Saturday, August 31, 2019
Carrie Chapter Sixteen
Some of the fights puffed out. There was a dazzling flash somewhere as a live power cord hit a puddle of water. There were dull thumps in her mind as circuit breakers went into hopeless operation. The boy who had been holding the mike stand fell over on one of his amps and there was an explosion of purple sparks and then the crepe bunting that faced the stage was burning. Just below the thrones, a live 220-volt electricity cable was crackling on the floor and beside it Rhonda Simard was doing a crazed puppet dance in her green tulle formal. Its full skirt suddenly blazed into flame and she fell forward, still jerking. It might have been at that moment that Carrie went over the edge. She leaned against the doors, her heart pumping wildly, yet her body as cold as ice cubes. Her face was livid, but dull red fever spots stood on each cheek. Her head throbbed thickly, and conscious thought was lost. She reeled away from the doors, still holding them shut, doing it without thought or plan. Inside the fire was brightening and she realized dimly that the mural must have caught on fire. She collapsed on the top step and put her head down on her knees, trying to slow her breathing. They were trying to get out the doors again, but she held them shut easilythat alone was no strain. Some obscure sense told her that a few were getting out the fire doors, but let them. She would get them later. She would get all of them. Every last one. She went down the stairs slowly and out the front doors, still holding the gymnasium doors closed. It was easy. All you had to do was see them in your mind. The town whistle went off suddenly, making her scream and put her hands in front of her face (the whistle it's just the fire whistle) for a moment. Her mind's eye lost sight of the gymnasium doors and some of them almost got out. No, no. Naughty. She slammed them shut again, catching somebody's fingers-it felt like Dale Norbert – in the jamb and severing one of them. She began to reel across the lawn again, a scarecrow fig= with bulging eyes, toward Main Street. On her right was dowtown – the department store, the Kelly Fruit, the beauty parlour and barbershop, gas stations, police station, fire station (they'll put out my fire) But they wouldn't. She began to giggle and it was an insane sound: triumphant, lost, victorious, terrified. She came to the first hydrant and tried to twist the huge painted lug nut on the side. (ohuh) It was heavy. It was very heavy. Metal twisted fight to balk here. Didn't matter. She twisted harder and felt it give. Then the other side. Then the top. Then she twisted all three at once, standing back, and they unscrewed in a flash. Water exploded outward and upward, one of the lug nuts flying five feet in front of her at suicidal speed, It hit the street, caromed high into the air, and was gone. Water gushed with white pressure in a cruciform pattern. Smiling, staggering, her heart beating at over two hundred per minute, she began to to walk down toward Grass Plaza. She was unaware that she was scrubbing her bloodied hands against her dress like Lady Macbeth, or that she was weeping even as she laughed, or that one hidden part of her mind was keening over her final and utter ruin. Bemuse she was going to take them with her, and there was going to be a great burning, until the land was full of its stink. She opened the hydrant at Grass Plaza, and then began to walk down to Teddy's Amoco. It happened to be the first gas station she came to, but it was not the last From the sworn testimony of Sheriff Otis Doyle, taken before The State Investigatory Board of Maine (from The White Commission Report), pp. 29-31: Q. Sheriff, where were you on the night of May twentyseventh? A. I was on Route 179, known as Old Bentown Road, investigating an automobile accident. This was actually over the Chamberlain town line and into Durham, but I was assisting Mel Crager, who is the Durham constable. Q. When were you first informed that trouble had broken out at Ewen High School? A. I received a radio transmission from Officer Jacob Plessy at 10:21. Q. What was the nature of the radio call? A. Officer Plessy said there was trouble at the school, but he didn't know if it was serious or not. There was a lot of shouting going on, he said, and someone had pulled a couple of fire alarms. he said He was going over to try and determine the nature of the trouble. Q. Did he say the school was on fire? A. No, sir. Q. Did you ask him to report back to you? A. I did. Q. Did Officer Plessy report back? A. No. He was killed in the subsequent explosion of Teddy's Amoco gas station on the corner of Main and Summer. Q. When did you next have a radio communication concerning Chamberlain? A. At 10:42. I was at that time returning to Chamberlain with a suspect in the back of my car – a drunk driver. As I have said, the case was actually in Mel Crager's town, but Durham has no jail. When I got him to Chamberlain, we didn't have much of one, either. Q. What communication did you receive at 10.42? A. I got a call from the State police that had been relayed from the Motton Fire Department The State Police dispatcher said there was a fire and an apparent riot at Ewen High School, and a probable explosion. No one was sure of anything at that time. Remember, it all happened in a space of forty minutes. Q. We understand that Sheriff. What happened then? A. I drove back to Chamberlain with siren and flasher. I was trying to raise Jake Plessy and not having any luck. That's when Tom Quillan came on and started to babble about the whole town going up in flames and no water. Q. Do you know what time that was? A. Yes, sir. I was keeping a record by then. It was 10.58. Q. Quillan, claims the Amoco station exploded at 11:00. A. I'd take the average, sir. Call it 10:59. Q. At what time did you arrive in Chamberlain? A. At 11: 10 P.M. Q. What was your immediate impression upon arriving, Sheriff Doyle? A. I was stunned. I couldn't believe what I was seeing. Q. What exactly were you seeing? A. The entire upper half of the town's business section was burning. The Amoco station was gone. Woolworth's was nothing but a blazing frame. The fire had spread to three wooden store fronts next to that – Duffy's Bar and Grille, The Kelly Fruit Company, and the billiard parlour. The heat was ferocious. Sparks were flying on to the roofs of The Maitland Real Estate Agency and Doug Brann's Western Auto Store. Fire trucks were coming in, but they could do very little. Every fire hydrant on that side of the street was stripped. The only tracks doing any business at all were two old volunteer fire department pumpers from Westover. and about all they could do was wet the roofs of the surrounding buildings. And of course the high school. It was just †¦ gone. Of course it's fairly isolated-nothing close enough to it to burn – but my God, all those kids inside †¦ all those kids †¦ Q. Did you meet Susan Snell upon entering town? A. Yes, sir. She flagged me down. Q. What time was this? A. Just as I entered †¦ 11:12, no later. Q. What did she say? A. She was distraught. She'd been in a minor car accident – skidding – and she was barely making sense. She asked me if Tommy was dead. I asked her who Tommy was, but she didn't answer. She asked me if we had caught Carrie yet. Q. The Commission is extremely interested in this part of your testimony, Sheriff Doyle. A. Yes, sir, I know that. Q. How did you respond to her question? A. Well, there's only one Carrie in town as far as I know, and that's Margaret White's daughter. I asked her if Carrie had something to do with the fires. Miss Snell told me Carrie had done it. Those were her words. ‘Carrie did it. Carrie did it.' She said it twice. Q. Did she say anything else? A. Yes, sir. She said: ‘They've hurt Carrie for the last time.' Q. Sheriff, are you sure she didn't say: ‘We've hurt Carrie for the last time?' A. I am quite sure. Q. Are you positive? One hundred per cent? A. Sir, the town was burning around our heads. I Q. Had she been drinking? A. I beg pardon? Q. Had she been drinking? You said she had been involved in a car smash. A. I believe I said a minor skidding accident. Q. And you can't be sure she didn't say we instead Of they? A. I guess she might have, but Q. What did Miss Snell do then? A. She burst into tears. I slapped her. Q. Why did you do that? A. She seemed hysterical. Q. Did she quiet eventually? A. Yes, sir. She quieted down and got control of herself pretty well, in light of the fact that her boy friend was probably dead. Q. Did you interrogate her? A. Well, not the way you'd interrogate a criminal, if that's what you mean. I asked her if she knew anything about what had happened. She repeated what she had already said, but in a calmer way. I asked her where she had been when the trouble began, and she told me that she had been at home. Q. Did you interrogate her further? A. No, sir. Q. Did she say anything else to you? A. Yes, sir. She asked me – begged me – to find Carrie White. Q. What was your reaction to that? A. I told her to go home. Q. Thank you, Sheriff Doyle. Vic Mooney lurched out of the shadows near the Bankers Trust drive-in office with a grin on his face. It was a huge and awful grin, a Cheshire cat grin, floating dreamily in the fireshot darkness like a trace memory of lunacy. His hair, carefully slicked down for this emcee duties, was now sticking up in a crow's nest. Tiny drops of blood were branded across his forehead from some unremembered fall in his mad flight from the Spring Ball. One eye was swelled purple and screwed shut. He walked into Sheriff Doyle's squad car, bounced back like a pool ball, and grinned in at the drunk driver dozing in the back, then he turned to Doyle, who had just finished with Sue Snell. The fire cast wavering shadows of light across everything, turning the world into the maroon tones of dried blood. As Doyle turned, Vic Mooney clutched him. He clutched Doyle as an amorous swam might clutch his lady in a hug dance. He clutched Doyle with both arms and squeezed him, all the while goggling upward into Doyle's face with his great crazed grin. ‘Vic-‘ Doyle began. ‘She pulled all the plugs,' Vic said lightly, ‘Pulled all the plugs and turned on the water and buzz, buzz, buzz.' ‘Vic-‘ ‘We can't let 'em. Oh no. NoNoNo. We can't. Carrie pulled all the plugs. Rhonda Simard burnt up. Oh Jeeeeeeeeeesuuuuuuuuusss-‘ Doyle slapped him twice, calloused palm cracking flatly on the boy's face. The scream died with shocking suddenness, but the grin remained, like an echo of evil. It was loose and terrible. ‘What happened?' Doyle said roughly. ‘What happened at the school?' ‘Carrie,' Vic Muttered. ‘Carrie happened at the school. She. . .'He trailed of and grinned at the ground. Doyle gave him three brisk shakes. Vic's teeth clicked together like castanets. ‘What about Carrie?' ‘Queen of the Prom,' Vic muttered. ‘They dumped blood on her and Tommy.' ‘What-‘ It was 11: 15. Tony's Citgo on Summer Street suddenly exploded with a great, coughing roar. The street went daylight that made them both stagger back against the police car and shield their eyes. A huge, oily cloud of fire climbed over the elms in Courthouse Park, lighting the duck pond and the Little League diamond in scarlet. Amid the hungry crackling roar that followed Doyle could hear glass and wood and hunks of gas-station cinderblock rattling back to earth. A secondary explosion followed, making them wince again. He still couldn't get it straight (my town this is happening in my town)
Friday, August 30, 2019
How Far the Press Should Be Free to Report
Discuss how far the press should be free to report what they want There are obvious reasons for restrictions on the freedom of the press. Many of these are to do with the fact that clearly there are many stories which are damaging to individuals and will have a negative effect on the life of a person or group of people. The argument that is often put forward that it is in the public interest to know what is going on and that secrets should not be kept from the public is a valid one, but there has to be a line drawn between the public interest and what the public are interested in.That line was not necessarily crossed in the publication of the photos of prince William, as it is not inconceivable that he might be the future king of England and therefore it can almost be seen as a warning of how it is and isn’t acceptable to behave for somebody in the public eye. Although there are occasions when the press report stories that they shouldn’t, it must be taken into account t hat newspapers organisations have to make money, and therefore they have to be able to write stories which will sell copies and, if they are not given that right, the general public could become bored by newspapers.The Sun’s dominance in the journalism world of Britain is all the evidence needed to prove that the public are not looking to be informed, but to be entertained, and the most entertaining stories are usually the sensational ones. Another reason why the press should not be restricted is that Britain is a democracy and so the people at the top of society should not have omnipotent powers over what can and cannot be reported to the public.If you look at the fascist dictatorships of the past, one of the greatest crimes has been the lack of freedom of speech and this is what oppresses people more than anything. I am not saying that this is a position which Britain is nearing, but we must bear in mind that one of the fundamental components of a democracy is the freedom o f speech, and as such you cannot justify taking this right away from anybody, whether they are talking to a friend or writing it in a newspaper.
Thursday, August 29, 2019
ADD/ADHD Intervention Assistance Essay
Inattentive behaviors are very common in the ADHD children and are often go unnoticed because it becomes difficult to observe these trends in the students. There are various symptoms of inattention in students by which they can be identified to being suffering from ADHD;  ·Ã‚ The student is most of the times unable to pay attention to the events that are happening in the classrooms. They are unable to concentrate on what is being taught by their teacher.  ·Ã‚ They are very vulnerable in their paying of attention. They can’t handle pressure of work and most of the times unable to solve the work which they are assigned.  ·Ã‚ They always feel anxiety and are unable to finish their tasks as they move on to the other.  · They have problems with the planning and managing of tasks. They show inability by staying behind and always lack in confidence. b) Hyperactivity:    This is described as the tendency of the child to become active in wrong ways. The symptoms include;  ·Ã‚  They are uncomfortable in each situation they are opened to.  ·Ã‚  They cannot sit at a single place for sometime and they have problems in waiting as well. They initiate things only to move away from the current situation.  ·Ã‚  They are restless in nature and always show confusion as they have so much things going on in their minds which make them to show their anxiety and pressure. c) Impulsiveness:     Impulsiveness can be stated as the disability of the child that makes him to take action without interpreting things and events.  ·Ã‚ They take action without having to think or know about the consequences.  ·Ã‚ They most of interfere in the conversations trying to put forward their opinions in the wrong ways.  ·Ã‚ Their inability to stay focused is minimal. Part 2A) Being a teacher the characteristics that I will be observing in the child will be as follows; 1. Behavior 2. Leadership Role 3. Intervening in Conversations 4. Frustration 5. Day Dreaming 6. Low Self Esteem
Wednesday, August 28, 2019
Do you agree with Lord Nicholls' and Lord Millett's dissenting Essay
Do you agree with Lord Nicholls' and Lord Millett's dissenting judgments in Shogun Finance Ltd v Hudson [2003] UKHL 62 - Essay Example Lords Hobhouse, Philips and Walker took the position that the initial contract was void altogether so that the innocent third party lost the protection provided for by Section 27 of the Hire Purchase Act 1964.1 The three Lords, relying on Section 29(4) of the Hire Purchase Act, 19642 held that since the initial contract provided for the identities of the parties to the sale and the person to whom the goods had been delivered was not a party to the contract, that contract was void. Lords Millert and Nichols, dissenting, took an entirely different approach and asserted that the plaintiff delivered the goods to the person they mistakenly took to be a party to the contract, but was nevertheless the party with whom they intended to pass title to.3 Therefore the initial contract was merely voidable. The overall tone of the dissenting decision reflects a willingness to overcome doctrines of contract law in such a way as to avoid leaving two essentially duped and innocent victims of a fraudster pitted against one another with the result that the most disadvantaged victim is left with no claim. Although the arguments submitted by the dissenting justices raise questions of fairness and equity, the majority decision illustrates that overcoming that unfairness is not supported by tenets of contract law. The rulings of the majority of the Lords appear to take a severe position against the consumer who trades in second-hand goods, it makes practical sense, since the risks associated with these kinds of purchases can be avoided by purchasing goods from authorised dealers. This approach is not only consistent with principles of contract law, it is also consistent with common sense. Any person dealing in used or second-hand goods accepts certain risks, one of which is the risk of gaining bad title or no title at all. The position taken by the two dissenting Lords are too focused on consequences for the
Tuesday, August 27, 2019
Statement Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Statement - Essay Example Laughter and so much culture around me that I feel, coming here will not only help me grow up as a person but it would also give special impetus to my interior decoration course, for which I have come here. I have done two years of the course in Toronto and intend complete my post graduation in same from Parsons University which is one of the best in states. Morning is packed with reading of newspaper followed by e-mail checking and putting my new apartment in order by decorating it. Later, after brunch and go out to get familiar with the town. In the evenings, I love to sit in front of my computers and do some random creative designing. After dinner, if I am not going out with friends for clubbing and dancing, I relax at home, reading and then going off to sleep. Right now I am reading Hemingway’s ‘For Whom the Bell Tolls’, it’s a fascinating tale of human emotions. Yesterday I had seen Brooklyn Museum and today, I am again going to walk through the famous landmark Brooklyn Bridge. It fascinates me and I would really like to comment here of the aspects that attract me here again and again. The Bridge for me is a symbol of commitment and a staunch belief in one self. The bridge was conceptualized by the great engineer John Augustus Roebling who died of tetanus shortly after the construction of the bridge started in 1869. The work was taken up by his son Washington, who was also an accomplished engineer, like his father. He believed in hands on approach to his work and actively participated in the underwater work in ‘caissons’ which are huge containers of water. Unfortunately, excessive exposure in water crippled Washington and made him permanently disabled. The later stages of bridge construction and supervision continued under the guidance of Emily, wife of Washington, who reported the progress to her invalid husband. In 1883, it was opened to public and
Prediction of stall on an aircraft Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words
Prediction of stall on an aircraft - Essay Example Stall speeds change with angle of bank, configuration and any changes in gross weight. Furthermore, an aircraft will stall at a higher speed with flaps retracted than with them extended. The phenomenon of stall is shown in the figure below:- Stall occur due to a number of reasons and can thus be divided into a number of types1 like power off stalls (also called approach-to-landing stalls, practiced by pilots to simulate normal approach-to-landing conditions and configuration), Power-on stalls (also known as departure stalls, practiced by pilots to simulate takeoff and climb-out conditions) and Accelerated stalls (experienced at higher-than normal airspeeds due to applying abrupt or excessive controls to aircraft and may occur in steep turns, pullups or other abrupt changes in your flight path.). Many aircraft in Flight Sim use a stall indicator to alert you when the airflow over the wing(s) approaches a point that lift cannot be sustained. The stall indicator is part of aircraft for a reason so no one should ignore it. Setup a numerical optimization procedure that can be useful to the aerodynamicist in the rapid design and development of high-lift system configurations and that can also provide derivative information regarding the influence of various design parameters (gap, overlap, slat and flap deflection angles, etc.) on the performance of the system. The variables that describe the relative element positioning can be used as design variables. These variables include flap and slat deflection angles, gaps, overlap, shapes of each of the elements and many more depending on method used2. Like in Continuous Adjoint Method, variables are flow-field variables and the physical location of the boundary. Then the governing equation which expresses the dependence of these variables can be written in flow field domain in form of partial differential equations. After introducing a Lagrange Multiplier and solving adjoint equations and applying boundary
Monday, August 26, 2019
Moral Relativism in the movie Gattaca Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Moral Relativism in the movie Gattaca - Essay Example The irony of the circumstances is that Jerome was not able to translate his excellent genetic profile to a real achievement who only won silver in a swimming competition. Yet, Vincent made the most out of it despite of his seemingly â€Å"inept†genetic structure. Example 3 Vincent Freeman did not believe that genetics determine a romantic compatibility in a relationship. His relationship with Irene Cassini proves that he does not subscribe to the convention that genetic in-valids cannot be with somebody who has a better genetic disposition. In the first place, genetics has no place in a romantic relationship whose goal is for two people to be happy together and to provide love and support to each partner. Conclusion The movie Gattaca depicts high-technology discrimination where society’s preference and opportunities in life is genetically determined. Not so long ago, this kind of discrimination also exists, only that the segregation was more obvious but it still involv es a person genetic make-up; that is the color of his skin through racial discrimination. An unjust societal structure that upholds injustice and unfairness cannot perpetuate for a long time because there will always be somebody who is a â€Å"moral relativist†who will go against its established norms. Any society whose established rules of morals and ethics segregate a man from another because of a genetic predisposition will definitely invite a â€Å"moral relativist†to challenge it. As what had happened before with any discriminatory practices such as racial discrimination, moral relativist or crusaders such as Dr. Martin Luther King challenged the prevailing norm that man should be judged by his character and not by the color of his skin. In Gattaca’s case, the... According to the research findings the most appropriate application of the definition of moral relativism in the movie Gatta is the Metaethical moral relativism which states that â€Å"the truth or falsity of moral judgments, or their justification, is not absolute or universal, but is relative to the traditions, convictions, or practices of a group of persons. Simply put, the metaethical definition of relativism is that the standard of morality, ethics and the determination of right and wrong are based on culture, norms and traditions and is therefore subjective and can be subjected to an individual’s choice and interpretation. In the movie Gattaca, Vincent Anton Freeman was moral relativist because he did not subscribe to the established rules by Gattaca that a man’s success is determined by genetics alone. An unjust societal structure that upholds injustice and unfairness cannot perpetuate for a long time because there will always be somebody who is a â€Å"moral r elativist†who will go against its established norms. Any society whose established rules of morals and ethics segregate a man from another because of a genetic predisposition will definitely invite a â€Å"moral relativist†to challenge it. In Gattaca’s case, the moral relativity that is founded more on a solid moral ground is the idea that every man should be given a chance in life whose success should depend on its own will, determination and character and not by his genetic disposition.
Sunday, August 25, 2019
Describe the experience that impacted you most this semester in your Essay
Describe the experience that impacted you most this semester in your college. What did you learn from this experience - Essay Example It has been a year now and having just completed my first year at college, I can say with a lot of confidence that my college experience has been awesome. Not only have I made several friends, but also have had a taste of what freedom is, besides learning the consequences of procrastinating. Though it was hard at first I have been able to adapt to the college food, burnt the midnight oil for several nights as well as spent numerous hours on heated, albeit meaningful debates. I have had several experiences during my short stay here, but there is one that really has not only changed me, but has also shaped and strengthened my character. One of the greatest things in college is the amount of freedom every individual has. There are no rules in college, no one to wake you up or tell you what you can or cannot do (provided you are not disturbing anyone’s peace or breaking the set rules).There is also no one to push you to attend your classes and it is up to you to go and register your courses by yourself, know where the lecture will be held as well as what time it is going to take place. This therefore means that an individual has the power of choosing what is right or even bad for them. An individual therefore can decide on what s/he can partake as far as their lives are concerned. This freedom however has come with its own attendant therapies and has caused the ruin of many a young people. During my short stay I managed to make a few friends as well as break away from bad influences. I observed how my classmates used to behave and just wondered whether they had come for a holiday camp or to study. One of my first experiences in college is the fact that it is so different from high school. I noticed that some commute from home to the campus and this really impressed me, I being a foreign student from China, studying in Boston, USA. However, there were lots of other freshmen who had left their homes far away and had come to college
Saturday, August 24, 2019
The Role of Family and Women in the Short Story Everyday Use by Alice Essay
The Role of Family and Women in the Short Story Everyday Use by Alice Walker - Essay Example For this to be possible, the author in her story employed powerful literary techniques resting upon concepts of setting, symbolism, and irony, which are important for any piece of literature. In the particular case of Walkers short story, this set of literary tools is combined to provide an examination of the role of family and women in society. In fact, Walker typically emphasizes in her works struggles of African American women who are shown in their opposition to racism and sexism, often in their violent manifestations, that are still present in the modern world. At the same time, she also often traces in her writings roles that women of color have played in history and culture, and ponders over their understanding of those roles (White 2005, pp.455-464). In this light, it would be even more interesting to take a closer look at how the ever urgent theme of the role of family and women in society is covered by the writer and the feminist activist Walker in this short story. First of all, the plot of the story should be overviewed in order to understand what story line, setting, and characterization of the protagonists the author chose as the means to present and develop her ideas. The events in "Everyday Use" take place in the end of the sixties or the beginning of the seventies between members of an African-American family consisting of mother and her two daughters. In this regard, it is important to remember that this period of time was marked by widespread social debates about the need for African-Americans to redefine their personal and cultural identities. It was at that time that old terminology was being replaced by politically correct words, such as the substitution of the term Negro with black, and, correspondingly, new notions like black nationalism emerged. At that time many African-Americans rushed to find out about their African origin and cling to it instead of being defined solely by their past life in America that was rife with episodes of injustice and suffering (Van Deburg 1993). So, an attentive reader should from the very beginning of the story keep in mind the atmosphere that dominated in the American society during the time to which the narrative refers. The story itself is basically the account of an episode of life of the mentioned family which depicts the difficult and even strained relationship between a mother and children. The mother, named Mrs. Johnson, is living with one of her daughters Maggie, and is visited by her another daughter Dee along with her boyfriend or husband Hakim-a-barber. As Dee spends time with them, readers witness the open opposition between two sisters, and a latent opposition between Mrs. Johnson and Dee, which in the end breaks into Mrs. Johnsons protective support of Maggie. More specifically, as the stumbling block serves the bold striving of Dee to take away with her some family artifacts that are very dear for both Mrs. Johnson and Maggie. For
Friday, August 23, 2019
Product Attractiveness and Competition in the Market Full Of Assignment
Product Attractiveness and Competition in the Market Full Of Competitors - Assignment Example The paper focuses developing a suitable tactical marketing mix strategy. The significance of tactical marketing mix on product performance is reflected. This part of the paper exemplifies how the product, its price, placement, and promotion techniques influence demand and market share. Additionally, the significance of emerging technologies, such as the internet and media, on marketing is discussed. Generally, the research focuses on the importance of pertinent exit strategy and a tactical marketing mix strategy to a business. At the end of the discussion is a conclusion of all the aspects that have been covered in the study. The sale of a product is largely dependent on consumer taste and preference. Toyota car models, such as Subaru legacy, are in great demand in America and other parts of the world. The car is a choice for many due to its reliability and excellent services. The features of the car are eye-catching and the general outlook is amazing. Subaru legacy is preferred to o ther cars for its economical fuel consumption, resistance to wear and tear, high-speed safety and many other features. However, the car face stiff competition from other luxuries car models from other companies such Honda and Ford. New car models introduced by these rival companies are a threat to the automobile market. As a result, Toyota Company has introduced new and more advanced Subaru legacy models to secure a market share. An exit strategy is basically transition of a company’s ownership, either after achieving the expected objective or to evade failure in future. It is necessary to devise means of recovering invested capital in the event of exiting a business. This can only be made possible by developing an effective exit strategy. According to Hawkey, the type of an exit strategy to be adopted depends on the kind of business undertaken by a company. The best way to make an exit strategy is to initiate a business with the end in mind.Â
Thursday, August 22, 2019
Positive Effects of Media on Our Society Essay Example for Free
Positive Effects of Media on Our Society Essay Today i am going to aware you about the positive effects of media on our society. Media has served as a boon to mankind. It has provided us with an exposure to the world outside our cozy homes. It has resulted in an exchange of views on a variety of subjects of a wide variety of people from all around the world, thereby leading to a global exchange of information and knowledge. Mass media has given each of us a platform to voice our opinions on all sorts of social and political issues and share information with one another. It has brought out easy ways of communication and provided us with easily accessible means to reach out to people in various parts of the world. Thanks to technological development, we have been able to obtain a platform that enables us to present ourselves to the rest of the world. The negative influences of media that are a result of an overexposure to it, are most often talked about. It is true to a certain extent that media has affected the society in a negative manner. But, undoubtedly, media has proved being a bliss. The media like television, radio and the Internet increase an overall awareness of the masses. They enhance the general knowledge by providing us with information from all over the world. News broadcast through different media helps us know about the day-to-day events in the world. News, tele-films and documentaries revolving around social issues increase a social awareness in children and develop their concern towards society. Newspapers, apart from updating us with the latest news and new information, also contribute to the enhancement of our vocabulary. Newspapers are the best beginners in developing reading habits in children. Through the print media, they provide the general public with a platform to give updates about their parts of the city, exchange their views over different issues that the society faces and share their thoughts on a larger scale. Media serve as the best means for a speedy spread of news about important incidents or events taking place. What has happened in the remotest corner of the world can reach us within minutes, thanks to media. The speed that technology has achieved is helpful in times of crisis when media is to be used for reporting news needing immediate attention. Research has revealed that media is responsible for influencing a major part of our daily life. Media contribute to a transformation in the cultural and social values of the masses. Media can bring about a change in the attitudes and beliefs of the common man. The persuasive nature of the content presented over media influences the thoughts and behavior of the general public. Media has a direct impact over the lifestyle of society.
Wednesday, August 21, 2019
Youtube Case Study Essay Example for Free
Youtube Case Study Essay Question 1: There are several competitive forces challenging the movie industry. Film corporations are currently facing the challenges of websites offering free downloadable movie torrents along with DVD readers on computers, portable video devices, and the start up of the website YouTube in February 2005. Free online film downloads are four times more popular than legal film downloads that are paid for. This new industry is giving customers power to challenge movie store prices, customers are substituting pricey blockbuster rentals with free online downloads. This is transforming Movie rental establishments into price takers, rather than price makers. The online market is a new market for the movie industry; this is a problem because large film corporations are overcharging for their online products. They do not realize that Twenty dollars for a 24 hour movie rental is not going to appeal to customers. Another problem the movie industry is facing is that 30 to 70 percent of Hollywood derived content has been submitted to YouTube without legal consent. YouTube is profiting on movies that cost major production studios over $129 million to make. These problems are forcing film companies to enter the digital firm where business relationships are digitally enabled. They are entering agreements with online companies such as CinemaNow and Movielink, selling their products online via download. This has transformed the entire way the film industry marketed their movies. The strategic value of entering the online world is basically for mere survival of the industry. The problem of YouTube has also added complication to the creation of films. It has caused companies to resort to hiring more staff in an attempt to monitor the website. It has also forced the development of new technology such as Video ID which has been added to films in order to prevent unauthorized videos from appearing on YouTube. Question 2: Disruptive technologies such as YouTube and other free media websites have severely impacted the companies discussed in this case. Viacom (The world’s fourth largest media conglomerate) has resorted to filing a lawsuit against YouTube for $1.25 billion dollars in damages because more than 150,000 unauthorized clips if Viacoms copyrighted material has appeared on YouTube. Disruptive technologies have caused companies like NBC universal to resort to new job positions involving searching YouTube everyday for property posted without consent. So on top of losing money from lack of sales revenue, companies are forced to spend money filing lawsuits and hiring employees to tackle this new interfering technology. Question 3: Because YouTube is such a powerful company, studios have decided against Viacom’s decision (filing a lawsuit) and are developing a more constructive solution. Companies such as NBC Universal, Time Warner’s Warner Brothers and Twentieth Century Fox have entered into negotiations with YouTube to establish licensing agreements. They are shifting into information system trends like using websites (YouTube) for advertising. The goal of this response is basically to maximise revenue streams made possible by this new technology. It allows companies to earn revenues where their products might otherwise have been distributed illegally. This is something learned from the music industry. The movie industry needs to follow in the footsteps of the music industry; iTunes music store sells music for .99 cents per song. I think lowering the fee for online movie downloading could definitely benefit the industry. The music industry has been dealing with copyright infringement for several years; the movie business needs to team up with the online music conglomerate to learn from their experience and to work together to find an overall better way to overcome the challenge of copyright infringement. Question 4: I think motion picture companies should most definitely continue to use YouTube to promote their new films. YouTube is a heavily trafficked website reporting over 100 million video views per day; this provides valuable exposure for companies in the film industry. Information Technology is only going to grow larger, the film industry needs to find a way to take part in this revolution and take advantage of what Information Technology has to offer or else it will become a thing of the past with VHS’s and Cassette tapes.
Tuesday, August 20, 2019
Concepts of Scarcity and Choice
Concepts of Scarcity and Choice Economics can be defined as the study of the practical science of production and distribution of wealth ( J S MILLS). The objective of all persons is to earn money by working in order to satisfy their wants. Unfortunately people earnings are never enough in order to satisfy their unlimited wants as there is a lack of resources in terms of workers, raw materials, time, and money in order to produce all the products that we would like to acquire which causes the problem of scarcity. SCARCITY AND CHOICE Scarcity is a relative concept that is resources are scarce relatively to unlimited wants. The problem of scarcity exists in all dimensions that are in terms of individual, society as well as countries. For example as far as individual is concerned in search of improving our standard of living we are always striving to have better and more luxurious shelter, latest fashion clothing, full option types of transport, better health care etc but due to limited resources we cannot satisfy all these wants and in terms of countries Governments are always having difficulties in choosing where to invest there are too many necessities to fulfill due to lack of resources. As a result of scarcity each and every person as well as the Government needs to make a choice so that the limited available resources is used efficiently. OPPORTUNITY COST As a result of the lack of resources and the problem of scarcity, we have to choose and decide which products or services are most important for us to buy with the limited amount of money we earn and which ones are less important that we could forego. As in define by Susan Grant Opportunity cost is the cost of a decision in terms of the best alternative given up to achieve it. Say if I have one hour free time during which I can either go the cinema or at the seaside, if I choose going to the cinema then the next best alternative forgone is going at the seaside. Quantity of Good X Given a production point on a PPC (A). If a country chooses to produce more of good X- in other words moving to point B on the PPC, this can only be possible by decreasing resources out of the production of good Y to the production of good X, implying a reduction in the quantity of Y produced. Therefore in order to produce more of good X, a country needs to give up some amount of good Y. In other words there is an opportunity cost of producing more of good X. Opportunity cost of producing X X1 of good X= Y Y1 of good Y. Micro Economics Micro Economics is the study of the behaviors of individuals and companies in line with income, profits, prices of available goods and services. These behaviors are directly related to supply and market as well as taxes and regulations impose by the Government. For example in the case of an individual Micro Economics examines how the latter make decisions on which products or services to buy depending on his income and as regards to a company it is the study of how the decision makers minimize production cost so as to offer competitive prices on the market. Macro Economics Macro Economics, on the other hand is the study of economics at a larger scale that is how a national economy works and its direct impact on growth in national income, employment and price inflation. In other words Macro Economics can be explained as the global decision making of the Government and its impact on aggregate demand. For example, macroeconomics would look at how an increase/decrease in net exports would affect a nations capital account or how GDP would be affected by unemployment rate. ( TASK 2 How demand curve is derived. In order to determine how a demand curve is derived we need to know what demand is. Demand is the willingness of potential consumers to buy goods and services at different level of prices. Figure 2 shows a demand curve The figure below shows what the demand for apple at different prices is. The curve illustrates that when Price of an apple is at $1 demand is 53 Price of an apple is at $2 demand is 38 Price of an apple is at $3 demand is 27 Price of an apple is at $4 demand is 17 Price of an apple is at $5 demand is 10 Thus we can deduce that normally the lower the price of an apple is offered at the higher is the demand and conversely the higher price of an apple is offered at the lower is the demand. Demand is inversely related to price that is in this case demand of the apple is inversely related to price of the apple. Normally producers of a specific product need to study the demand curve of that product so as to decide the number of unit to produce taking into consideration production cost. With regards to demand producers will produce the product in demand provided The amount of a particular economic good or service that a consumer or group of consumers will want to purchase at a given price. The demand curve is usually downward sloping, since consumers will want to buy more as price decreases. Demand for a good or service is determined by many different factors other than price, such as the price of substitute goods and complementary goods. In extreme cases, demand may be completely unrelated to price, or nearly infinite at a given price. Along with supply, demand is one of the two key determinants of the market price. Read more:
The Authentic Movement of the 1960s Essay -- Peace, Love, Rock n Roll,
Peace, love, and rock ‘n roll. To some people those three words are the first thing to pop into their minds when they think of the 1960s. In reality, these words represent something much more significant. In the 1960s people started expressing their beliefs freely changing society in the United States forever, through media, protests, the hippie movement, and even music. The majority of the country’s drama in the 1960s was a result of the Vietnam War. Many citizens weren’t happy about being at war once again, and this time, it seemed like a never ending war. As time went on the citizens grew more desperate for an end to this war. One reason that citizens were disgusted with the idea of the war was because of the Pentagon Papers. The Pentagon Papers contained private information about the Vietnam War. Daniel Ellsberg, who worked for the Department of Defense Study of the U.S. political and military involvement in the Vietnam War, got ahold of this private information. Daniel decided that what was going on wasn’t right, and we wanted the rest of the country’s citizens to know what was really going on. He copied and sent these papers to the New York Times and had them release the information for the public to read (networks). Once the citizens realized the truth about Vietnam, they were ready to start fighting for a change. The American citizens took matters into their own hands and decided to rebel. Although the rebellion against the leaders of the U.S. was nationwide, most of it started on college campuses. One of the first groups known to take a stand was a group of college students that joined forces. They called themselves the Students for a Democratic Society. This group contributed greatly to the expansion of the movement... ... listen to, and where to go with their futures. In the 1960s individuality was born, and continues to grow every single day. Works Cited Cheese. Cheesybirdmess. 5 October 2014. 4 October 2914 . Erickson, Jill. "WHY did the counterculture movement develop?" The Counter Culture: Hippier Movement 1965-1971. Findlay: Mrs.Erickson, 4 May 2014. Mazells, Fred and Patrick Martin. World Socialist Web Page. 4 May 2010. 25 April 2014 . networks, A&E televison. 2011. 24 April 2014 . staff of, 2010. 24 April 2014 . Yagi, Randy. 29 March 2012. 25 April 2014 .
Monday, August 19, 2019
A View of My Philosophy :: Teaching Education Teachers Essays
A View of My Philosophy It’s hard to decide on a major as a high school student preparing to enter college. There are so many possibilities and it seems impossible to choose only one. It was a major decision for me, and I was terrified I would make the wrong choice. What if I didn’t like my major? What if I found nothing that I liked? I attended West Virginia Wesleyan College my freshman year with no decided major. Education had always been in the back of my mind, but I wanted to make sure that there was nothing else that would catch my attention. It turned out that nothing else did. During my freshman year I took a variety of classes in many different subject areas, but nothing seemed to spark a major interest. I was beginning to worry that I would never make up my mind until I started volunteering at an after-school program at a local elementary school near WVWC in Buckhannon, WV. It was a program designed as a place for students to do their homework while they waited for their parents to pick them up. From the first day volunteering, I loved it. I loved the puzzled looks on the faces of the young children as they tried to work through an arithmetic problem. I loved their smiling faces and their eagerness to learn. Most of all, I loved the look of accomplishment when a struggling student fin ally understood. That was how I knew I was meant to be a teacher. Just to know that I made a difference in the lives of the children I helped was better than almost anything I’ve ever accomplished. During the program I truly realized I wanted to teach, and not just on a temporarily volunteering basis. The idea of having my own classroom and my own group of students to influence became more and more appealing. My philosophy of teaching is a combination of some of the most well known philosophies. One philosophy I support is progressivism.
Sunday, August 18, 2019
Individualism in Robert Frosts The Road Not Taken, Zalman Kings In Go
Individualism in Robert Frost's "The Road Not Taken," Zalman King's "In God's Hands" and James Baldwin's "Sonny's Blues" Every society has certain values and generally accepted ways of living that are considered normal. These principles are what keep societies organized and orderly. Conforming to these principles, however, is not necessarily the road to happiness for every individual. The main character, Shane, in In God’s Hands, Sonny, in Sonny’s Blues, and the speaker in The Road Not Taken, all choose not to live by what is considered normal, or popular, and are able to find happiness by living as individuals. Robert Frost’s The Road Not Taken is a poem about the choices every person must make in their life. The first line of this poem, â€Å"Two Roads diverged in a yellow wood†, though only seven words long, can be interpreted to mean several things. First, the color of the trees being yellow, meaning that it is fall, represents a time of change. Second, the â€Å"two roads diverged†signify a choice which must be made. In this first line Frost has metaphorically depicted a person who must make a decision that will greatly change his life. The second stanza describes the road that is chosen as grassy and wanting wear. The second to last line of the poem also says that the speaker took the â€Å"road less traveled by†. These two lines can be interpreted to mean that the choice that was made was not the popular choice. The speaker in the poem has made his decision based on individual preference, rather than what others would consider normal. The character of Sonny, in Sonny’s Blues, lives a life that would not be considered normal in any society. He is a heroin addict who has spent time in prison, and centers his life on pla... â€Å"get on the tour and make some money while you still can.†Shane is not driven by money and success, like his friends, and thrives only on his love of surfing. At the end of the story Mickey is killed trying to surf a wave that is to big to be surfed, and Keoni gives up on traveling and returns home to his parents. Shane, however, continues his travels, and in the end is able to find what he is looking for. He fins his ultimate wave, and surfs it with no one else around, proving to himself that he is the best surfer in the world. Though these three works differ in many ways, they all share a common theme about individuality. The idea that happiness can be found without conforming to popular opinions is expressed in each of these literary pieces. The speaker in The Road Not Taken, Sonny, and Shane all achieve personal success by living life in their own way.
Saturday, August 17, 2019
How is Lady Macbeth presented by Shakespeare? Essay
How is Lady Macbeth presented by Shakespeare? In what ways does she change through the course of the play, and how does this affect the audience’s response? Introduction Macbeth is a Scottish play written by William Shakespeare between 1603 and 1606 and the links between King James and this tragedy are evident. The themes presented in this play are ambition, desire, and succession to the thrown, loyalty, order and greed. I will be analysing how Shakespeare portrays and presents Lady Macbeth through different stages and events in the play. Para 1 The audience first meets Lady Macbeth in Act 1 scene 5. She is reading Macbeth’s letter alone. After reading the letter she displays her thoughts about Macbeth becoming the king. The audience is instantly shown that Lady Macbeth is ambitious, as the first words she utters are, â€Å"Glamis thou art, and Cawdor, and shalt be†This shows that she believes that Macbeth will be the thane of Cawdor. However, she describes Macbeth’s flaws as well as his qualities in negative and positive images, ††¦I do fear thy nature, It is too full o’th’milk of human kindness.†Lady Macbeth is saying that Macbeth’s kindness to others is a weakness in his nature and character. Also, that it may adversely affect him becoming the king as he is not ruthless. She says that this ruthlessness ‘illness’ that Macbeth doesn’t have, saying Macbeth will take any opportunity that comes his way, but he only wants to win his honours honestly. He wants to be king even though the throne is not his by right, but he will not play falsely. Lady Macbeth decides that she will have to help him to find the necessary determination. The audience can see that Lady Macbeth is domineering and ambitious. We learn that Macbeth’s wife is ‘his dearest partner of greatness’. This salutation may suggest that he looks toward her for help as she possesses a power and supremacy that he sees. She has power over him and he obeys her. However, they do love each other as is shown=== Q The captain describes Macbeth as brave and determined as is described earlier in the play, ‘For brave Macbeth (well deserves that name †¦which smoked with bloody execution.†The captain praises Macbeth’s savagery in battles because it has preserved the rightful king and has shown Macbeth to be loyal. Lady Macbeth also agrees that her husband is determined and loyal when she says, ‘woulds’t not play false’ (p.35, line 20) However, she believes that he is to weak and kind and would not kill to get his way. Para 2 In this soliloquy in act 1 scene 5. A messenger comes to tell Lady Macbeth that King Duncan will arrive that night. Lady Macbeth is excited, seeing this as the perfect opportunity to make Macbeth king. She calls the spirits of darkness to take away her natural womanliness and to fill her instead with the worst of bitterness, wickedness and cruelty so that she can help Macbeth commit this act. She does not want any natural feelings of regret or conscience to get in the way of what she intends. â€Å"Come, you spirits†¦ †¦unsex me here And fill me from the crown to the toe topfull Of direst cruelty.†Like Macbeth she asks the powers of darkness to hide her thoughts so that not even the forces the forces of heaven can see through the ‘blanket of the dark’. So the true nature is concealed. A 17th century audience could find this disturbing as she is subverting the qualities and features of a typical woman. Lady Macbeth would’ve been played by a man, therefore, this speech would become more convincing and realistic. Women in the 17th were usually stereotyped as motherly, meek and complacent towards their husbands. Whereas, Lady Macbeth is an atypical woman who commands her husband. The similarities that we can draw from Lady Macbeth and the witches are uncovered when Lady Macbeth uses the word ‘raven’ as the whiches also use animals such as a cat and a frog. Para 3 At the beginning of the scene (act 1 scene 7) Macbeth informs the audience about his doubts and fears which taunt him. Macbeth convinces himself not to murder Duncan by giving three reasons, â€Å"First, as I am his kinsman and his subject, Strong both against the deed.†Macbeth is stating that he is a loyal subject to King Duncan. He also says, â€Å"Then, as his host, Who should against his murderer shut the door, Not bear the knife myself.†He is saying that he should be protecting the king rather than trying to kill him. Lastly, Macbeth adds, â€Å"Besides, this Duncan Hath borne his faculties so meek, hath been So clear in his great office, that his virtues Will plead like angels.†Macbeth’s conscience is very persuasive. He tells himself that Duncan’s goodness and kindness is such that his murder would provoke tremendous outcry. Images of heaven and hell are linked†¦ Para 4 At the beginning of Act 2 scene 2 the audience can sense that Lady Macbeth waits anxiously for Macbeth. Lady Macbeth is very nervous and agitated, â€Å"Alack! I am afraid they have awaked, And tis not done: Th’attempt and not the deed Comforms us.†This tells us that she is very panicky and doesn’t want to get caught, if she does get caught her life being a queen will be ruined. When Macbeth arrives Lady Macbeth is very happy and knows that the deed, â€Å"my husband!†she says. The murder is over and Lady Macbeth is relieved but Macbeth’s got a feeling he might get caught. Macbeth won’t take back the daggers because he is so ashamed that he has done the murder and he can’t say, â€Å"Amen.†All this happens because Lady Macbeth ignores the rules of humanity and organised society, pursuing her own ruthless motives. However, repeatedly Lady Macbeth gives the appearance of being in control but she was unable to kill the king herself, claiming he looked too much like her father, †Had he not resembled My father as he slept, I had done’t.†This feeling of guilt is a glimpse of a more human side revealed to the audience. She, too, seems to realise the wrongness of the murder. Not much later she advises her husband, â€Å"These deeds must not be thought, After these ways: so, it will make us mad.†Both Lady Macbeth and Macbeth’s character is different in this scene. At the start of the scene Lady Macbeth is nervous and doesn’t want to do the murder, but Macbeth is confident and does the murder. After the murder Macbeth is scared and is in a trance of what he has done. Lady Macbeth has calmed down and regained her self-composure. Para 5 During the banquet in Act 3 scene 4, Macbeth sees the ghost of Banquo sitting in his place. Lady Macbeth reacts to Macbeth by quietly accusing her husband of being a coward, as she did at the time of Duncan’s murder, â€Å"Are you a man?†(p.63). Lady Macbeth tries to attack his masculinity and state of mind by questioning it, â€Å"Why do you make such faces? When all’s done, You look but on a stool.†(p.63) She is trying to convince Macbeth that there is nothing there. Lady Macbeth says all he needs is sleep, but this is ironic, as Macbeth has ‘murdered sleep’ and Banquo has risen from his ‘sleep’. Lady Macbeth is trying to cover up for her husband’s behaviour. This behaviour is making Lady Macbeth more insecure and anxious even though she taunts Macbeth, this time she is weary. In contrast to her powerful speeches at the end of act 1, here she only suggests that he needs sleep. Once the ghost has vanished Macbeth expresses, â€Å"I am a man again.†(p.65) Lady Macbeth then utters, â€Å"You have displaced the mirth, broke the good meeting, With most admired disorder.†(p.65) The greater part of the play is devoted to this part. He is king. We see Macbeth in action, others comment on his reign of terror. Macbeth is king but he wants to be safe king where he has nothing to fear and he fears Banquo a lot because he is the only one that has seen and heard the witches tell Macbeth the prophecies: – â€Å"To be thus is nothing, But to be safely thus: our fears in Banquo Stick deep, and in his royal nature Reigns that which would be feared.†Macbeth’s tells the murderers that they were treated badly by Banquo and this is the time to kill him, but Macbeth doesn’t want to get involved in the murder. He wants the murderers to get the blame. The murderers do whatever they are commanded: – â€Å"We shall my lord, Perform what you command us, Though our lives.†This is a sign that being King Macbeth means getting so much respect. In comparison from the moment he is crowned king. Macbeth executes a reign of terror that has already started with the killing of Duncan, together with his wife he is ruthless in pursuing his own selfish aims. He organises the death of those whom he se †¦ Macbeth: Lady Macbeth’s Character Lady Macbeth is a controversial figure. She is seen by some as a woman of strong will who is ambitious for herself and who is astute enough to recognise her husband’s strenghts and weaknesses, and ruthless enough to exploit them. They see her in her commitment to evil and in her realisation that the acquisition of the Crown has not brought her the hapipiness she had expected, and finally, as one who breaks down nuder the strain. Others see her as a woman ambitious for her husband whom she loves. She recognises the essential good in him, and feels that, without her, he will never win the Crown. She allies herself with the powers of darkness for his sake, but here inherent(congenital) femininity beraks down under the strain of the unnatural murder of Duncan and the alienation of her husband. She is seen as simple and realistic where Macbeth is complicated and imaginative. She can see what must be done; he visualises the consequence. There is a vast difference between Macduff’s â€Å"O gentle Lady ‘Tis not for you to hear what I can speak The repetition in a woman’s ear Would murder as it fell.†ACT II, Sc.ii and Malcolm’s assessment of her as a â€Å"fiend-like queen†(Act IV, Sc.vii). So we must examine the text. To Macbeth, in his letter to her, she is his â€Å"dearest partner of greatness†, an indication of love and trust. We see her as she analyses his virtues and weaknesses and decides to overcome his scruples, â€Å"hie thee hither That I may pour my spirits at thine ear†Is there any evidence here as to why she wishes him to be king? Overcome By Ambition – When she calls on the powers of evil to unsex her and make her cruel, does this imply that she fears her own womanliness and realises the unnaturalness of the murder of Duncan? Is she, like Macbeth just an ordinary human being overcome with ambition? Does she really lose her womanliness? Do the words(Act I, Sc. ii) â€Å"Had he not resembled My father as he slept, I had done’t†imply that she is still a woman with a woman’s tendernesss? Does she show herself strong willed and more determined than Macbeth, Act I, Sc.vii, as she argues and demands his agreement to the murder? Is she alloy by exploiting his love for her when she makes his consent to murder a test of his love? Is she being cynical when she inverts logic and reality in asking him if he is afraid to be what he wants to be and in suggesting that to be a true man he must take what he wants? Must she take some of Macbeth’s guilt here? In the murder scene (ActII, Sc.ii) she resorts to wine to give her courage. Does this also show that she has not been filled from top to toe with â€Å"direst cruelty†? She is aware, too, that dwelling on the moral aspect of the murder â€Å"will make us mad†. The Better Criminal? – She seems to be the better criminal; she remembers the details that Macbeth has overlooked, â€Å"Why did you bring these daggers from the place?†and shows her as she brings the daggers back. Does she really despise Macbeth when she argues him of wearing â€Å"a heart so white†? Or is she afraidfor him that he may betray himself? In Act II, Sc.ii, when she calls for help does she do so because of her feminie weakness, or is she afraid that Macduff may question Macbeth further as to his killing of the chamberlains? If the latter, does it again illustrate her quick thinking? Unhappiness – In Act III, Sc.ii, Lady Macbeth is coming to realise that the Crown has not brought happiness, â€Å"Nought’s had, all’s spent, Where our desire is got without content.†Is she suffering from remorse here, or does she think that the murder of Duncan has alienated Macbeth from her? â€Å"How now, my Lord! Why do you keep alone?†Is she worried that he is unhappy? She tries to console him, â€Å"what’s done is done.†and to rally his spirits. She again shows her presence of mind in the Ghost scene when he becomes ‘unmanned’, but then, she does not see the Ghost. She uses the old stragedy of appealing to his manliness, but without success. When the guests have departed she does not upbraid Macbeth, but makes excuses for him that he lacks â€Å"the season of all natures, sleep.†Does this show her gentleness and compassion towards him? Or does she feel that further argument would be useless? The Sleep-Walking Scene – We do not meet her again until this scene. She has now been reduced to a poor, mad creature, broken by events. Our last view of her is her delusion of nearness to Macbeth. Is there a stress on her sense of guilt, her despair and, perhaps still, her determination? Macbeth’s few words about her (Act V,Sc.v) may be uttered in an indifferent tone, or even with a sense of something already lost. In the end, perhaps, we feel guilty for her, but we may still remember what appeared to be hardness and cruelty. +Persuading Macbeth She says that he is acting as if he were drunk when he clothed himself in his hopes to become king. In a powerful speech she explains how far she would ne prepared to go to get what she wanted. Lady Macbeth tells him that if, like him, she had sworn to do something, then, before she would go back on her word, she would ‘pluck her own baby from sucking milk at her nipple and dash its brains out’.
Friday, August 16, 2019
Critically evaluate Samuel Huntington’s claims in “The Clash of Civilizations?†Essay
The abrupt end of the Cold War meant that the bipolar model of thinking which had dominated the sphere of World Politics for decades became obsolete. This new phase led to a renewal in thinking in the study of International Relations dubbed â€Å"the hundred schools of thought†which led to a wide spectrum of visions about the uncertain future of world affairs. One of the more prominent visions was the late Professor Samuel Huntington’s â€Å"Clash of Civilizations? †published in a 1993 Foreign Affairs article, where he predicted a growing pattern of conflict based on differences in cultural, religious and historical identity of entities he labelled civilizations instead of the ideological differences of the Cold War Era. Huntington’s thesis was a Realist response to Fukuyama’s 1992 book, The End of History and the Last Man. Fukuyama argued that the post-1991 world was left with no viable ideological alternative to liberal democracy and the free market economy predicting a new era of global consensus on democracy, justice, human rights and cooperation. ‘The nation will continue to be a central pole of identification, even if more and more nations come to share common economic and political forms of organization. ‘i Huntington’s premise was that ‘The great divisions among humankind and the dominating source of conflict will be cultural. Nation states will remain as the most powerful actors in world affairs but the principal conflicts of global politics will occur between nations and groups of different civilizations. ‘ii The controversial nature of Huntington’s thesis ensured the stern critique by some of his fellow academics for reasons including oversimplification, neglecting contradicting factors and inaccurate predictions. The tragedy of 9/11 and the events that followed revived the confidence in his thesis by his supporters who saw this as the conformation of Huntington’s predictions notably the inconsolable clash between Islam and the West. Huntington begins by describing the historical evolution of the nature of conflicts in the Western World; from the competition between monarchs and emperors for territorial and mercantile expansion leading to the emergence of nation states beginning with the French Revolution, to the rise of ideological conflict after the Bolshevik Revolutioniii. His Eurocentric bias is clear early as he quotes and perpetuates an idea put forward before by William Lind that these were primarily ‘Western Civil Wars’. Labelling World War II, the deadliest military conflict in history which involved the majority of the world’s nations, as such greatly diminishes the involvement and sacrifices made by people across the world. Notably the Soviet Union which was mainly composed of nations Huntington would regard as part of a Slavic-Orthodox civilization sustained the highest amount of casualties totalling at around twenty-seven millioniv. Later in the paragraph, Huntington writes ‘peoples and governments of non-Western civilizations no longer remain the objects of history as targets of Western colonialism but join the West as movers of history’ as if to suggest that events occurring in non-western parts of the world somehow do not constitute as history if they don’t involve or have a felt effect upon Western society. Although the leadership of the West in fields such as science, technology and engineering for the larger part in recent centuries is indisputable; Jewish philosophy, Hindu mathematics, Muslim astronomy and engineering contributed significantly to the foundations of what we know today and this shouldn’t be undermined. The sharing and borrowing of ideas between the different corners of the world through the millennia’s that’s still going on today suggests a long-term cooperation instead of a clash of civilizations in our common pursuit of knowledge. According to Huntington a civilization is ‘ the highest cultural grouping of people and the broadest level of cultural identity’v. He divides the world’s population into seven civilizations as well as hinting at the possibility of a Caribbean and an African civilization; Africa being indeed a continent known for its vast diversity of cultures and traditionsvi. He defines a civilization by what he calls objective elements such as language, history and primarily religion as well as by the subjective self-identification of people. Huntington argues the onset of globalization has led to increased levels of interaction between peoples of different civilizations, which in turn intensifies civilization consciousness and brings to the forefront their cultural differences which unlike ideological and political differences are fundamental and much less mutable and hence less easily compromised. It’s clear that people instinctively identify themselves closely to others who share common traditions, customs and history; I hold the belief however that Huntington downplays the penetration of globalization and focuses on one aspect of its possible consequences. It’s not the differences that drive cultural conflict between peoples; it’s the lack of understanding which in turn creates prejudices and fears. The increased interactions between peoples have led to a wider acceptance of and fascination with other cultures, helping us understand why foreign societies live the way they do. Huntington argues: ‘†¦Russians cannot become Estonians and Azeri’s cannot become Armenian’vii. An Estonian living in Russia will absorb aspects of Russian culture depending on one’s willingness, length of stay and the extent to which one feels alienated or accepted by Russian society. Thus the objective elements invoked are not convincingly definitive in determining one’s identity; an Englishman may choose to convert to Islam while a Chinese citizen in Shanghai may choose to learn French as a pastime. Globalization in itself has penetrated the long-standing limitations in global trade of the past; politicians ever increasingly have to consider the global implications of domestic policy. More than ever national states around the world are dependent upon each other; the United States Demands Chinese goods while China needs the US to buy its goods. Huntington ascribes ideas such as constitutionalism, human rights, the rule of law, free markets and democracy as Western; unable to gain a foothold in other civilizations. He writes: ‘Modern democratic government originated in the West. When it has developed in non-western societies it has usually been the product of the western colonialism or imposition’viii. suggesting that somehow peoples of other civilizations may not be able to sustain or see the benefits of a form of democratic governance. The people of India would point out that democratic government was formed in their country despite, not because of the Westix. Today more than two-thirds of the world’s governments operate in some form of democracy, which reaffirms the idea that democracy is a universal value, contradicting Huntington’s view of its general Western exclusivity. If asked, most Middle-Easterners would prefer the idea of a democratic to authoritarian governancex; the limitation of democratic development in the region however is a product of the unstable and incompatible political landscape rather than the irreconcilability of the culture. Defining the religious aspects of the Western Civilization, Huntington justifies the grouping of Protestant and Catholic Christians into a single entity by emphasizing shared experiences in European history such as the Renaissance, the Enlightenment and the Industrial Revolution which in turn separates them from the Orthodox Christians beyond Central Europexi. Although it is evident that the closer proximity of those events has influenced Protestants and Catholics more than their Orthodox counterparts, the closer resemblance of Catholic and Orthodox practices and beliefs as opposed to Protestants is however neglected. Huntington consistently appeals to religion as the primary source of cultural identity, rightly so, to a Christian the creeds of their religion have a profound influence on their world view and thus how they would identify themselves. When speaking of the Islamic civilization however, Huntington doesn’t seem to make the effort to differentiate between the major denominations of Shia, Sunni and Sufism which have so strongly influenced the historical and especially current political landscape of the Middle-East. In a passionate attempt to warn his fellow Americans of the potential threats that their country may face in the post-Cold War environment, Huntington essentially perpetuated ideas that were dangerous and self-fulfilling. The existence of a Confucian-Islamic connection that may threaten the West described by Huntingtonxii is yet to be empirically verified, as the Chinese and US economies remain inter-linked and Barrack Obama moves towards a policy of dialogue in the Middle-East. Given the history of US foreign policy, legislators would have found Huntington’s paradigm easy to understand and convenient in terms of implementation. A worldview of distrust towards foreign powers that demands the maintaining of military superiority in the name of security panders to the powerful military industrial complex in the US. In order to maintain peace, global stability and have any hopes of dealing with transnational issues such as global warming, policy makers should regard all nations as members of the world community and work closer with international organizations such as the UN and WTO in establishing universal laws. The alienation and coercion of other governments will indeed create an atmosphere of antagonism and hostility.
Thursday, August 15, 2019
Homeschooling: An option to choose or refuse? Essay
Schooling is considered as a major step in a child’s development towards becoming a good citizen and a good human being in this global world. Every parent wants the best for their children and they seek for the best education option available. No matter how good or disciplined a school is, the worries and anxieties respective to child’s development, remains constant for the parents. Due to increasing concerns and lack of satisfaction with public schools, new options are being sought after. Homeschooling is one such option that is rapidly emerging as a favorite amongst worried parents. Homeschooling is a way of education, wherein a child, instead of studying by traditional means of going to a public or private school, learns at home, with the help of a private tutor or the parents themselves. Homeschooling is being preferred over traditional methods in this growing world, where the number of students in class, are increasing day by day. Considering the facts, homeschooling looks like a good option for parents who can be assured of individual attention and good educational facilities, right at their homes. The Columbia Encyclopedia, Sixth Edition, defines homeschooling as, â€Å"home schooling the practice of teaching children in the home as an alternative to attending public or private elementary or high school. In most cases, one or both of the children’s parents serve as the teachers. Like the charter school movement, home schooling usually arises from religious or other disenchantment with conventional public schools. Home schooling may also include full-time education at home by hired tutors. †The most important benefit of homeschooling is the fact that parents can themselves teach the children at their home and not worry about their children being given due attention in school or not. Homeschooling is said to be first noted in the year 1997, when Rebecca Sealfon, a thirteen year old girl, won the national spelling bee. Rebecca was being schooled in her home and this brought waves among the society (Anderson). Hettinger, in her article, â€Å"Trend to go home for school is on the rise across Indiana, nation†states that parents report dissatisfaction over not being given individual attention in public or private schools and the number of students in a class are increasing. Hettinger also states that, In the United States, an estimated 1. 5 million children were home schooled in 2007, an increase of 74 percent since 1999, according to a press release from Indiana University School of Education. The latest numbers in Indiana were 23,455 students in 2005-06, a 429 percent increase from 10 years earlier, according to the Indiana Department of Education. Lloyd from USA today reports that the number of home schooled kids have reached to 1. 5 million in the year 2007, risen up 74% from when the Department of Education’s National Center for Education Statistics started keeping track in 1999, and up 36% since 2003. Lloyd states that the reasons are mostly religious for homeschooling. The traditional means of schooling does not give the liberty to the parents for being watchful. In homeschooling, even with private tutors, parents can keep an eye on the quality of education and teaching strategies given to their children. The basic positive point about homeschooling is freedom. Children have the freedom to flexible hours of study and they do not have to go by strict schedules (Shaw). Families that move constantly from one town to another, face difficulties in changing schools again and again. Homeschooling gives them full freedom in that respect. Another reason that can be studied for homeschooling being preferred over traditional teaching methods is that no matter how good the school is, parents are still worried about their child’s safety (Davis, 27). The school may be secure enough, but it is not their home. Public schools are dissatisfactory and private schools are highly expensive. Some parents prefer homeschooling because they like to pass on their moral values to their children. Many parents have religious beliefs and they like to pass on their beliefs to their children as a means of their education (Davis, 37). The disadvantages of homeschooling can be simply put by a single word, ‘Isolation’. Schools highly serve as a means of communication and socializing for children with the outer world. In homeschooling, this channel for communication is blocked. Isabel Shaw says that, â€Å"Depending on where you live, homeschoolers may or may not be welcome to participate on teams with their public-schooled peers. Several parents did mention that a few families overcame this problem by creating their own teams. †Tara Hettinger, in her article, states that socializing, though it may seem as a hindrance in homeschooling, isn’t really much of a problem. One of the parents she interviewed, states that, in her opinion, children socialize more outside the school in their play groups rather than in schools. Other disadvantage mainly seen in homeschooling is that the level of education, often provided by the parents, may not live up to high standards. Homeschooled children may not live up to high grades, just like the rest. Davis argues that all students cannot perform with good grades (Davis, 56). There could be more reasons to this argument. The parent acting as a tutor, which is mostly common in homeschooling, should be qualified and educated to tutor the child with proper standards. If the child doesn’t reach proper standards due to the lack of knowledge or efficiency on the part of the tutor, the child is not to be blamed. As a conclusion, it is seen that most parents resort to homeschooling for their children, to get freed from worries and anxieties and to impart better educational facilities to their children in front of their eyes. Even after being aware of its disadvantages, homeschooling seems to be a better resort for parents who want their children to have more than just the average, with respect to education. Homeschooling is becoming more preferred amongst parents, due to its advantages of flexibility, more individual attention, security and variable teaching methodologies over the traditional public or private schooling. Works Cited â€Å"Homeschooling†The Columbia Encyclopedia, Sixth Edition 2008 Encyclopedia. com 16 Mar 2009 Anderson, Brian C. â€Å"An A for Home Schooling†City Journal Summer 2000. < http://www. city-journal. org/html/10_3_an_a_for_home. html>. Hettinger, Tara â€Å"Trend to go home for school is on the rise across Indiana, nation†The Evening News & The Tribune 10 January 2009. Lloyd, Janice â€Å"Home schooling grows†USA Today 1 January 2009. Shaw, Isabel â€Å"The Pros and Cons of Homeschooling†FamilyEducation. com 16 March 2009 Davis, Mimi. So – Why Do You Homeschool?. Xulon Press, 2005.
Radical Reconstruction
I think that the whole reconstruction era went Just the way it was supposed to. Just to think that something so small of a change could have rewritten history for bad or for good. I think that if Lincoln could have carried out his plan then we would live in a completely different world then what we do today. I we have had enforced the laws as hard as we could have then the south could might as well of risen back up for another war. And what if we lost this time?We could might as well be living in a country with segregation and or a communist country if Marshall law was declared. Which means that all industries would be owned by the government. Another scenario would be that we had a country divided into two halves like Korea with slaves crossing the borders to be on the north side to be free to pursue a live of there own. With the idea of Radical Reconstruction was to change the ideas and culture of he south to adapt to the north ideas and ways of living.A main reason we were not as successful at the reconstruction was because of the constant disagreeing of the branches in our government at the time, which even in the present day and time this still happens way to much. For example when we could agree on a budget In 2013 and the government had to be shut down for almost 2 weeks before anything happened which was really Just a ploy to get rid of beamer.
Wednesday, August 14, 2019
Abortion Essay Example for Free (#6)
Abortion Essay Essay Topic: Abortion Choose cite format: APA MLA Harvard Chicago ASA IEEE AMA company About StudyMoose Contact Careers Help Center Donate a Paper Legal Terms & Conditions Privacy Policy Complaints ? Abortion is the deliberate ending of a life after fertilisation. For many years the morality of abortion has been disputed with many religions condemning women from having an abortion. Abortion also goes against many ethical theories, such as Rule utilitarianism and Bentham’s Utilitarianism. A religion that is strongly against abortion is Christianity. In Christianity it is believed that life is given by God and he only has the right to end it. The Christian holy book, the bible, forbids intentionally destroying a foetus. It is argued that humans have no authority over the taking of a life as God is the creator and giver of life. Christians believe that human life begins as conception, making abortion wrong as it is murder of an innocent life. Humans are born with the potentiality of becoming an adult, and Christian Church is strongly against the taking of the human’s life as it seen as ‘playing God’. Christianity rejects the taking of an innocent life as it is considered a grave sin as it goes against the Ten Commandments which says ‘Thou shalt not kill’. This makes a foetus a person that not be murdered. Another religion against abortion is Islam. Islam forbids abortion as it seen as ending life, similar to that of Christianity. Islam also forbids the abortion f a severely disable foetus as it is still seen as a human and therefore has the potentiality of becoming an adult. Many women have an abortion as they feel they will not be able to provide for the child. The Qur’an, the Muslim holy book, says that the family must have trust in Allah as he will help them, thus making abortion wrong in the Islamic faith : ‘Kill not your offspring for fear of poverty’, Qur’an 17:32. There are many ethical theories that are against abortion. One of which being rule utilitarianism. A rule utilitarian would be against abortion, as their basis for moral-decision making is following general rules. Killing is wrong and therefore a rule utilitarian would be against it, as rule utilitarianism focuses on keeping rules even if it does not serve ‘the greatest happiness’. Bentham’s utilitarianism would be against abortion. When applying his Hedonic Calculus to an example of a 15 year old, who is considering having an abortion it would be considered wrong to have one. After having the child the girl would feel intense pleasure and happiness and this would override the pain and regret she would feel is she had had the abortion. The richness f not having the abortion would be that the girl would feel the joys of being a mother and the extent of having the child would be the baby’s life would be, bringing pleasure and happiness to family and friends. To conclude, religions such as Christianity and Islam are strongly against abortion on the grounds of abortion is a way of ‘playing God’. Also a rule utilitarian would be strongly against abortion as abortion does not follow the general rule that killing a life is murder. Bentham’s utilitarianism would be also reject abortion when applied to his Hedonic Calculus, as more pleasure would come from having the baby than killing it. Abortion. (2017, Jan 25).
Tuesday, August 13, 2019
Keeping the Air Flair Virgin Blue Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
Keeping the Air Flair Virgin Blue - Essay Example The various value additions to the core competencies of the airlines facilitate better response and provide the firm with necessary differentiating elements to gain leverage against the new entrants and other competitors. The businesses across the regions have become highly competitive because the technology and rapid globalization have significantly altered the dynamics of business across the globe. Strategic marketing plans have become the crucial part of promoting products and services of an organization because they involve development and execution of goal oriented procedures to deliver value to the customers. Hence, to maintain competitive advantage, Virgin Blue Airlines needs to identify and analyze factors so as to meet the challenges of fast changing business environment. Virgin Blue airline is one of the leading airlines that are facing stiff competition from other low-cost airlines. In the cutthroat environment of competitive business, the company needs to evolve the innovative business strategy to gain leverage over its competitors. The company has adopted creative communication strategy to promote the changes. The price war amongst the various airlines has significantly impacted the performance outcome of Virgin Blue. It also faces challenges from the rising cost due to inflationary trend and competition from new entrants in the industry. Thus, the highly competitive environment of global business has forced the Virgin to evolve new business strategies. The company has adopted more aggressive communication strategy to promote its strategic goals and value added product and services. Virgin blue has realized the futility of entering into the price war and instead decided to change its business strategy to maintain its market position. It has adopted best-cost strategy that encompasses competitive pricing with distinct differentiating elements which would make it attractive to the customers. In a fiercely competitive business environment whe n the global economy is under tremendous pressure.
Monday, August 12, 2019
Logistics and Transportation as a Category within a Category Essay
Logistics and Transportation as a Category within a Category - Essay Example This essay discusses that Category Management is a retailing and supply management process of managing categories as SBU (strategic business unit) produces better business results, with emphasis on delivering consumer value. In Category management, has to be given priority the retailer and the supplier work together to achieve certain targets that are mutually beneficial. Working together offers comparatively better opportunities, as it endless sharing of resources and insight. Category management usually focuses on using key methods such as range assortment, allocation and flow, inventory levels, shelf space, promotion, merchandising and pricing. Category management can be defined as a marketing strategy where a full set of products, excluding individual products or brands, is managed as an SBU. It focuses on the entire product category, by which a marketing manager can easily understand market trends and preferential tastes of the customers. Another definition of category managemen t is it is that, a strategic management of product groups through business partnership. It aims to maximize profit and sales, by satisfying consumers and shoppers. â€Å"This mutual understanding lays a solid foundation for category management†. The two key elements of Category management are †¢ To provide the consumer and the shopper with what they need, in relation to place and time. †¢ To categorise products in order to reflect consumers’ needs based on how the product is used, purchased or consumed. It is a long term continual business philosophy, normally approached through a series of short term projects, involving sharing of information and close working relationships by suppliers and retailers. A supplier uses the expertise available, the knowledge about the shopper, the consumer, and their needs and behavior. The retailer uses the expertise of the customers, their purchasing behavior and the way they purchase. The concept category management originated in North America in 1980. It introduced changes in the traditional relationship of the supplier and the retailer to a more collaborative extent. In 1992, category management began to gain a momentum through AC Neilson, who started publishing information to several supply chain associations and suppliers. This won a lot of recognition across Europe, UK and Canada. The standard model for a category management is an 8- step process. Developed by the parent group, they Define the category Assess the role of the category within the e retailer Assess the performance of the category Set objectives and targets Engage in Category strategies Perform Category tactics Involve in Plan implementation. Review and evaluate. In category definition steps, the job is to determine the product which constitutes a category and its segmentation. In category role, the definition of the purpose of the category is in relation with retailers’ portfolio. The analysis of various category performances is carried out in the third step and set targets and objectives in the next step. The fifth step defines marketing and in store service strategy for the category. In category, there are tactics sessions determining optimal products, promotions, placement, pricing and supply methods. In plan implementation stage, making a written plan ensures this tactics to achieve strategies, to fit the role and meet the scorecard. In category review, the purpose is to monitor measure and modify the progress of the categories. The 8-step pro cess is criticized for being bulky and time consuming. Nielson process is a 5-step process. It pinpoints Reviewing the category Targeting consumers Merchandise planning Implementing the
Sunday, August 11, 2019
Homelesssness in uk Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Homelesssness in uk - Essay Example Thus, the given paper will provide the analysis of the causes of homelessness and the current situation in the UK. The laws of the United Kingdom put homeless people in very difficult situation. Due to the fact that since 1990s, housing policy in the UK has been a devolved matter, thus, homeless has not receive According to the research, millions of people are ‘hidden homeless’. This term can be applied to the families, which have to live with relatives or other families, because they have no money to pay for their separate residence, and ‘sofa surfers’ who had to spend night in their friends’ apartment. In 2013 the number of such amounted to 2,414 –37% more than in 2010. However, not all the cases are included in statistics and the real number of â€Å"sofa surfers†can be much higher (Patrick Butler 2015) Investigations show that the issue is becoming more and more complicated, thus it needs urgent resolution. The measures should be taken in practice and pure theoretical research is not enough. Homelessness occurs because of person’s life circumstances and the conditions created by the government. The reforms directed on the standard of level increase are the best way out (Patrick Butler 2015). Recent reforms such as benefits cuts contributed to the growth of number of homeless. 2. Structural reasons Structural consequences of homelessness affect the economy of the state and the standard of living in the society, moreover, they are very difficult to be monitored. The growth of unemployment rate and poverty are the main causes of homelessness The majority of homeless people do not consider themselves guilty in being homeless. They accuse their relatives, spouses, friends or other circumstances. The homeless consider welfare reforms to be the best way to struggle with the problem. Homelessness prevents people from living normal life. They appear to be isolated from the society, because they are homeless. Very often they remain uneducated, have
Saturday, August 10, 2019
Constitutional Law Master Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Constitutional Law Master - Essay Example There is no technical difference between ordinary statutes and law considered "constitutional law." Therefore the Parliament of the United Kingdom can perform "constitutional reform" simply by passing Acts of Parliament and thus has the power to change any written or unwritten element of the constitution. The constitution is based on the concept of all sovereignty ultimately belonging to Parliament (Parliamentary sovereignty), so the concept of entrenchment cannot exist. The lack of a central written constitutional document explaining the fundamental principles of the state and relationship between its institutions and between the people leads some constitutionalists to regard the United Kingdom as having "no (formal) constitution." The phrase "unwritten constitution" is sometimes used, despite the fact that the UK constitution incorporates many written sources, statutory law being considered the most important source of the constitution. But the case remains that the constitution re lies far more on unwritten constitutional conventions than virtually every other liberal democratic constitution. Conventions as a source of constitutional rules have been widely acknowledged. Regardless of whether a country possesses an unwritten1 or a written constitution, constitutional conventions usually play an important role in regulating constitutional relationships among different branches of government. A common definition of constitutional conventions is: "By convention is meant a binding rule, a rule of behaviour accepted as obligatory by those concerned in the working of the constitution."2 Law and constitutional conventions are closely related. Constitutional conventions presuppose the existence of a legal framework, and do not exist in a legal vacuum. For example, in the UK, the constitutional conventions of forming a Cabinet presuppose the laws relating to the Queen's royal prerogative, the office and powers of Ministers, and the composition of Parliament.3 A difference between law and constitutional conventions is that laws are enforceable by the courts, but constitutional conv entions are not enforced by the courts. If there is a conflict between constitutional conventions and law, the courts must enforce the law. In some countries, such as the United Kingdom (UK) and Canada, the courts acknowledge the existence of constitutional conventions as aids to judicial interpretation.4 Academics consider that such acknowledgement may at 1times appear to be similar to enforcement.5 The constitution ... is seen to consist of two different parts; the one is made up of understandings, customs, or conventions which, not being enforced by the courts, are in no true sense of the word laws; the other part is made up of rules which are enforced by the courts, and which, whether personified in statutes or not, are laws in the strictest sense of the term, and make up the true law of the constitution. This law of the constitution is, as we have further found, in spite of all appearances to the contrary, the true foundation on which English polity rests, and it gives in truth even to the conventional element of the constitutional law such force as it really possesses. First, as constitutional conventions can easily be adapted to new circumstances arising, they are therefore frequently used as a means of bringing about constitutional development, provided that those constitutional co
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