that it is good that they are requiring the school principals to report to the bullying to the police, if they believe criminal charges should be pursued. Maybe now if the students know that they could possibly go to jail they would stop bullying. It is great that somebody has passed a bill and takes this issue seriously because this has been going on for too long and it is time for it to stop. Lately there have been many other cities discussing and making laws about bullying. In New Jersey, they have also passed a bill regarding bullying. â€Å"A law against bullying in schools which advocates call the nation’s toughest because it requires schools to develop anti-harassment programs, was approved Monday in New Jersey†(Mulvihill, 2010, pg. ). I believe that this is what the schools need in order for bullying to stop. It may take a while for the schools to get all the policies and programs in the public schools, but it will be worth it. This law will hopefully prevent any more suicides from happening due to children being bullied. Maybe it should have been stricter laws a long time ago and a lot of bullying could have bee n stopped. The state of New Jersey has already passed the law for anti-bullying shows how it will cut down on a lot of bullying. There was already an anti-bullying law in 2002, but it was not required that schools set up anti-bullying programs. The new bill is claimed to be one of the toughest anti-bullying bill that there is. They are going all out the way to make sure students will not get bullied. They are even making teachers get training to help to bulling. Like Julie Bolcer (2010) stated, ‘’ The measure would required training for most public school employees on how to spot bulling and mandate that all districts from ‘school safety teams’ review complaints, reported The Star – Ledger . Superintendent would have to report incidents of buying to the state board of education, which would grade schools and districts on their efforts to combat it ‘’ (pg. 1). I think that it is to stop bulling because this is a very serious problem. But now that there are such harsh laws against it, I know the rates will go down a lot. Bullying is something that has been around for ages, but no one has ever seemed to find the right solution for it. Many say there is not a lot that can be done to stop bulling because it starts off school property; I totally isagree with that. While you have others that think that just by telling students about will stop it, which we all know will not. I feel that the only way bulling will ever stop is if they give harsh punishments and let the bullies know that is not a joke. Even though, there have been many attempts to stop bulling, I think that they have finally found a solution which is by making a tough anti-bulling law. If a child wants to bully someone then they should deal with the law and suffer the consequences.
Saturday, November 9, 2019
Corporate Finance Homework – Chapter 4
Corporate Finance2 CreditsBU. 231. 620. 62Thursday 6pm – 9pm, 10/18/2012–12/13/2012Fall2, 2012Columbia, Columbia Center, 218| Instructor Shabnam Mousavi Contact Information Phone Number: (410)234-9450 E-mail Address: [email protected] edu Office Hours Monday/Thursday 10am-noon Required Text and Learning Materials (1) Berk, J. and P. DeMarzo. 2007. Corporate Finance. 2nd Edition. Pearson, Addison-Wesley with MyLab access. The ISBN is 0-13-295-040-5. (2) Lecture Notes. The lecture notes will be posted weekly on Blackboard, before class. 3) MyFinanceLab: All homework and quizzes are posted on MyFinanceLab. Instructions available at the end of this syllabus. Course ID: mousavi28617 Blackboard Site A Blackboard course site is set up for this course. Each student is expected to check the site throughout the semester as Blackboard will be the primary venue for outside classroom communications between the instructors and the students. Students can access the course site at h ttps://blackboard. jhu. edu. Support for Blackboard is available at 1-866-669-6138.Course Evaluation As a research and learning community, the Carey Business School is committed to continuous improvement. Therefore each student must complete the course evaluation as part of the continuous improvement process. Information on how to complete the evaluation will be provided near the end of the course. Disability Services Johns Hopkins University and the Carey Business School are committed to making all academic programs, support services, and facilities accessible.To determine eligibility for accommodations, please contact the Carey Disability Services Office at time of admission and allow least four weeks prior to the beginning of the first class meeting. Students should contact Rachel Hall in the Disability Services office by phone at 410-234-9243, by fax at 443-529-1552, or email: carey. [email protected] edu. Important Academic Policies and Services * Honor Code * Statement of D iversity and Inclusion * Tutoring * Carey Writing Center * Inclement Weather PolicyStudents are strongly encouraged to consult the Johns Hopkins Carey Business School Student Handbook and Academic Catalog and the School website http://carey. jhu. edu/syllabus_policies for detailed information regarding the above items. Course Description The goal of this course is to analyze the major decisions of a corporation. The course deals primarily with a firm’s investment and financing decisions and the firm’s interaction with capital markets. Topics include valuation of future cash flows and risk, capital budgeting, capital structure theory, and pay-out theory.Course Overview About 90% of total revenues in the US economy are generated by corporations. Understanding decision-making within a corporation, whether it is about the choice of investment or about how to raise capital to finance a specific investment, is fundamentally important to understand the key players in todayâ⠂¬â„¢s economy. This course provides the tools to understand efficient decision-making within a corporation by employing the notion of absence of arbitrage (i. e. , the Law of One Price), namely the fundamental principle shaping all aspects of modern finance.While my goal cannot be to make you expert managers in eight weeks, you will be able to evaluate important corporate decisions coherently within the framework of the no-arbitrage principle. Student Learning Objectives for This Course All Carey graduates are expected to demonstrate competence on four Learning Goals, operationalized in eight Learning Objectives. These learning goals and objectives are supported by the courses Carey offers. For a complete list of Carey learning goals and objectives, please refer to the website http://carey. jhu. edu/LearningAtCarey/LGO/index. html. The learning objectives for this course are: . You should be able to price future certain (and uncertain) streams of income. 2. You should be able to us e effectively valuation methods when making capital-budgeting decisions. 3. You should recognize the financial and strategic implications of alternative corporate financing decisions in different environments. 4. You should recognize the financial and strategic implications of alternative corporate pay-out decisions in different environments. 5. You should understand agency problems in the context of corporate financing and pay-out decisions and their ethical implications. Attendance PolicyClass attendance is mandatory. Each student should read the assigned materials and give careful thought to background information prior to each class session. Having done so will not only facilitate class discussion, it will also lighten your workload because the lectures are much easier to follow after the readings have been digested. Assignments Course grades will be based on 3 quizzes (Dates on MyFinanceLab), homework assignments, and a final exam. The quizzes will be available on MyFinanceLab. A maximum of one quiz can be missed. If a quiz is missed, additional weight (10%) is put on the final exam. Missing a quiz only means â€Å"not sitting for it. †For example, it does not mean â€Å"discarding an unfavorable grade ex-post. †) Homework assignments will be posted each week on MyFinanceLab. You can work on these in groups but you do not have to do so, if you so choose. After due date no points will be given for a homework. The final exam will be about 3-hour long. It will be closed-book. A two-sided (A4) self made consolidation-sheet will be allowed. Evaluation and Grading Assignment| Learning Outcome| Weight| 3 quizzes| 1-5| 10% each| Assignments| 1-5| 20%| Final exam| 1-5| 50%|Important notes about grading policy: The grade for good performance in a course will be a B+/B. The grade of A- will only be awarded for excellent performance. The grade of A will be reserved for those who demonstrate extraordinarily excellent performance. The grades of D+, D, an d D- are not awarded at the graduate level. Grade appeals will ONLY be considered in the case of a documented clerical error. Tentative Course Calendar *The instructor reserves the right to alter course content and/or adjust the pace to accommodate class progress. REMARK1: no class on 11/22, and 11/29- ThanksgivingREMARK2: Online material including quizzes, activities, and practices are designed on MyFinanceLab; Always check your MyFinanceLab for assignments; You are responsible for completing online requirements and submitting your work before deadlines. Pre-course readings: Chapters 1 and 2 of Berk and DeMarzo. If you cannot read these chapters for the first class, it is important that you do so for the second class. Week| Content| Reading| 1| (1) Valuing cash flows (2) Net present values| Chapters 3 and 4| 2| * Fundamentals of capital budgeting| Chapter 7| | Quiz1: see dates on MyFinanceLab (1) Debt and equity financing (2) Modigliani-Miller| Chapter 14| 4| (1) Debt and taxes (2) The cost of bankruptcy (3) Optimal capital structure: the trade-off theory (4) Agency costs: time-permitting| Chapters 15 and 16| 5| Quiz2: see dates on MyFinanceLab * Information and pay-out policy| Chapter 17| 6| no class| Online quizzes and assignments (on MyFinanceLab/Blackboard, beyond homework) for minimum total of 3 hours distributed through semester| 7| Quiz3: see dates on MyFinanceLab * More on capital budgeting (with leverage and market imperfections) (1) Risk and return (2) Systematic versus idiosyncratic risk (3) Evaluating the cost of capital| Chapter 18 Chapter 10 and Chapter 12| 8| Final Exam, in Class| Comprehensive| â€â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€- Copyright Statement Unless explicitly allowed by the instructor, course materials, class discussions, and examinations are created for and expected to be used by class participants only. The recording and rebroadcasting of su ch material, by any means, is forbidden. Violations are subject to sanctions under the Honor Code. MyLab / Mastering Student Registration Instructions To register for BU. 231. 620. 62. FA12: 1. Go to pearsonmylabandmastering. com. 2. Under Register, click Student. 3. Enter your instructor’s course ID: mousavi28617, and click Continue. 4.Sign in with an existing Pearson account or create an account:  · If you have used a Pearson website (for example, MyITLab, Mastering, MyMathLab, or MyPsychLab), enter your Pearson username and password. Click Sign In.  · If you do not have a Pearson account, click Create. Write down your new Pearson username and password to help you remember them. 5. Select an option to access your instructor’s online course:  · Use the access code that came with your textbook or that you purchased separately from the bookstore.  · Buy access using a credit card or PayPal.  · If available, get 17 days of temporary access. (Look for a link nea r the bottom of the page. ) 6. Click Go To Your Course on the Confirmation page. Under MyLab / Mastering New Design on the left, click BU. 231. 620. 2. FA12 to start your work. Retaking or continuing a course? If you are retaking this course or enrolling in another course with the same book, be sure to use your existing Pearson username and password. You will not need to pay again. To sign in later: 1. Go to pearsonmylabandmastering. com. 2. Click Sign In. 3. Enter your Pearson account username and password. Click Sign In. 4. Under MyLab / Mastering New Design on the left, click BU. 231. 620. 62. FA12 to start your work. Additional Information See Students > Get Started on the website for detailed instructions on registering with an access code, credit card, PayPal, or temporary access.
Thursday, November 7, 2019
american essays
spanish/american essays Our trade has suffered, the capital invested by our citizens in Cuba has been largely lost, and the temper and forbearance of our people have been so sorely tried as to beget a perilous unrest among our own citizens, which has inevitably found its expression from time to time in the National Legislature, so that issues wholly external to our own body politic engross attention and stand in the way of that close devotion to domestic advancement that becomes a self-contained commonwealth whose primal maxim has been the avoidance of all foreign entanglements. All this must needs awaken, and has, indeed, aroused, the utmost concern on the part of this Government, as well during my predecessor's term as in my own Said President William McKinley in his War Message (McKinley's War Message 6). Many people believe in the concept of a just war as defined by the seven principles, others would argue that the concept of a just war remains very subjective, and still others argue, usually for mora l or religious reasons, that war can never be justified. NEED TO PUT LETTER C IN The Spanish-American War was between the United States and Spain in 1898. The virtual annihilation of indigenous peoples within the continental United States by the early 1900's allowed national attention to turn outward. Interest in developing markets in China and plans for a canal through Central America set the stage for a new level of expansionist strategizing. The Caribbean was a region with a strong economic relationship to the U.S., and had long been regarded by many as a natural extension of our republic. By the late 1890's American citizens owned about fifty million dollars' worth of Cuban property, primarily in the sugar, tobacco, and iron industries. By the late nineteenth century the nation was left only a few scattered possessions in the Pacific, Africa, and the West Indies. Much of the empire had gained its independence and a number o...
Tuesday, November 5, 2019
Use Conditional Probability to Calculate Intersections
Use Conditional Probability to Calculate Intersections The conditional probability of an event is the probability that an event A occurs given that another event B has already occurred. This type of probability is calculated by restricting the sample space that we’re working with to only the set B. The formula for conditional probability can be rewritten using some basic algebra. Instead of the formula: P(A | B) P(A ∠© B) /P( B ), we multiply both sides by P( B ) and obtain the equivalent formula: P(A | B) x P( B) P(A ∠© B). We can then use this formula to find the probability that two events occur by using the conditional probability. Use of Formula This version of the formula is most useful when we know the conditional probability of A given B as well as the probability of the event B. If this is the case, then we can calculate the probability of the intersection of A given B by simply multiplying two other probabilities. The probability of the intersection of two events is an important number because it is the probability that both events occur. Examples For our first example, suppose that we know the following values for probabilities: P(A | B) 0.8 and P( B ) 0.5. The probability P(A ∠© B) 0.8 x 0.5 0.4. While the above example shows how the formula works, it may not be the most illuminating as to how useful the above formula is. So we will consider another example. There is a high school with 400 students, of which 120 are male and 280 are female. Of the males, 60% are currently enrolled in a mathematics course. Of the females, 80% are currently enrolled in a mathematics course. What is the probability that a randomly selected student is a female who is enrolled in a mathematics course? Here we let F denote the event â€Å"Selected student is a female†and M the event â€Å"Selected student is enrolled in a mathematics course.†We need to determine the probability of the intersection of these two events, or P(M ∠© F). The above formula shows us that P(M ∠© F) P( M|F ) x P( F ). The probability that a female is selected is P( F ) 280/400 70%. The conditional probability that the student selected is enrolled in a mathematics course, given that a female has been selected is P( M|F ) 80%. We multiply these probabilities together and see that we have an 80% x 70% 56% probability of selecting a female student who is enrolled in a mathematics course. Test for Independence The above formula relating conditional probability and the probability of intersection gives us an easy way to tell if we are dealing with two independent events. Since events A and B are independent if P(A | B) P( A ), it follows from the above formula that events A and B are independent if and only if: P( A ) x P( B ) P(A ∠© B) So if we know that P( A ) 0.5, P( B ) 0.6 and P(A ∠© B) 0.2, without knowing anything else we can determine that these events are not independent. We know this because P( A ) x P( B ) 0.5 x 0.6 0.3. This is not the probability of the intersection of A and B.
Sunday, November 3, 2019
The Competencies That Are Required By Consultants In Order To Ensure Essay
The Competencies That Are Required By Consultants In Order To Ensure an Efficient Consulting Practice - Essay Example This paper illustrates that the work of the management consultant is to help the client organization to recognize the management problems, analyze the problems and provide solutions to the problems. The role of the consultants has become extremely important in contemporary times to deal with critical issues faced by the organizations. The client organization often requires the skill and expertise to deal with the critical issues faced by the organization. Researchers have established that there is a link between organizational performance and organizational characteristic and both of these are influenced by a reverse relationship. It can be argued that the organizational characteristics can also have an influence on the consulting performance. According to the views of Lundberg, the competence of an individual is a set of appropriate behavior which acts as a framework for identifying, evaluating and developing an individual’s behavior. Researchers have found out that competenc e is actually a combination of skills, knowledge, and behavior that helps in improving the performance of an organization. According to Sandberg, people who perform their responsibilities more competently than others can be argued to have the finer set of attributes. Therefore it can be argued that the competence of the management consultant is a crucial factor that influences consulting performance. The existing literature identifies that there are a set of competencies that are important for consultants. There are ten domains of competencies that have been identified namely enterprising, confidence, management, influence, facilitation, consideration, analytics, performance, organizing behavior, resilience and enterprising nature. Each of these domains has a number of characteristics under them like independence, adaptability, planning, quality orientation, problem-solving approach, conceptualizing vision and customer orientation to name a few.
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