Monday, September 30, 2019
Human Population and Population Growth
In early years human population and population growth has not been an issue. This is because of the variety of different environmental factors. Sickness and disease has played a large role in keeping human population under control since the beginning of time. It seemed that when a population would get over crowded an epidemic such as, the influenza or small pox would break out. This would drastically decrease the population enough that it would be under control again. Famine is another great controller of population. When a famine strikes an area only the few with enough food will be able to reproduce or even survive. An examination of world population control would not be complete with out including war. War also performs wonders at controlling population by murdering most men of child rearing age. In today†s day and age, with our current technology increases disease outbreak and famine (except in some 3rd world countries) is not much of a factor any more. War is not considered a valid population control method due to today†s â€Å"new†wars. Without the three largest population controllers much of a factor any more, population is free to run out of control. This provides us with an ever-increasing controversy; this is whether government or society should dictate family size. I believe that society can infringe indirect controls over family size, but these are considered more community norms as opposed to hard fast rules such as governments can set. Two examples will follow. First, we will look at our society. Yes, the USA†s turn to no child and one-child families. This was caused by society. Society pushes Americans to have successful careers both male and female. There has been a switch from families to careers. This does not providing Americans with the time or means for multiple children, but cutting the number down to one or none. Another example of society's control is the push in some Asian/Middle Eastern countries for a family†s first child to be male. Even when there is no government regulation many cultures push for your first child to be male. This forces families to abort females and even murder them once they have been born. Once again this is a society/cultural push not a mandated rule. These instances are what different societies have created for themselves, when included in one of these societies it is hard to say whether it is right or wrong. I will first address the aspect that government should not control family size. First of all, it is a natural and religious right to produce offspring. Breed, multiply and populate has been the belief since the beginning of time. The idea is to grow population so that our beliefs and way of life may be spread and passed on. Who is government to take these right away? Governmental control over family size goes against everything that the USA stands for. This would be an age-old idea called freedom. When a government starts dictating the kind and size of family a person can have. Almost all freedom is lost. Another topic briefly addressed above is the aborting and murdering of babies that aren†t male. A first hand example of this is China. China regulates or gives incentives to families that only produce one child. This is where the problem begins because most families want this child to be male. Male children are providers and will go out and join the working world. They will be â€Å"successful†. Many female babies are aborted once sex is determined. If sex is not determined before birth, once born many female babies are abandoned or destroyed. This showing the cruelty that government controlled family size will push people to. Government should control family size because in most instances the general population cannot handle this for themselves. A prime example of this is our already over crowded inner cities. People with chemical addictions and no financial means are cranking out babies right and left. They have no means of providing for all of these children. Government currently provides for these under privileged children, that as cruel as it sounds, should not have been born. I have had a first hand example of this problem. A family friend in another state has adopted three crack babies from the same mother; this mother is also on welfare. This certain mother is by no means an exception. China is another example of why government needs to control population. Look at the current problems that they are faced with because in previous years they have done nothing. Left uncontrolled, population will snowball out of control. Government needs to be aware of the ever -increasing population growth problem. I believe that rather that mandating how many children a family can have. They should educate its population on different means of birth control and possibly start providing for free. Especially in this country a harsher penalties needs to be imposed for chemical dependent mothers that become baby factories. An education/management plan can be imposed allowing individuals the freedom to determine the number of children they desire to have.
Sunday, September 29, 2019
Corporal Punishment in Public Schools
Corporal punishment is the intentional use of physical pain as a method of changing behavior. Numerous nations have prohibited the use of corporal punishment in public schools, but the United States of America is a special case. Thirty states have prohibited the use of corporal punishment in public schools while twenty states have not, Texas being one of them. The use of corporal punishment in public schools should be prohibited because it restricts a student's academic success, facilitates aggression and violence in an adolescent's behavior, all while having no clear evidence that it actually works.Corporal punishment creates an unhealthy educational environment which directly correlates with impeding students' academic performance. Even though one student receives punishment, this affects all the students who witness it, constructing â€Å"an environment of education that can be described as unproductive, nullifying, and punitive†(â€Å"Corporal Punishment in Schools†). Corporal punishment creates an atmosphere of fear in the classroom which can severely hurt a student's ability to do well in school.Studies show that â€Å"as a group, states that paddled the most improved their scores the least,†while â€Å"the ten states with the longest histories of forbidding corporal punishment improved the most†(â€Å"Corporal Punishment in Schools and†¦ †). Today, succeeding in high school is very important, and with good reason. How well a student does in high school is what paves their way to a good college. Corporal punishment is used to deter bad behavior, but it puts students at a very serious disadvantage against students who learn in non-corporal punishment states.By definition, corporal punishment is said to change the behavior of the victim so that he or she will not act in the same way again, although there is no concrete evidence that supports this claim. In fact, â€Å"no clear evidence exists that such punishment lead to better control in the classroom†(â€Å"Corporal Punishment in Schools†). Thinking logically, hurting a child/adolescent will not result in better behavior because pain does not explain why bad behavior is wrong. A child/adolescent's brain is still developing, so just hurting an child/adolescent and then thinking that everything will be better is backward thinking.â€Å"Physically punishing children has never been shown to enhance moral character development or increase the students' respect for teachers or other authority figures in general,†meaning corporal punishment is not even capable of doing what it is supposed to do (â€Å"Corporal Punishment in Schools†). Corporal punishment is being used ineffectively and the consequences far outweigh the potential good that it doesn't do. Though corporal punishment is effective in a short period of time, it causes more harm than good.In school, student's are taught to be nice to others and to handle sit uations with a logical and calm mind, but corporal punishment â€Å"promotes a very precarious message: that violence is an acceptable phenomenon in our society†and â€Å"encourages children to resort to violence because they see their authority figures or substitute parents using it†(â€Å"Corporal Punishment in Schools†). Essentially, children and adolescents are being told that violence is okay and that if someone steals someone's pencil, then it is okay to go up to that person and start hitting them.Yes, spanking, paddling, and other forms of corporal punishment are â€Å"quick and it's effective – and that's true,†but that is all it is, quick and effective (â€Å"More Than 200,000 Kids Spanked At Schools†). A student may behave for a week, a month, maybe even for the rest of the school year, but corporal punishment cannot keep the behavior of a child/adolescent under control for the rest of his/her life. The memory of being hit is no t so profound that it deters him/her from robbing a bank, or breaking into someone's home when he/she is thirty years old and can take care of themselves.â€Å"Corporal punishment has also been linked to criminal and antisocial behaviors, likely because corporal punishment does not facilitate children's internalization of morals and values†(Barwick). If a victim of corporal punishment starts a family and their child misbehaves, physically hurting the child will probably be the first though to come to mind. Corporal punishment creates a cycle of violence and pain because of the lasting physical and mental scars it can leave. Thus, corporal punishment should be prohibited in all states of the United States of America. A deleterious classroom environment restricts a students academic success.In the U. S. A. , twenty states have legalized the use of corporal punishment in public schools, even though there is no clear evidence that corporal punishment does indeed change the behav ior of the inflicted for the better. What corporal punishment is linked to is reinforcement of aggression and violence in the behavior of the injured when he/she are older. Corporal punishment does control the behavior of a child/adolescent temporarily, it does not help in the long run, which is what school is about; school prepares the individuals of the future for the rest of their lives.
Saturday, September 28, 2019
Company in Crisis Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 5250 words
Company in Crisis - Essay Example Research questions: taking failure as a phenomenon in everyday life that ought to be crossed either by winning or not we are left with the questions about the ways to win the debacle. In a business firm that faces distress, the big boss must get himself equipped with the capabilities to retrieve answers to questions on the cause and depth of the crisis and then questions regarding the salvation process are to be evolved. The purpose of the research that I conduct is to elucidate answers for these questions about the cause and depth of the distress simultaneously finding the way in which organisation culture has to be reformed or remodelled to get the favourable results in the turnaround process. Changing the organisation culture or cultural renewal is the vital part of the turnaround process, since culture is the base of the entire realm of a business. The methodology of turnaround comprises mainly of grass root changes. Turnaround decisions are hard to conceive, although everybody i n a crisis torn company is eagerly waiting for a fresh mechanism to thrive. I have collected feedback data from many companies worldwide that underwent crisis management and companies that foresaw the crisis and adopted prudent approaches to circumvent the crisis. The research papers and journals on the subject of crisis management were of highly helpful in my research. Throughout the search I found that a strategic change was a must in the turnaround endeavour. A company shows symptoms of distress in six ways. They are: 1. Dividend reduction 2. Plant closing. 3. Losses. 4. Lay offs. 5. CEO resignations. 6. Plummeting stock prices. Operating losses of a company results in the reduction of its capital leading the firm towards bankruptcy. In Kenya, companies such as Barclays Bank, Standard Chartered and National Oil Corp are laying off their staff. Many a companies are left with options to take turnaround steps in the following ways only. 1. Disposing of real property. 2. Merging with other firms. 3. Reducing capital spending on R & D. 4. Issuing new shares. 5. Negotiating with creditors. 6. Liquidation. 7. Lay offs. Of these a successful negotiation with the creditors to extend the duration of debt servicing, interest and paying period fetches a good result of saving the company from liquidation. (Jonah Aiyabei, 2000). 1.1 CAUSE OF THE CRISIS Corporate misconduct is the root cause of crisis to creep in a company. The direction of movement of corporate behaviour is normally from top to the bottom. Integrity must permeate a company from the level of chief executive who are supposed to blend ethical values to their traits of integrity. The survey results of the Investor Responsibility Research Center, Washington D.C., survey of board practices and pay, 2004 delineates that an internal campaign organised by the CEOs emphasises the company was taking the reforms seriously and provide an opportunity for discussion among the employees. Responses received from many of the respondents revealed an inability and impossibility to legislate morality and ethics and at the same time greed was felt at the core of many of the past problems. A grade point average (GPA) of 2.6 in the field of accounting management encompassed the view of the respondents that CEOs should meet with department heads and create a direct
Friday, September 27, 2019
Health and Life Sciences - 8000 word Dissertation 'To Investigate the Essay
Health and Life Sciences - 8000 word Dissertation 'To Investigate the Spiritual Significance Walking has for Older People' - Essay Example The researcher also had to wade through many previous literatures, online articles, journals, and so on to help support this research. The thesis of this research supports the spiritual significance of walking and it writes thus, â€Å"The proposed research claims that walking as a physical exercise exerts a predominant influence in people and it causes for inculcating spirituality among older people.†This is a secondary research based on a qualitative study for which various diagrams and the view points of physiologists, psychologists and other writers have been included. Another notable thing that the researcher attempts to convey through this dissertation is that the term ‘spirituality’ has undergone changes during the course of time and as such, nowadays we do not entirely connect it to religion, as practiced in ancient times. The post-modern concept of spirituality is different that it now describes spirituality as ‘connectedness to nature’ or ‘connected to environment.’ The proposed study is based on the post-modern concept of spirituality on religious grounds. The researcher has attempted his best to justify the topic through different diagrams and the perceptions of the members of different walking groups. All through the research, the researcher has endeavored to keep the morality of the research. The researcher has assured the participants that all the information collected for the purpose of this research will be kept highly confidential. An official document will be prepared for the researcher. The st udy also ensures that the researcher is aware of his/her right to keep and maintain collected data with its significance. This paper adopts the traditional style of dissertation papers and the study is concluded by stating that walking as a physical exercise exerts a predominant influence in people and it causes for inculcating spirituality among older
Thursday, September 26, 2019
Personal Statement for Urban and Regioanal Masters degree
For Urban and Regioanal Masters degree - Personal Statement Example My immediate plan is to take admission in an institute from where I can get a high quality education in urban and regional planning. My long-term goal is to serve the nation as a skilled project director by achieving a high post in some well-known organization. As I have studied urban development in my bachelors, I want to do further in this field by gaining perspectives in many areas, such as, historical preservation, planning law, economic development and transportation planning, and emergency preparedness planning in order to diversify my knowledge base and be able to apply new approaches to my work. With the knowledge I would attain with this degree, I would use my credentials to become a professional planner working in both development and policy streams and eventually become a planning executive supervising a large public organization in either Canada or the United States. As far as my professional experience is concerned, I have cultivated professional planning technical experience based on my interest in land use planning and have attained positions with progressive responsibilities. I have also been working within a public organization since graduating university. I have also gained leadership and teamwork experience by participating in some notable organizations, such as, Geography students association, Pre-Law society, model united nations society, and Sigma Nu fraternity kappa beta chapter. I wish to become a master’s degree candidate at your institution because I want to gain an accredited planning education from a prestigious university in order to remove any limitations in my career progress. My academic skills and relevant professional experience make me a suitable candidate to get admission in this university. I am sending this statement of purpose to get an opportunity to pursue my degree from this university. Having a
Wednesday, September 25, 2019
Social Network as Facebook is Not Safe from Hackers Essay
Social Network as Facebook is Not Safe from Hackers - Essay Example Social networks such as Facebook result to the interconnection of millions of people from all over the world thus bringing diversities and similarities in close interactions. In this regard, Facebook offers an effective opportunity for people from different backgrounds to identify their similarity and therefore converge through chart rooms and groups or pages; for instance, the Facebook group of people opposed to the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia is one such example of how people of similar interests converge on social media. However, this joining of different people with similar interests makes such individuals in those groups vulnerable to different forms of abuses at the same time. Hackers with ill intentions of compromising and sabotaging information communication systems have emerged and greatly undermined the reliability and security of information, and Facebook, like other communication systems, is not safe from hacker activities. Hacking refers to the unwarranted acc ess of other people’s online databases and directories; hackers are targeting personal information in personal Facebook accounts such as passwords, confidential data, secrets, among other things, with malicious intentions whose sole purpose is to harm the victims, thus breaching individual privacy on social networks. With the growing number of internet users, the highly porous nature of information systems, and features of service providers including the social networking sites that make it possible for unwanted users to access other peoples’ databases, social networks as Facebook are not safe from hackers. There are numerous reasons and explanations why Facebook is not safe from hackers; for instance, nowadays there is increasing use of social network for business transactions and advertising, even though the platform is strictly meant for personal relationships (Lu?sted 10). In this case, hackers abuse social network as businesses by stealing vital information such a s company trade secrets or operational blue prints thereby compromising the businesses. Investigations into cybercrimes are curtailed by the mere fact that the internet has transformed the world into a global village thus allowing hackers to commit crimes from any location of the world and go scot-free. Cyberspace security has also been largely compromised by the increasing internet population in addition to the aspect of anonymity that allows users to disguise themselves on social networks such as Facebook using fake account details while seeking to commit cybercrimes. New inexperienced Facebook users are particularly vulnerable to hacker attacks because they are yet to learn how to utilize the complex security features of the internet on the platform. Hackers can take advantage of the privileged personal information stolen from private accounts on Facebook to cause untold havoc and damage to personal and business relations; for instance, hackers may impersonate individuals to comm it cybercrimes or damage reputations of individuals. Perhaps the most serious consequence suffered by victims of hacking activities is the loss or destruction of vital information thereby compromising the entire systems network. Research Statistics provide evidence of the hackers and hacker activities, for instance, a recent research by the Privacy Clearing House reports indicate that over 1oo million records have been compromised since February 2005, and over 80 million cases were due to web hacking attacks. A similar research at Acunetix reports findings that about 75% of cyberspace attacks occur at the web
Tuesday, September 24, 2019
Desire and Crime of Young People Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Desire and Crime of Young People - Essay Example Passive goodness and dynamic evil are choices that in themselves may or may not be adequate or objectionable, but that in terms of the novel are neither. (Burgess, pp 41-49) While strain theory offered to motivate research, it commonly formed frail consequences. Strain in much of this work was considered as the inconsistency between professional or instructive ambitions and prospect for success in these fields. The conclusion from this research commonly demonstrated that criminal behavior was most probable when both desires and prospects were low results which leaned to suggest support reliable with control theory. Research using substitute procedures of strain, such as professed blocked possibilities or the disjunction between financial desires and instructive means were more helpful of the viewpoint; however results were destabilized when opposing theories were integrated into the study on desire and crime of young people. Utilized as procedures of an entrance to triumph through legal means, or the attainment of victory, these varied results provided additional proof to send away the typical strain perception. A strain is not only the result of the failure ... He conflicted that the democratic ideology and "American Dream," often escorted persons to assess themselves with an orientation to those higher in the stratification system parting those inferior in the stratification system feeling comparatively disadvantaged and more at peril for criminal activities. Comparative dispossession is said to lead to both useful and non-utilitarian crimes. While people might engage in wealth crimes to get money in an effort to reduce these approaches, comparative dispossession is also considered to be connected to aggression because people are angered by their failure to share in the pronounced wealth that seductively surrounds them but remains beyond reach.Â
Monday, September 23, 2019
Network Intrusion Detection Systems Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
Network Intrusion Detection Systems - Essay Example These intrusion systems have been designed using various techniques. The intrusion system designed with the help of classification technique is the popular ones as it provides more security to the systems in which it is installed. The classification technique is used to classify the type of attack the system faces. (Base 2000).The intrusion system has the responsibility of protecting the system and preventing the attacks. According to Mun the intrusion detection system works well only if the system is selected based on the type of network. The intrusion detection system must be selected to suit the network. There are various types of networks and the system must make sure that it satisfies the network's requirements. The classification technique is used in the intrusion systems to classify and divide the attacks and threats. (Mun 2009).This technique is preferred by most of the network administrators due to its compatibility and efficiency. The intrusion systems work well only when the network's requirements are satisfied. The intrusion detection systems are generally classified into network based intrusion detection systems and host based intrusion detection systems. Network based intrusion system makes use of classification technique since it offers more protection when compared to the other techniques. The systems which are built using classification technique protect each layer of the network. The Ethernet of IP and the other layers are protected and they can be free from intruders. (Northcutt, Noval 2003).Since the classification technique based intrusion detection systems
Sunday, September 22, 2019
Twitter Emerges as a Digital Marketing Tool Case Study
Twitter Emerges as a Digital Marketing Tool - Case Study Example Thousands of businesses in the United States are using tweeting as part of their marketing strategy. A survey revealed that over 88% of businesses in the U.S tweet messages to their customer base. The online connectivity of smartphones has made it easier than ever to follow tweets in real time. Key Marketing Issues Digital Media – consumers have become more accustomed to receiving their daily news through electronic media channels. One of the fastest growing media channels are social networks such as Facebook and Twitter. Electronic Marketing – Electronic marketing has become more popular than ever in the 21 century. In 2011 the global online advertising industry generated $71 billion in revenues (Plunkett Research). Social network – Social networks have grown in popularity during the past few years. Facebook is the industry leader with over 845 million users (Facebook). Twitter has become more popular among business owners due to its ability to receive followers without having the need of being in the network of friends. Personal Case Analysis The case study showed the growing tendency of people being in love with social network websites. The interesting thing about the article was that it showed how companies are taking advantage of this lifestyle change among consumers. I think that companies should use Twitter because it is a cost effective way to market to a growing population of consumers that use the services of Twitter on a daily basis. People in the Unites States have become addicted to their smartphones. These devices can be used by people to follow tweets in real time from any location. Interactivity is a feature that brings a lot of excitement to consumers. Case Questions 1) Why is Twitter appealing to companies? Twitter is very appealing to companies because it provides firms with a cost effective marketing medium that can be used to reach thousands of customers instantly. Advertising on Twitter is very cheap in comparison with the advertising costs of traditional media channels such as television and radio. The size of the Twitter population is another attractive feature of the website. There are over 175 million users of Twitter (Carlson). Twitter gives companies the ability to interact with its users. The use of Twitter can be very effective to target younger buyers between the ages of 18 and 35 years of age. 2) How can Twitter be used to strengthen customer relationships and to gather customer feedback? Twitter is a great website because it connects people and businesses with each other. Customers that are interested in the products or services of a company can follow the latest company news using Twitter. Customer relationships can be reinforced by creating loyalty programs in Twitter that allow customers to receive special deals through the twitter feeds. Twitter can also be used as a tool to collect secondary data. â€Å"Secondary data is the data that have been already collected by and readily av ailable from other sources†(Managementstudyguide). 3) What are some of the drawbacks of using Twitter as a marketing tool? Twitter can be a very effective marketing tool that can be implemented at a low cost, but there are certain drawbacks associated with its use. The use of Twitter for marketing purposes is limited to the reach of the medium. A lot of people are not users of social media websites. Other channels such as television and the written press have greater reach than Twitter. The use of Twitter is not as popular among senior citizens as it is among teenagers. Using Twitter as a sole marketing strategy does not let companies achieve adequate penetration among all demographic groups. Another drawback of the use of Twitter
Saturday, September 21, 2019
The Bhagavad Gita Essay Example for Free
The Bhagavad Gita Essay is perhaps the most famous, and definitely the most widely-read, ethical text of ancient India. As an episode in Indias great epic, the Mahabharata, The Bhagavad Gita now ranks as one of the three principal texts that define and capture the essence of Hinduism; the other two being the Upanishads and the Brahma Sutras. Though this work contains much theology, its kernel is ethical and its teaching is set in the context of an ethical problem. The teaching of The Bhagavad Gita is summed up in the maxim your business is with the deed and not with the result. When Arjuna, the third son of king Pandu (dynasty name: Pandavas) is about to begin a war that became inevitable once his one hundred cousins belonging to the Kaurava dynasty refused to return even a few villages to the five Pandava brothers after their return from enforced exile, he looks at his cousins, uncles and friends standing on the other side of the battlefield and wonders whether he is morally prepared and justified in killing his blood relations even though it was he, along with his brother Bhima, who had courageously prepared for this war. Arjuna is certain that he would be victorious in this war since he has Lord Krishna (one of the ten incarnations of Vishnu) on his side. He is able to visualize the scene at the end of the battle; the dead bodies of his cousins lying on the battlefield, motionless and incapable of vengeance. It is then that he looses his nerve to fight. The necessity for the arose because the one hundred cousins of the Panadavas refused to return the kingdom to the Pandavas as they had originally promised. The eldest of the Pandav brothers, Yudhisthir, had lost his entire kingdom fourteen years ago to the crafty Kaurava brothers in a game of dice, and was ordered by his cousins to go on a fourteen-year exile. The conflict between the Pandavas and the Kauravas brewed gradually when the Kauravas refused to return the kingdom to the Panadavas and honor the agreement after the fourteen-year exile, and escalated to a full scale war when the Kauravas refused to even grant Yudhisthirs reduced demand for a f ew villages instead of the entire kingdom. As the battle is about to begin, Arjuna, himself an acclaimed warrior, wonders how he could kill his own blood relatives with whom he had grown up as a child. He puts the battle on hold and begins a conversation with Krishna, one of the ten but most important incarnations of the Universal Hindu God, Vishnu. The Bhagavad Gita begins here and ends with Krishna convincing Arjuna that in the grand scheme of things, he is only a pawn. The best he could do is do his duty and not question Gods will. It was his duty to fight. In convincing Arjuna, the Lord Krishna provides a philosophy of life and restores Arjunas nerve to begin the battle a battle that had been stalled because the protagonist had lost his nerve and needed time to reexamine his moral values. Even though The Bhagavad Gita (hereafter referred to as the Gita) is one of the three principal texts that define the essence of Hinduism, and since all over the world Hindus chant from the Gita during most of their religious ceremonies, strictly speaking the Gita is not one of the Hindu scriptures. In light of its inseparable links to one of the two great Hindu epics (Mahabharata and Ramayana) which most Indians hold very dear to their hearts, and because Krishna, the most venerated and popular of the incarnations of Lord Vishnu, figur es so prominently in it, the Gita over the years has not only become very popular but has ascended to spiritual heights that are afforded only to the Vedas (and the subsequent reinterpretive philosophies that followed them) and the Upanishads in the ancient Indian literature. The concept and symbol of God were extremely complicated issues (see below) in the ancient Hindu religious literature prior to the writing of the Gita. The notion of God and the paths to salvation are integral parts of all religions. The manner in which Hinduism originally dealt with these two fundamental issues was very complex and appeared to be too speculative at times. This was one of the reasons for which Buddhism branched out as a separate religion. When Buddhism was beginning to grow in popularity, Hinduism met with its first challenge: To provide a clear-cut, easy-to-worship symbol of God to its followers. For a variety of reasons, Lord Krishna was the obvious choice. Many have even suggested that it was one of the most pivotal choices ever made by ancient scholars to `humanize the concept of God in the Hindu religion. Molded in the original image of Lord Vishnu, Krishna is an affable Avatar (reincarnation of God) which for the first time provided concrete guidelines for living to all mortals. The average Hindu might not know much about Brahma, but every one knows who Lord Krishna is. Mahatma Gandhi read the Gita often when he was in seclusion and in prison. But, the universal popularity of the Gita has not detracted Indian scholars from deviating from the fundamental truth about Hinduism. The Gita is not the Hindu scripture even though the literal translation of Bhagavad Gita is The Song of God. The Nobel laureate Indian poet, Rabindra Nath Tagore, rarely quoted from the Gita in his philosophical writings; instead, he chose to refer to the Upanishads, to quote from it, and to use its teachings in his own works. Of course, the teachings of the Upanishads are included in the Gita; they are visible in multiple chapters of the Gita. The kinetic concepts of karma and yoga, which appeared for the first time in the Upanishads (explained below), appear repeatedly in the Gita, often in disguised forms. As with almost every religious Indian text, it is difficult to pinpoint when exactly the Gita was written. Without a doubt, it was written over a period of centuries by many writers. From the contents of the Gita, it is abundantly clear that both the principal teachings of the Upanishads and of early Buddhism were familiar to the writers of the Gita. So, it has been approximated that the Gita was written during the period 500-200 BCE. Even though India is one of the few nations which h as a continuous documented history, very few Indian religious texts exists for which the exact date of publication is established without controversy. Despite its universal appeal, the Gita is replete with contradictions both at the fundamental level and at the highest level of philosophical discourse. To the discerning eye, it would seem that what has been said in the previous chapter, is contradicted in the very next chapter. This is the fundamental complaint against the Gita, and this fact would appear to be ironic given the fact that the Gita was originally written to reconcile the differences between two of the six major ancient Indian philosophies (Darshans) that evolved over the early years of Hinduism and became integral parts of ancient Indian religious literature. The irony disappears however when one understands what the Gita purported to achieve at the level of philosophical and religious discourse. This fact is crucial not only for the understanding of the principal themes of the Gita but also to locate the essence of the Gita in the overall picture of ancient Indian doctrines. The Gita attempted, for the first time, to reconcile the teachings of two very abstract Indian religious doctrines into one whole. The task was a formidable one. The Gita tried to include the fundamentals of two ancient Indian philosophies into one document and reconcile the principal differences between them. At the outset, one must note that the two doctrines (Darshans) were often extremely difficult to understand. Hence the inevitable contradictions or duality of interpretation. The Six Darshans of ancient India were actually of differing origin and purpose, but all were brought into the scheme by being recognized as viable ways of salvation. They were divided into three groups of two complementary schools of thought (Darshans) or doctrines: Nyaya and Vaisesika; Sankhyya and Yoga; and Mimamsha and Vedanta. The Bhagavad Gita attempted to reconcile the Sankhyya philosophy with those of the Vedanta doctrine. One must note in passing that the Sankhyya school of thought led to Buddhism while the Vedanta philosophy is at the root of modern Hinduism. In this article, we are only going to discuss briefly the two Darshans the Sankhyya and the Vedanta the Gita attempted to reconcile. The Sankhyya is the oldest of the six Darshans while the Vedanta is the most important of the six systems. The various subsystems of the Vedanta doctrine has led to the emergence of modern intellectual Hinduism. The primary text of the Vedanta system is the Brahma Sutras, and its doctrines were derived in great part from the Upanishads, which marked the beginning of Hinduism as is understood and practiced today. Even though the Vedas are Indias ancient sacred texts, modern Hinduism begins with the Vedanta (end of Vedas) and attains its zenith with the Brahma Sutras. The Sankhyya philosophy traces the origins of ev erything to the interplay of Prakriti (nature) and Purusha (the Self, to be differentiated from the concept of the soul in the latter Indian philosophies). These two separate entities have always existed and their interplay is at the root of all reality. The concept of God is conspicuous by its absence. There is no direct mention of God but only a passing reference as to how one should liberate himself to attain the realization of Is war (a heavenly entity). A very significant feature of Sankhyya is the doctrine of the three constituent qualities (gunas), causing virtue (sattva), passion (rajas), and dullness (tamas). On the other hand, the Vedanta school of thought deals with the concept of Brahman the ultimate reality that is beyond all logic and encompasses not only the concepts of being and non-being but also all the phases in between. It is one of the most difficult concepts in the entire Indian philosophy. At the highest level of truth, the entire universe of phenomena, including the gods themselves, was unreal the world was Maya, illusion, a dream, a mirage, a fragment of the imagination. The only reality is Brahman. One can see quite clearly the sources for the Gitas contradictions. It was dealing with not only two widely-differing Darshans but also with two of the most abstract philosophical systems. We know that the Gita was written long after the emergence of modern Hinduism. So it was able to draw on a wide variety of phi losophical themes both ancient and relatively modern by comparison, and often opposing still present in modern Hinduism. Yet, to consolidate the two schools of thoughts proved to be an extremely difficult task a fact which the lyricism of the Gita, in the words of Lord Krishna himself, could not camaflouge. Any serious reader would arrive at the conclusion that even though the Gita mentions the Sankhyya, it more or less elaborates on ideas that originated with the Upanishads. The fundamental tenets of Hinduism took shape during the period 800-500 BCE. They were set down in a series of treaties called the Upanishads. The Upanishads arise at the end of the Vedas, which earns it the name Veda-anta, which literally means end (anta) of the Vedas. Almost all philosophy and religion in India rests upon the wealth of speculation contained in these works. The Upanishads center on the inner realms of the spirit. Encompassing the meaning of spiritual unity, the Upanishads point directly to the Divine Unity which pervades all of nature and is identical to the self. There are four kinetic ideas ideas that involve action or motion that represent the core of Indian spirituality. The ultimate objective is control of the passions and to realize a state of void a concept very similar to that of Buddhism. The four kinetic ideas are karma, maya, nirvana, and yoga and they appear in the Gita. But one must remember that they appeared for the first time in the Upanishads. A brief summary of the four ideas are provided below. Karma: The law of universal causality, which connects man with the cosmos and condemns him to transmigrate to move from one body to another after death indefinitely. In the Gita, Krishna makes an allusion to the eternal soul that moves from body to body as it ascends or descends the ladder of a given hierarchy, conditioned on the nature of ones own karma work of life or life deeds. Maya: refers to cosmic illusion; the mysterious process that gives rise to phenomena and maintains the cosmos. According to this idea, the world is not simply what is seems to the human senses a view with which the 20th century western scientists wholly agree. Absolute reality, situated somewhere beyond the cosmic illusion woven by maya and beyond human experience as conditioned by karma. Both Tagore, the renowned Indian poet and Albert Einstein, the famous scientist, agreed on this conclusion. Absolute reality, in their minds, was beyond human perception. Nirvana: The state of absolute blessedness, characterized by release from the cycle of reincarnations; freedom from the pain and care of the external world; bliss. Union with God or Atman. Hindus call such mystical union with ultimate reality as Samandhi or Moksha. Yoga: implies integration; bringing all the faculties of the psyche under the control of the self. Essentially, the object of various types of yoga is mind control, and the system lays down the effectual techniques of gaining liberation and achieving divine union. The word yoga is loosely applied to any program or technique which leads toward the union with God or Atman. There are five principal kinds of yoga: Hatha(physical), jnana (the way of knowledge), bhakti (the way of love), karma (the way of work), and rajah (mystical experience). The Western worlds interest in The Bhagavad Gita began around the end of the eighteenth century when the first English translation of the Gita was published. All religious texts of ancient India were written in Sanskrit. In November 1784, the first direct translation of a Sanskrit work into English was completed by Charles Wilkins. The book that was translated was The Bhagavad Gita. Friedreich Max Mueller (1823-1900), the German Sanskritist who spent most of his working life as Professor of Comparative Philology at Oxford University, served as the chief editor of the Sacred Books of the East. (Oxford University Press). The Gita was included in this famous collection. Since then, the Gita has become one of the most widely-read texts of the world. True, there are unexplained contradictions and paradoxes in this brief book, but its wide-ranging implications based on the two ancient Darshans of India and its allegorical meanings are still being examined and reinterpreted.
Friday, September 20, 2019
The Significance Of The Dorado Sequence
The Significance Of The Dorado Sequence In Candide by Voltaire, describes the transformation of the protagonist Candide, throughout the story. The author demonstrates the character development over the story starting with an innocent personality as a child who does not have responsibility to know, into a great man who experienced the life means. Basically Candide endures the human suffering to get his final destiny. During his crossing candide visited many cities which make him have different point of view about life experience such as El Dorado. It was a great place totally different from the rest of cities. In the story the language shows Candides progress towards maturity. When Candide was expulsed from the palace for his love to Ms. Cunegonde, he experimented a cruelty period of life. But it help him to face the philosophical view that all things in life are necessary for some greater good. As said his best friend and philosopher Pangloss. ,He sees that everything does not happen for the best as the philosophers and metaphysician Pangloss had told him in the Barons castle. (Philip Littell)Throughout Candides travels he develops a new philosophy of life, his eyes open to reality. In the story El Dorado have a big role in Candide ideologies about life. People in El Dorado have different ways of thinking and priorities with Europe or visitors. I simply cant understand , said he, the passion you Europeans have for our yellow mud; but take all you want, and much good may it do you.( Candide,408).El Dorado habitants know how the outsiders over appreciate money and gold. Also ,people from there ,know that materialistic things are important and indispensable for the visitors and most of the time the only way to meet happiness for a while they have those valuables were worthless for them. In constrat el Dorado is the notion of emotions such as love and care are freely chosen. People in El Dorado value the species and fellow human rather than having wars against each other for a ridiculous argument and ambition of possessing all the materialistic objects. Moreover, El Dorado is a really simple and humble city, where people do not need extravagant things, they only have the essential things and there are no disagreements between them, poverty is nonexistent. Cacambo its true my friend it again, the castle where I was born does not compare with the land where we now are; but Miss Cunegonde is not here.(Candide, 408).In this quote I could perceive the reason of candide to leave el Dorado, it was Miss Cunengonde. Candide was really in love with her and he wanted to be with her. The love of both was not accept for their different social classes. Candide to get his change goes through many adventures and gradually matures into an experienced and practical man. Finally, he decides to settle down and live by farming his own garden-this symbolizes his surrender to simple self-preservation and candide said that we must cultivate our garden.(Voltaire 30,438) After a long and difficult struggle in which Candide is forced to overcome misfortune to find happiness, he concludes that everything is not as good as it seems the way Dr. Pangloss, his tutor had taught him. Another important point in El Dorado is that people shared their belongings and there is no such a feeling as avarice and envy in this place. Even though the residents of El Dorado do, they do not have an organized religion and do not believe in a religious persecution. None of the inhabitants they all believe the same thing. In order Voltaire remarks that unlike Europe and the rest of the world in El Dorado people are free to follow and express their own faith and not be afraid of future consequences of others disapproval. Furthermore, in El Dorado there are not courts or prisons because everyone acted with a good attitude toward each other. By the way, their system of education is well organized and advanced compare to the rest. Unfortunately, the rest of the world is really different from El Dorado. In this part of the world we can see a lot of violence, corruption and misfortune thats why El Dorado tries to keep away from the rest of the world, because habitants does not want to be infected with this style of life. Everyone wants to been in a community without those problems, because the environment plays a big role in the way we live and, also in the way we interact with the others. Instead of living in an infected world we should be looking for a better lifestyle. We only request of your majesty, Cacambo said, a few sheep loaded with provisions, some pebbles, and some of the mud of country. The king laughed. I simply cant understand, said he, the passion you Europeans have for our yellow mud; but take all you want, and much good may it do you.(candide, 408) In addition, El Dorado dont need of gold and jewels to been happy like the rest world, that the main priority is have more and more money to be happy. A great and important value from the habitants of El Dorado is that always they demonstrate love, respect and confidence to their children and community. One thing important that i learned of the book el dorado is that they always is important show love, respect and confidence to their children and community and the thing materialistic dont need been the most important to them. In contrary, the rest world teach to children that materialistic things are important to reach the happy and I believe that is great problem that present the society today because they dont found confidence, respect and love. Then they use drugs to gain attention from their parents, because their parents dont have communications with them. Many teens use drugs because they are depressed or think drugs will help them escape their problems. El Dorado contrast to t he rest of the world in many different ways one is that rest word is materialistic and the effects that cause a society materialistic are the use drugs, alcohol and crime. It is the same as our addiction to all the materialistic things in the world. In addition, rest world have become extremely addicted to the material world. People El Dorado is different because they are peace-loving people determined to live a life of simplicity, sheltering themselves from the outside world to better focus on the spiritual world. The most important for El Dorado community is that they want to feel better of follow with the values of their community. Candide listened attentively and believed innocently; for he thought Miss Cunegonde extremely beautiful, though he never had the courage to tell her so. He concluded that after the happiness of being born Baron of Thunder-ten-Tronckh, the second degree of happiness was to be Miss Cunegonde, the third that of seeing her every day, and the fourth that of hearing Master Pangloss, the greatest philosopher of the whole province, and consequently of the whole world (candide 1, 378) During his adventures he realize that things not always happen for the best, he understand that it just happen in his innocent mind. El dorado have a great important to one of some changes of Candide was his philosophy really optimistic mind everything is for the best. It was a phrase of his teacher Pangloss He taught that everything was for the best and Candide, having never heard any other philosophies, agrees blindly. In his amazing journey he finds that every event in the world has a reason, and whether there are positive or negative moments you have to live them.
Thursday, September 19, 2019
Christian Beliefs about their Responsibility to the Poor :: essays research papers
There are many reasons that Christians believe that they have a responsibility for the poor. One of these is the teaching and guidance of the Bible. A good Christian should follow the teachings of the Bible and listen to the guidance it offers. The word of the Evangelists and the other books that make it up should have great authority as they reveal the teachings of God through his prophets and his Son. If we are to be Christians then we should follow the way of Jesus. ?Christian? literally means ?Belonging to Christ?. There are many Gospel teaching on how Christians should help alleviate poverty, both locally and on a wider scale. One of the most important of these is the Commandment ?Love thy neighbour as thyself?. Jesus himself stated that it was the most important. ?Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind. This is the first and great commandment. And the second is like unto it. Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself. On these two commandments hang all the law and the prophets."(Matthew 22:37-40). This is important as it emphasises the stance that Christians should have towards their fellow men, one of complete untainted love. If this commandment were to be kept then there would be no need for the rest as in keeping it you would not murder, nor steal or covet your neighbour?s wife. Jesus set an excellent example in both his actions and his words. The parables he used to relate some very important messages about the nature of god. A good example of this is the Parable of the lost sheep. ?See that you do not look down on one of these little ones. For I tell you that their angels in heaven always see the face of my Father in heaven. What do you think? If a man owns a hundred sheep, and one of them wanders away, will he not leave the ninety-nine on the hills and go to look for the one that wandered off?? This implies that Jesus is never willing to give up on anyone who might be saved from hell. No-one is any greater than another in his eyes. As we are all part of God?s creation we are all one family in God. If we ignore the suffering of our Brothers and Sisters then we ignore God.
Wednesday, September 18, 2019
The Tragedy Of Edgar Allan Poe Essay -- essays research papers
Edgar Allan Poe is one of the leading figures of American literature. He is known as a poet and a critic, but is most famous as the first master of the short story form, especially tales of the mysterious and gruesome. In Poe’s poems, like his tales, his characters are tortured by nameless fears and longings. Today Poe is acclaimed as one of America’s greatest writers, but in his own unhappy lifetime he knew little but failure. Poe had an unstable family life. The insecure place he held at home interfered with his emotional stability. He was born as the son of actors. â€Å"The two were not notably talented; they played minor roles in third-rate theatrical companies.†(Buranalli 7) Between them they barely managed to make a living. Poe was the second of their three children. About the time the third child was born, the father died, or disappeared, and Mrs. Poe went to Richmond, Virginia with the two youngest children. The oldest child, William Henry, had been left in the care of his grandparents in Baltimore shortly after his birth. Mrs. Poe was overtaken by a fatal illness (tuberculosis). Devastated by the disease and worn out with the struggle to support her children, she died. Edgar, two years old, and the infant, Rosaline, were orphaned. Poe was taken into the home of John Allan, a wealthy merchant. His wife, Frances Allan, had no children and wanted to adopt Poe as her son. Mr. Allan was unwilling to commit himself to a step of such permanence. â€Å"The acting profession was despised at the time and was even considered immoral.†(Meyers 11) Mr. Allan thought the little son of actor parents was a questionable person to inherit his name and the fortune he was busy accumulating. He was however, willing to support the child, to please his wife. Family was of the greatest importance in Richmond, the place where Poe spent most of his boyhood. Poe felt the difference between the children at school and himself. He was not close to his (foster) father, like other boys were. Mr. Allan’s unwillingness to adopt him bothered him greatly. It hurt him that he was not wanted enough by his father to legally be his son. He acted out in fits of temper and rebellion. His family did not understand his reasoning for being so upset. Mr. Allan was a hardheaded businessman with no patience for Poe’s â€Å"reasonless†actions. â€Å"He handled the situation by reminding the boy of his ‘disreput... the winter of 1846-47, when the couple had little food of fuel, Virginia reached the end of life. After Virginia’s death Poe became even more depressed and temperamental. He slept with many women in a vain attempt to find comfort for the loss of his wife. In 1849 he re-met his high school sweetheart, Elmira. They became engaged. After making wedding plans, he set out for New York City from Richmond, but disappeared in Baltimore. He was found five days after he disappeared very near death. He died without regaining full consciousness, four days later on October 7, 1849, ten days before the date he had set for his wedding.      Poe’s life was indeed marked by misery and tragedy. He was abandon by his father, lived in poverty as a writer, and suffered the loss of many loved ones. On the other hand, maybe it was his dreary life that caused him to escape into the imaginative fantasy world that became his writer’s playground. Looking at it from that perspective, perhaps his unfortunate personal life was the springboard for his success as a writer. Poe did, no matter, have great talent and will forever be remembered for his brilliance in American literature.
Tuesday, September 17, 2019
The Black Power Movement
The Black Power Movement During and after the days of Jim Crow, blacks in the United States were economically and socially oppressed. Blacks still faced lower wages than whites, segregation of public amenities and racial discrimination. At this time many groups were created to challenge these injusticces. The Black Power Movement and the Civil Rights movement were similar because they both fought for equal rights and equal treatment for African Americans. However, they sought to achieve different goals and implemented different forms of action to achieve change. The Civil Rights Movement fought for desegregation and believed in non-violence, while the Black Power Movement rejected integration for racial seperation (Jefferies, 2006). In this essay, I am going to further discuss the tactics used by the Black Power Movement to gain change, and the accomplishements they achieved. Emerging after the civil rights movement of the 1950's, the Black Power Movement was arguably one of the most influential and controversial movements of the 20th century. â€Å"Black Power†as a political idea originated in the Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committe (SNCC) n the mid 1960's (Jeffereies, 2006). At this time a leader emerged by the name of Stokley Carmichael. Upon gaining leadership, Carmichael ejected white members and believed that the only way to bring about change for blacks was to have an all black union. Stokleley Carmichael believed that Black Power would instill a fear in whites and love in blacks ( Carmichael, 1967). In 1966, Huey Newton and Bobby Seale formed the Black Panther Party for Self Defense (BPP) in Oakland California. By the late 1960's, the Student Non-Violent Coordinating Committee SNCC) and the Black Panther Party for Self Defense began to gain momentum. Martin Luther King Jr imitated Ghandi and his use of non-violebnce to gain India independence from Great Britain. Because of the Civil Rights Momvement, in 1964 the Civil Rights Act was passed and a year later the Voting Rights Act was passed, ending segregation and ultimately gave blacks the right to vote (Muse,1968). However, non-violent protestors were being beaten, cut with razors and knives, hot cigarettes and cigars were burnt into their arms and aces, they were spat upon and kicked to the floor, policemen locked them up by the thousands into cramped unsanitary jails (Muse,1968). Even with the obvious progress, discrimination could not be eliminated. Many members of the SNCC grew tired of the non-violent approach used by King and other groups within the Ci vil Rights Organization. Increasing members of the SNCC had come to reject the moderate path of cooperation, integration and assimilation of their elders (Ogbar,2005). Divisions grew betweeen the Civil Rights Movement and the Black Panther Movement. The eaders of the Black Power Movement argued that assimilation or integration robs blacks of their identity and dignity (Algernon, 2003). Malcom X, a member of the nation of Islam, believed that Africans historically fought to protect their lands, cultures and freedoms from European Colonists, and that to seek to integrate into a society that has stolen one’s people and their wealth is an act of treason (Algernon, 2003). As a result, aggressively more radical voices came foward to challenge racial discrimination. Black Power advocates began to insist the Blacks carry guns and receive ilitary training in order to protect themselves. Members of the Panthers openly carried weapons and made death threats towards police officers. The Black Panthers sought to oppose police brutality in African American neighborhoods. Police Officers were frequently followed by armed Black Panthers The Black Panthers staged violent protests which often resulted in the death of Panthers and Police officers. From 1967 to 1969, nine police officers were killed and 56 were wounded in confrontations with the panthers (Marine, 1969
Monday, September 16, 2019
Dell Computer Corporation Performance Metrics Essay
Every component of a corporate sustainability model should be associated with performance indicators such as inputs, processes, outputs, and outcomes. By determining the appropriate performance measures needed for each component of the sustainability model, companies can evaluate the performance and financial benefits of the sustainability initiatives. Dell Computer Corporation knew that balance is especially important in performance measurement and wanted to make a change to improve their reputation and also their consumer sales. The performance metrics that are most valuable to Dell from the inputs are mostly from the business context performance measures which include number and size of competition, diversity from competition, market size, and their competitive position within the industry should be the most important to them since they have so much competition in the industry (Epstein, 2008, p. 169). One way that I found through research that Dell has come up with to stay unique and making them competitive with their competition was by creating â€Å"the Dell Precision T5500 and T7500 which deliver up to 90 percent better multi-threaded digital content creation application performance versus previous generation systems†(Bolen, 2009). â€Å"The new systems are purpose-engineered for professionals in engineering, media, entertainment, biosciences, exploration, economic modeling and risk analysis†(Bolen, 2009). Dell feels that this will put them a step ahead of competition in the professional field. This is a great way for them to get ahead of technology and to be innovative. Having a sustainability strategy in place is a good step towards becoming a strong competitive organized company. Measuring the sustainability process is the next step to develop. Performance measures that I feel that Dell should be using are becoming a green office, having diversity in the workplace, costs for employees, inventory on hand and also creating on-going projects that entice employees causing a reduction in lost workdays (Epstein, 2008, p. 70). This combination of metrics is important to the value of any company. Dell also must control their performance measures that are tied into their outputs of their suitability performance. Some ideas that I feel that they should pay attention too are the number of plant closures they have, how they can generate business locally to support the community, how they use recycled materials, and how they can better their company though better sustainability issues protecting the environment (Epstein, 2008, p. 72). This is a main goal nowadays of any major organization. The outcomes of Dells suitability plans are the goal of long-term corporate financial performance using performance measures such as income and percentage of sales from green products, income from recycled products and recycled waste materials, costs from savings in energy costs, pollution costs and debt, as well as their return on investment form products they make (Epstein, 2008, p. 76). Thomas Meredith, former CFO for Dell, stated that â€Å"The balance between profitable growth and liquidity management is all about velocity (Meredith, 1998, para. 6). †He determined a formula using performance measures to determine the cash conversion cycle for Dell to use to be the most profitable. When Dell reduces the costs relative to the performance measures stated in the above paragraphs, they will result in higher profitability. The survival of Dell is making sure that they know how to navigate these performance measures using inputs, processes, outputs, and outcomes of their sustainability model. Dell must make sure that they continue to improve their goals and keep coming up with innovative and new suitability ideas while still benchmarking and measuring what works and doesn’t work for them in order to be able to change for success. Dell must continue to surpass the competition by continuing to develop new products that work well and provide a service to consumers that focus on the consumers and what they need and want. Dell will continue to perfect its sustainability systems, programs, and actions to succeed in the industry. They will continue to tailor their business in the direction of goals and train their employees to give the attention they must give customers to keep them coming back.
Sunday, September 15, 2019
Global Food Prices
Why Did Global Food Prices Rise? 1. Farmers in the United States and in Europe benefit from government policies to promote the production of ethanol because they receive government subsidies to produce crops that can be turned into biofuels and it gives the farmers an incentive to plant crops such as corn and soybeans. However, this policy harms foreign producers of these foreign crops. Since U. S. nd European farmers have subsidies, they have lower costs than the foreign farmers and the foreign farmers may struggle to compete. The high tariffs on imported sugar cane in the United States and Europe benefit the American and European farmers of corn and soybeans because since the price of sugar cane is higher, sugar cane farmers cannot compete with the other farmers. These farmers who produce crops such as soybeans and corn used to create biofuel benefit because the cost of producing these crops is lower than sugar.Thus, the American and European farmers of corn and soybeans benefit, w hile farmers of sugar cane, such as Brazilian farmers, are harmed because they cannot compete in the American and European market for biofuel because their prices are higher due to the tariffs. The environment is also harmed because the biofuel made out of sugar cane burns cleaner than ethanol made of corn or soybeans. 2. With the risk of the food supply in poorer nations being dramatically reduced, leading to malnourishment and starvation, rich countries should assist in preventing this phenomenon from happening.Rich countries could help lower the food prices by not giving subsidies to farmers who produce crops that are used to produce biofuels. Since the subsidy gives farmers incentives to farm crops such as corn and soybeans, it takes away resources and land to produce other crops used primarily for consumption. If countries stop giving subsidies for crops used to produce ethanol, more energy and resources can therefore be used to farm crops used primarily for food, such as wheat .If more food crops are produced, the price will go down for these crops due to the theory of supply and demand, since there will be more food for consumption. By eliminating subsidies on crops such as soybeans and corn, wealthier nations can help increase the food supply, which will benefit poorer nations. 3. In terms of creating a healthier environment, the governments should continue to distribute subsidies to farmers of crops used to create ethanol because it will expedite the transition from gasoline to ethanol, thus creating cleaner energy sources faster.However, from a free trade standpoint, the subsidies give foreign producers of similar or substitute crops to be at a disadvantage because the subsidies favor domestic farmers through decreasing costs. I think the best policy to implement to lower CO2 emissions without further inhibiting trade would be to keep the subsidies at the level they currently are at because cleaning up the environment is a serious and important concer n, but it should not be done if it causes significant harm to free trade and market systems.
A critique of the literature Essay
Nurses are expected to deliver high quality care with the latest techniques and information available. In order to do this nurses are required to actively participate to nursing research and critique them. Nursing research has increased greatly in the past three decades exposing nurses to latest knowledge, to provide quality care to the patients (Polit & Beck, 2004). Further more, to provide evidence based practice, nurses must be able to assess and critique research to evaluate and to judge whether the research is useful, good quality, current and safe to apply in their practice (Fink,2005). This essay critiques a quantitative original research article, which is relevance to nursing. The research article â€Å"Cardiovascular risk of essential hypertension: Influence of class, number, and treatment-time regimen of hypertension medication†by authors Ramon c. Hermida, Diana E. Ayala, Aetemio Mojon and Jose R. Fernandez was published in 2013 by Informa health care USA in Chronobiology international journal volume 30. This essay will critique the above research paper using the systematic frame work provided by Schneider, Whitehead, Lobiondo-Wood & Haber(2013 p 15) including the title, abstract, method, literature review, results, discussion and conclusion of the research paper. Title Title of a research article should describe and focus on the research conducted (Cormack, 2000). The title of the research paper by Hermida et al, 2013, clearly describes the purpose of the research and indicates the relevant area of study and the target population. However, by reading the title alone it is difficult to identify the nature of study and requires the reader to continue reading the abstract. It could be argued that it is better to describe this in the title thus it will help the reader to identify whether the research is useful to their practice (Cormack, 2000). Authors’ qualifications are not provided, however it is indicated that the research was conducted by Bioengineering and chronobiology laboratory in a university in Spain. Therefore, it is unable to decide whether the authors have sufficient research skills and expertise to carry out the study. Abstract According to Schneider et al (2013) abstract of an article is a brief summary of the study at the start of an article. Abstract focuses on the important points of the study. It states the purpose, the method, the results and the conclusion of the study ( Schneider et al, 2013). The abstract by Hermida et al (2013 ) clearly describe the purpose of the study and the method and sample used. It also gives a brief description of the data collected and analyzed to provide a conclusion of the study. It is easy for the reader to identify that the research method is quantitative by reading the abstract. Introduction and Literature review According to LoBiondo-Wood, G., & Laber, J. (2014) a good literature review provide an introduction, which include the keywords and a description of the databases used to conduct the study. In this article introduction and literature review is included as one subheading, and the authors have clearly identified the keywords of the study, which will again allow the reader to assess the relevance of the study. In this article authors have started the literature review from the introduction part and provided the related previous study findings in order to build the hypothesis of the current study. They clearly describe the need and the rational for the conduction of the study, as the lack of study conducted considering the ingestion time of the blood pressure lowering medication (Hermida et al, 2013). They have used recent research within the last 10 years to support their research study. However, the research does not specify the search strategies used to locate the previous research used, which questions whether the research used are biased or unbiased (Fink, 2005). As the study is accepted in 2012, most of the research articles cited in the review are current. As mentioned in Fink (2005) articles’ cited within the last 10 years from the year the study is accepted are considered as current research. In the article, the authors acknowledge that there are several studies conducted to measure the efficiency of blood pressure (BP) lowering medication, disregarding the time of the blood pressure medication taken during the day (Hermida, 2013) This study is conducted using the Ambulation blood pressure monitoring for prediction of cardiovascular event (ABPM) to monitor the effect on better BP control and cardio vascular risk with the bedtime ingestion of one medication rather than all the medications taken in the morning (Hermida, 2103). Authors support the ABPM design that is used for the study by citing previous research studies that have used the same design, in order to improve the credibility of the research (Cormack, 2000). Aim and Hypothesis Aim and hypothesis have been clearly stated in this article by Hermida et al(2013). Unlike qualitative research, quantitative research has an hypothesis provided by the researchers to compare the relationship between variables (Polit & Beck, 2004). The aim of the research is to examine the administration time effect on the CVD risk and lowering BP of each class of antihypertensive medication and the number of medication used for therapy (Hermida et al, 2013). Authors have conducted the study based on the hypothesis that â€Å"bedtime therapy with one or more BP lowering medications exerts better BP control plus greater CVD risk reduction than the conventional morning only schedule of all therapy†(Hermida et al, 2013 p 324). This hypothesis can be categorized as directional as it predicts the expected outcome of the study conducted (Polit & Beck, 2004). According to Polit & Beck(2008), directional hypothesis may results in biased outcomes due to the intellectual commitment to the desired hypothesis. Method Quantitative research approach provides a better state of evidence and increase ability to replicate the study (Schneider, 2013). This study by Hermida et al (2013) provides clear information about the methodology, sample and the technique of the data analysis used. Sample Authors have chosen samples for this research based on inclusion and exclusion criteria, providing very clear and specific information of the target population group that can be used for the study. The sample group were from a population of Spanish subjects > 18 years of age then carefully screened using the inclusion and exclusion criteria (Hermida etal, 2013). Sample size was clearly stated, which will allow the reader to decide whether the sample size for the study was adequate, however they have failed to mention how the sample size was determined. Sample size was adequate and included both male and female population without gender discrimination. Therefore, the study can be considered as useful and good quality as there are no gender limitations (Fink, 2005). It has been well described how the samples were recruited for the process and the samples have been chosen from different hospitals to reduce sample bias. According to Hermida et al (2013) the study method was approved by the State ethic committee of clinical research as ethical medical research. And all participants have given written informed consent to participate in research (Hermida et al, 2013). Design The design used by the authors for the study was a prospective randomized open label, blinded end point (PROBE) (Hermida et al, 2013). This design can be compared to the double blind design, which commonly used in quantitative research. In contrast to the double-blinded method, the participants/assessors have the ability to know the nature of the treatment. Major advantages of this design are lower cost, higher similarity to clinical practice and the ability to replicate the study easily in order to apply the results into medical care (Polit & Beck, 2004). In addition, even though it is an open labeled design, due to the blinded end point the results will not be subjected to any bias (Cormack, 2000). The randomized study method used, reduces the sample bias (Cormack, 2000) which is done by a computerized random number generator in this study (Hermida et al, 2013). However, the authors have failed to mention the name of the computerized random number generator program used, which makes it difficult for the reader to replicate and evaluate the credibility of the study (Fink, 2005). Further more, in order to ensure the internal validity of the study the authors have adhered to their exclusion and inclusion criteria and have recruited a large sample group (Polit & Beck, 2008). Data collection and analysis Data was collected at the start and at every scheduled visit during the follow up appointment. BP of each recruit was automatically measured at specific times for 48hrs. Authors have used 48hrs observation periods rather than standard 24hrs observation periods (Hermida et al, 2013) to improve the reproducibility and accuracy of the results (Fink, 2005). An actigraph was given to all participants to wear and measure the physical activity during the 48hrs, which is then synchronized to a computer. During the follow up data was collected and necessary test were performed to gather more data and the yearly appointments were organized (Hermida et al, 2013). More over, data collection procedures are adequately described in the study which will make it easy to replicate (Cormack, 2000) The use of multiple data collection instruments can be identified as a strength of the study and citations of previous research have been provided to support the data collection instruments, hence will improve the validity and quality of the study (Cormack, 2000) There were no ethical issues identified as the participants provided informed consent prior to the study (Fink, 2005). Results The results of the study are given in great detail using one table and 7 graphs within the paper. They have used subheading within the results section to clearly present the results for different variables of the study. Findings are accessible and p values are clearly stated, which is important in a quantitative study (Hermida et al, 2013). The consistency of the results, logical link between the data analysis and findings of the study presented in text and in numbers are similar which outlines the correctness of the findings and the findings can be used in clinical practice (Polit & Beck, 2008). The table and graphs used to interpret data are very clear and easy to understand by the reader. Discussion and conclusion Discussion and conclusion are presented under the same subheading in this research paper. The discussion appeared well balanced and very well detailed, making it easy for the reader to understand and analyze the paper (Cormack, 2000). Authors have discussed and compared the findings with the previous credited research, which are mentioned in the literature review. Authors argue the accuracy of the research findings in a logical manner summarizing relevant previous research findings. They challenge the past research stating how this study method of BP lowering is more effective than the traditional way of treatment using their findings. Even though, the authors have not used a separate section for the conclusion, they have strongly supported the hypothesis in the last paragraph of the paper by using the results obtained (Hermida et al, 2013). In addition, the authors do not mention strength and limitations of the study. Limitations and strengths of a study is useful when assessing the validity of the study or to improve the research method ( Cormack, 2000). Reference Reference list is complete and accurate and include all the cited literature, which includes 72 references, most within the last 10 years of the year the study was accepted (Hermida, 2013). In conclusion this study was conducted very well with a strong hypothesis, relevant literature review, appropriate samples, well-organized research design and statistical analysis. This essay has critically analyzed each component of the study by Hermida et al(2013) adhering to a systemic framework in order to assess the quality, credibility and validity of the research study. Reference Cormack, D. F. S. (2000). The Research Process in Nursing (3rd ed.): Blackwell Science Ltd. Fink, A. (2005). Conducting Resaerch Literature Reviews: From the Internet to Paper (2nd ed.): SAGE Publications. Hermida, R., Ayala, D., Mojà ³n, A., & Fernà ¡ndez, J. (2013). Cardiovascular risk of essential hypertension: influence of class, number, and treatment-time regimen of hypertension medications. Chronobiology International, 30(1-2), 315-327. doi:10.3109/07420528.2012.701534 LoBiondo-Wood, G., & Laber, J. (2014). Nursing Resarch: Methods and Critical Appraisal for Evidence-Based Practice Retrieved from Polit, D. F., & Beck, C. T. (2008). Nursing Research: Generating and Assessing Evidence for Nursing Practice Retrieved from Polit, D. F., & Beck, C. T. (2004). Nursing Research: Principles and Methods Retrieved from Schneider, Z., Whithead, D., Lobiondo-Wood, G., & Haber, J. (2013). Nursing and Midwifery Research: Methods and appraisal for evidence based practice (4th ed.).
Saturday, September 14, 2019
Forms of Media Table Essay
There are many kinds of media available for use in a presentation. However, each type of media has benefits and drawbacks. After reviewing this week’s reading, complete the table related to various forms of media used in public speaking. Form Benefits Drawbacks Objects Using objects can show off great techniques and examples of what you’re talking about. They can also be used to have live demonstrations for your topic It can be distracting if it is too large and unable to show off successfully to the audience. Models Can be used to demonstrate things to the audience without the presenter the speaker being distracted trying to do it themselves. Models can be distracting especially if they are not familiar with what they are supposed to be doing. Photographs They can help provide an exact depiction They can be harder to enlarge Drawings You can highlight exact areas and add labels to the drawing to point out specific parts and their names They can have inaccuracies depending on the skill level of the drawer. Graphs Great for showing large amounts of statistical data Can be confusing if the wrong type of graph is used for a specific amount of data Charts Used to show the relation of percentages and proportions Charts can get easily confusing for audiences if they are not large enough or they are too busy Transparencies These can be lit up and brought up on the screen to use as references for a speech presentation They are old school. It requires the correct equipment and can be hard to read at times if there isn’t room to make larger and legible. Videos These are useful whenever it will show a better example than other forms of multimedia to present the point to the listeners When they are unclear, hard to see, or hard to understand it will work against your presentation and can muddy water Multimedia presentations They work great to hold the attention of the listeners as long as it is well mended and unified It can be especially distracting if your media is all over the place and confuses the audience during the presentation Speakers Can be a great visual aid for actions and movements It can be distracting Others It can be useful to use other sources besides electronic ones. Such as marker boards, flip charts, and printed photographs or handouts. This will draw your audience’s attention by attracting different senses. This is a drawback if your presentation is too busy and has too many things going on. Ensure the presentation mends well and remove anything that sticks out and does not fit well with the rest of the material.
Friday, September 13, 2019
DISC Personality Analysis Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
DISC Personality Analysis - Essay Example dard behavioural patterns and on consultation with my colleagues who gave me their opinion on his reaction and nature of response for every situation. The parameters and factors that affect the individual, myself and my boss, have been listed down below and the same is used for further classifying which of the four types is dominating in our personality. On self analysis, my behaviour pattern is generally open and direct. I indicate my preferences directly. I dress fashionably and appear pretty stylish. I love to have a stimulating work environment that would encourage working. I keep material personally and do not go about sharing with colleagues that easily. My place is cluttered and not really spick and span. I am a friendly person with keenness to make new friends. I do jobs swiftly and respond immediately to issues. I enjoy my interactions with people and give it utmost priority. Naturally, since I give respect to my interactions with people, any loss of prestige with my friends is my worst fear. When I am under pressure or tension, I retaliate by being sarcastic or attacking back at the people who are causing it to me. I would like to have my friend, people and colleagues recognise me for my work. I take time to understand the advantages of the work to my friends and clients. I try to understand who makes use of it and how and how do people benefit out of it. This ensures that the work gains security by being flexible and allows me to maintain my status. I am open and welcome suggestions from my colleagues. I respect their ideas and create an atmosphere that is stimulating, enjoyable and playful. This would increase the amount of inputs that a person might get out of the job. I expect my colleagues to be equally stimulating, respecting my opinions and ideas. May be my target is to be admired by my colleagues. But I certainly get irritated by boredom and routine work. If there is a lack of creative job, that really causes excessive boredom. As a matter of
Thursday, September 12, 2019
Laundromax Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Laundromax - Case Study Example With my financial management role, my plan for financing would start with personal owner equity. This would act as a show to outside investors of the personal trust that the founders have in the growth and success of their business and hence worth a further inducement for additional outsider investment. In order for Laundromax to attain self-sufficiency as a company, 100 stores must be established at an estimate of $500,000 per fully functional and operational store. This puts the total capital required to attain self-sufficiency at an estimate cost of $50,000,000. With such heavy initial capital outlay, personal equity would not be sufficient to meet this expenses and hence the vision of the business. I would result to investment capital with major focus on investment banks and venture capital firms who are willing and able to raise a major part of the required capital in return for an equivalent stake in the company’s assets. ... The rate at which the funds should be infused in the business will be greatly dependent on the strategic expansion motive of the management. In this case, from the given projections, the 100th store may be opened sometime in the 4th year of operation with the highest number of store opening before the 100th being in the third year. Thus, according to the historical information and the forecasts presented, the preferable allocation of capital according to the number of stores required would be $4,500,000 in the first year, $11,500,000 in the second year, $25,000,000 in the third year and $14,000,000 in the third year to attain the 100th store mark comfortably. The above estimations of the capital requirement of the business in its various stages of development are not sufficient financial projections to be able to convince potential investors of the financial soundness of the business and to give them assurance of the security of their investment. In order to present a proper financia l plan in their business plan, Reese and Mounger should include certain financial forecasts including: Cash flow forecasts, A break-even analysis, A projected statement of profit or loss, and A projected statement of financial position. There in, the cash flow forecasts give a view of the expected cash inflows and out flows to and from the company, the break even analysis shows the expectation of future profit by the company detailing the point at which the company would equate expenses to revenues generated, A projected statement of profit or loss details the expected revenues and expenses to the company, while the projected statement of financial position shows an expectation of the company’s holding of assets and liabilities. With these projections, Reese and Mounger would have a
Wednesday, September 11, 2019
Simple Network Management Protocol Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Simple Network Management Protocol - Essay Example For instance, network operating on SNMP will be associated with three components i.e. managed devices, agents and network management system (NMS). A managed device can be any node configured with SNMP within the network. The primary task of these managed devices is to perform information management in order to publish the information on the NMS (Protocols guide: TCP/IP protocols: Application layer protocols: SNMP: Simple network management protocol. 2007). Example of managed devices includes routers, hubs, switches etc. Moreover, an agent is considered as an application that is installed in a managed device. In addition, an agent also translates information that will be compatible with SNMP. Furthermore, NMS publish information related to performance, power and any conflict that may occur between these managed devices on the network. Currently, there are three versions of SNMP, these versions share some commands and features that are described in the below table (Protocols guide: TCP /IP protocols: Application layer protocols: SNMP: Simple network management protocol. 2007): Management information base (MIB) is a component of SNMP that assist network engineers and managers to monitor the network functionality via interfaces. For instance, if an organization is developing a new application that will be administered remotely, the developer will integrate a MIB within the application. The MIB will illustrate information and variables for generating alerts (SNMP overview, n.d). Moreover, RFC1213-MIB is also referred as MIB 2, it is compatible with all SNMP agents that may operate on TCP/IP supported devices. The MIB-2 management group is essential, as SNMP supported devices must support MIB-2, in order to work adequately (A closer look at MIB-II (essential SNMP, n.d)). The MIB file hosts a sketch that is associated with the object hierarchy on the network device along with ID of the object i.e. OID, permissions and syntax for every single variable.Â
Tuesday, September 10, 2019
How Does Social Context Contribute to the Definition of Value in Music Essay
How Does Social Context Contribute to the Definition of Value in Music - Essay Example This essay approves that music is coherently considered to be the gift of a lifetime. Ever since its evolution, music has remained an integral part of society, culture and now even education. As a result of its affective power, music is seen to improve the learning environment. Social context provides a platform in the recognition of value in music. Music is it found in expressing religion as well as celebrations encompassing weddings, funerals, festivals, etc. No human community has ever been discovered without music. This enables us to think that music is not only a derivative of human activity but also a predominant part of human community. This report makes a conclusion that from the dawn of human civilization music has persistently remained embedded in the everyday life of individuals around the globe. The fact that no society or culture is ever been untouched by music enables us to acknowledge that music is the very core of our lives. Each society or culture is characterized by its distinct form of music. The hip-hop music or the pop music for example exhibits its unique kind of culture like dress, language, etc. Music is responsible in adding elegance to a particular culture. With its intrinsic values it coherently touches our souls and acts as an active contributor in the social context. It encourages creativity, provides the opportunity to perform in public and acts as an excellent means of communication as well.
Monday, September 9, 2019
Anorexia Nervosa in Today's Society Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words
Anorexia Nervosa in Today's Society - Essay Example Although Anorexia Nervosa mostly affects female population aged 15 - 30, girls under 15 and women above 30 can suffer from this disorder as well. Thus, the oldest patient reported was a woman of 68 without any prior history of eating disorders (Dally, 1984). Anorexia affects certain share of male population: estimated 10 to 15 percent of people with anorexia are men. The highest occurrence of anorexia among males is reported in the age group of young adolescents from 7 to 14 years: nearly 25 percent of anorexia cases in this age group are boys (Herman-Giddens et al, 1997). Experts identify two types of Anorexia Nervosa: food restricting type, and binge eating (purging). The most common characteristic of the restricting type is substantial reduction in calories intake (normally to 300 to 700 kcal per day) and intensive physical over-exercising. By contrast, in the binging type intake of calories may be either small or as high as several thousand followed by purging - self-induced or pharmacologically conditioned vomiting (Yager & Andersen, 2005: 1481). Health complications resulting from either type of this eating disorder affect practically all biological systems of human organism. Anorexia Nervosa poses a number of threats in terms of mental and physiological health. Similarly to other eating disorders Anorexia Nervosa frequently co-occur with depression, substance abuse and anxiety disorders (APAWGED, 2000). Physiologically Anorexia Nervosa causes a wide range of health complications some of which - cardiovascular conditions and kidney failure - are life threatening. However, despite the awareness of the risks associated with anorexia, it is on the rise these days, and a number of laymen and experts even believe that anorexia has already become a norm in modern society. A brief inquiry into the etiology of this eating disorder reveals the reasons for such seemingly strange point of view. MAIN DISCUSSION The cause of Anorexia Nervosa isn't fully understood at present. Possible causes of this eating disorder are: destructive influence of family and society, genetic (inherited) factors, brain dysfunction, neurotransmitter levels imbalances, etc. Yet, none of these factors has been proved to be the key determinant of developing Anorexia as well as no specific life experiences are linked to onset of this eating disorder. Several recent twin studies suggest that Anorexia Nervosa is more than other eating disorders associated with a genetic predisposition (Paris, 1999). Many recent studies associate the risk of developing Anorexia Nervosa with media influence. Evidences and arguments provided by these studies deserve particular attention: media influence may be one of the central factors in extremely high incidence of Anorexia Nervosa among female adolescents. Absolute majority of anorexia nervosa incidents occur in female population: according to estimations of American Psychiatric Association
Sunday, September 8, 2019
Maryland, Jim Crow Law and The Eastern Shore Essay
Maryland, Jim Crow Law and The Eastern Shore - Essay Example Much of the Eastern Shore’s practices were the same as southern states and showed little signs of improvement at moving forward with allowing African Americans to be free through the enforcement of Jim Crow laws. The state of Maryland is located north of Virginia and south of Pennsylvania. Maryland was very popular for its steamboat trade. It’s location along the coast made it easy for steamboats to travel up and down the coast importing and exporting goods. Maryland practiced segregation and passed many laws between 1879 and 1957. Maryland, without a doubt, practiced more as a southern state as its views on recapturing slaves were more similar to the south rather than areas north west of the state. What this meant was that even though they abolished slavery, they still believed in segregation, which was more common in the south than in the north. Maryland as a whole, gave in to the abolishment of slavery when it was abolished in 1864, 101 years after it was instituted. Maryland supported many Jim Crow laws. The laws specifically segregated African Americans from living freely amongst whites. Many of Maryland’s Jim Crow laws prohibited African Americans from marrying whites, riding in steamboats with whites and attending the same schools as whites. These laws were supposed to help African Americans be free of slavery but only caused more problems like segregation. Most of Maryland was pro Jim Crow laws like the eastern shore. The eastern shore didn’t profess the practice of slavery but did implement Jim Crow laws, which were in full force through the 1960s. Much of Maryland was dependent on slavery like many of the southern states. White plantation owners participated in slavery as free labor. The free labor was important to the plantation owners because they were able to make more profit. Tobacco was one of the choice products grown. The slaves could harvest the tobacco and since the land was owned, slave masters were able to make al most 100% profits from the tobacco. Areas like the Eastern Shore of Maryland were especially subject to slavery since there was easy access to steamboats. Maryland’s Eastern Shore was an area near the Eastern shore that was accustom to strict beliefs and practices. Many African Americans struggled to find true freedom in the southern states because of such people as slave catchers and extreme racists. However, some southerners were willing to help. The Quakers that lived along the Eastern Shore were known for fighting slavery. They risked their own lives and families to protect free slaves from being captured and discriminated. The Quakers were even thought to actively participate in the Underground Railroad. Alongside of the Quakers were the free blacks. These free blacks made up a small percentage of Maryland’s Eastern Shore. The free blacks were constantly in fear of becoming re-slaved or convicted of crimes. Many fled to northwestern states in fear of becoming re-e nslaved. This was similar to the fear that many slaves felt living in southern states, as the southern states still continued to practice free labor even after slavery was abolished. Practices that led the Eastern Shore to be similar to southern states include the constant re capturing of slaves and freeing of slaves. Recapturing and freeing of sl
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